One hell of a story!!! Wtf is going on?!? Experts!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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Alright. I've known this girl for four years now. She was 16 years old and I was 23 years old . I was friends with her sister. Instantly this girl mesmerized me the first time I met her when I went over their house. I kept it cool. Never showed how I really feel. I felt she was too young. I didn't want to play with fire so to speak.

Three years later. I swear she should be in jail for driving a lot of guys mad. She's 20 years old now and is just absolutely gorgeous from head to toe. She's had a few boyfriends within those time frame all which are still madly crazy about her. She refers to them only as friends though her facebook updates told a different story.

Anyways since we met we instantly became friends. We would go out and hang out and eventually she would get dissappointed everytime that I didn't make a move. Next thing you know she would be in a relationship and I'd stop hearing anything from her. The relationship wouldn't last and the next thing you know we're constantly hanging out again. Keep in mind that nothing sexual is happening. This happened at least four different times. I know what you're thinking...she's using me. Believe me I had no other explanation but that.

Finally I heard she was single and here she comes again. Texting and calling me. Always wanting to hang out. Obviously she's using me to forget her ex boyfriends right? Of course that's what I thought. What other explanations are there?

Thanks to sosuave, the dj bible, pook and everyone else my main focus was my life and how to unleash the man that I have always been. So no I'm way above afc but not quite don Juan yet.

Anyways fast forward later we start hanging out again. This time I wasn't going to let the opportunity go. I start holding her hands. After four years that sh!t would make any living thing feel awkward. Fvck it. I was tired of being just a friend and not knowing what could have been.

To make the long story short. Within one month I was able to fvck her behind her car. Of course there were lots of making out, tits sucking prior to that. The kicker is she said she only sees me as a friend. Waaah?!?

Okay so I'm thinking wtf?!? This girl is a fvcking pandora box. Confusing as a motherfvcker. Or maybe I'm the confused one.

She said she only sees me as a friend and nothing more. She said I was a nice guy so you know that sh!t hurts like hell. But of course because of this site I knew better than that. This site made me a rare kind of breed because most guys today are chump like no other. Anyone who knows about the dj bible is just far far ahead.

To make it short I handled myself like a man and we still hang out and when we do I would grab her, kiss her while telling me friends are not supposed to do that and telling me how bad I am at the same time.

Now this is where I can get a little help. I'm 27 years old and she's 20 years old. Her age alone is already a red flag for anybody but I'm starting to catch a feeling for this girl. I have a feeling she does as well as she tweeted "it's hard to be only just friends with someone you fell in love with." She has tons of guys after her so it could be anybody but that would be too much of a coincidence.

Anywho I'm stuck with what to do. This site insists not to show how you feel or whatever confusing sh!t. Not to ask for exclusivity but at the end of the day it's my job as a man to push this thing forward I feel. I sure heck don't expect her to be asking where this is going as there are guys who are always lined up though I feel she's waiting for me to make it exclusive.

But what's throwing me off is that she's telling me to find a different girl and that I don't deserve her. That she sees me only as a friend. But I swear to god her actions are telling a different story. She even told me that she doesn't want to commit with me but she's afraid to lose me so I deserve someone better. Sounds like a friendzone kinda thing but man. Why is she telling me she gets jealous of other girls getting close to me but yet tells me to find a girl to make me happy. Huh?!?

Today she was non stop about telling me how her aunt is offering her guys she knows who are super rich. Guys that are after her telling her how they feel. I can feel she's making me jealous but why?

Honestly my heart wants to explode but I'm a little different now as I love myself and women are second to my dreams so I'm able to control myself.

But I have to be honest I don't know where to go from here. I need to hear some words of wisdom from my fellow djs.

Do you guys think she's just waiting for me to make her mine as most girls are afraid of rejections more than anything. I have never met a girl this confusing. Only thing I can say is if you like the girl like Pook said a friend she sees a friend you'll always be. Be a little aggressive right from the get go.

Obviously I'm more than ready to put everything on the line. Either it's us or I'll forget she ever existed as I know I can't keep her as a fbuddy no matter how hot she is. My heart and mind can't take the fact that she's banging other dudes anymore.

I guess I just want to know what you guys think about my situation


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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Btw she even said she has a crush on a guy she's known for four years now. And how amazing it is that she still has a crush on him but that it's hard to be with him because he slept with two of her friends already.

I swear that description fits me perfectly but then there's this model looking guy who she knows for a while too that just recently told her and her sister that he likes her since day one.

I swear if I'm getting all this wrong and he's the one she's talking about and I end up being her bestfvckingfriend again I would jump off the bridge without hesitation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Not to ask for exclusivity but at the end of the day it's my job as a man to push this thing forward I feel.

Its not your job to push it towards exclusivity. Its your job to lead the sexual interactions.

But I swear to god her actions are telling a different story.

Women 101. Her actions > Her words

Honestly my heart wants to explode


Do you guys think she's just waiting for me to make her mine as most girls are afraid of rejections more than anything. I have never met a girl this confusing.

No...women are not confusing. Men confuse themselves. Screw the specifics of your all comes down to one thing.......attraction. My two cents are your clearly obsessed with this girl, and she no doubt knows.

Obsessing over 1 girl = unattractive
Hooking up with a girl....and owning life + seeing other women = attractive.

Your story sounds like the same old chumpy sob story. Guy likes girl. Girl likes guy ENOUGH to hookup. Guy becomes obsessed. Girl pulls away from his needy behavior. Guy pushes in an attempt to "become exclusive" because he feels her slipping away. Girl eventually leaves guy in the dust for an alpha d1ck. You need to quit your gay behavior and treat this girl like any other. Thats why she wont become exclusive with you, because she knows she can have you at any time. She needs to feel she can lose you to another girl, in order for her to desire exclusivity from you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
The exception...

For four years she couldn't have me. Up until this point she doesn't even know if I like her or not.

She says she has a crush on a guy she's known for four years but she feels bad that he never went for her and instead chose her two friends.

I can't say I'm obsessed about her. I'm just at the point where pus$y is not the main reason I wake up in the morning anymore. She's a keeper in my eyes but of course if it doesn't work out what other choice do I have but to move on.

I guess I'm just worried myself because of all the things that to me are red flags. I feel like I'm playing with fire and I'm soon to get burn hard. I guess I'm scared of competition and I have major work on my inner game.

Today she asked me if I was happy with what we're doing. If I was content or I wanted to take it to another level. I managed to change the subject because of all the confusing sh!t she threw at me in the begginning. Now I'm thinking I should have talked about it with her to clear things up. But then again I thought to myself action speak louder than words. Ugh!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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Are you still fking her? If so no need to fk it up by spilling your emotions all over her. Getting in an exclusive relationship with a woman this young is a waste of time especially in the way youre trying to do it. Stop letting her beauty turn you into a pvssy. With almost 600 posts you should know better than this.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
I know but it's hard! I know she will let that dude hit it. And I mean hard. Ugh! It was better when I didn't care so much.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
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Los Angeles
lol dont let the pussssy and her looks get to you man. thats all theres too it. act like you dont care if some other dude hits it. be indiferent at times.. you need to control the fram brah dont loose the composure of it. your emotions are getting the best of you now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
I know but trust me she doesn't know that I'm going crazy inside. Thanks to pook I'm no longer desperate. I am the prize.

We were driving home earlier and her ex called. She said it was annoying that he still calls and that she always say no but sometimes they hang out. The funny thing is I know what that hanging out means because we also hang out.

Damn! When does the game stop?

It's just crazy how she's trying very hard to make me jealous as in forcing me to make a move from all the pain.

When I don't pick up her calls she'd message me with a sad face with at least 5 missed calls within 8 hours.

Sosuave really taught me a whole lot but the main thing is that to be a man. Be a real man and chicks love it.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
vagrant said:
I know but trust me she doesn't know that I'm going crazy inside. Thanks to pook I'm no longer desperate. I am the prize.

We were driving home earlier and her ex called. She said it was annoying that he still calls and that she always say no but sometimes they hang out. The funny thing is I know what that hanging out means because we also hang out.

Damn! When does the game stop?

It's just crazy how she's trying very hard to make me jealous as in forcing me to make a move from all the pain.

When I don't pick up her calls she'd message me with a sad face with at least 5 missed calls within 8 hours.

Sosuave really taught me a whole lot but the main thing is that to be a man. Be a real man and chicks love it.
if there is one thing females can do to pure perfection it is read a persons thoughts and feelings on a subject or somehow sense something. you say she doesnt know you are obbessed but if she is like any other female on this planet she knows. she just knows. Pook explains it well women communicate via feelings and emotion than anything else and you feel strongly for her. she no doubt knows. another way of putting this is why no man can successfully be in a LTR and cheat without getting caught. women simply know. i suspect this is because they value eye contact so much.

here is the proof of what eye contact really does. stare silently into someones eyes for 5 minutes. if you really want to have fun do it for 10-20 minutes. i know i did this in a class once and the entire class was spilling secrets about each other within minutes. i guarantee you will learn just about all you need to know about that person. their soul will reflect back as will yours. if women value eye contact as much as Pook claims she has long since read your desire.

this blossoms when they become a mother and develop mothers intuition at which point it becomes even more perfect.

i am not saying its bad to want her exclusively but i am saying you are kidding yourself if you think she doesnt know you want her exclusively. at this point there is not much left to do other than come right out with it. not to mention men are noticably easier to read. we don't go through near the amount of crazy BS when we communicate very often we say literally what we mean(unless we are lying) and our actions follow up on there(again unless we lying). given the female creature reads people quite well and men are very much straight forward in our communication we really aren't going to get away with lying near as much as we would like or concealing things unless our words and actions are secretive. but yours arent as you want this girl and she knows it.


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
OP: She's giving you the instructions herself. Spin more plates. Make it more casual. She doesn't want to commit so you must be even further from it otherwise you are the needy one.

I guess Pook would tell you you put her on an altar. ;)


Nov 4, 2010
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Dom1noe said:
OP: She's giving you the instructions herself. Spin more plates. Make it more casual. She doesn't want to commit so you must be even further from it otherwise you are the needy one.

I guess Pook would tell you you put her on an altar. ;)
this girl is the real DJ here. then again she has sooo many options and loks, she really doesnt have to try.
you need to stop investing anymore in here. she knows what power she weilds and is doing you a favour by alerting you to the fact she is no way going to settle with any one guy. the closer you get, the longer you stay, will make the real fvcking you will eventually get, a nightmare, the current turmoil is nothing in comparison

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Young hot women get offered dyck every minute of every day. You've gotta be a special kind of DJ to lock them down.
Your actions (ie cool things you take her to do, fvcking her like a porn star, acting indifferent, flirting with other women, portraying an image of a man with his shyt together, a man with options) are what drive women to want to lock you down in an exclusive deal.
If she's still playing hard to get and sending you mixed signals, it means she doesn't see you as her best option.
Either up your game or just accept that she's a temporary fling and nothing more.
Young chicks are so fvcking flakey, I wouldn't waste my time getting serious with one again. They will drive you insane and just do whatever the hell they want with no thought of the consequences.
Tread carefully. Many here have fallen under the spell of young hot snatch and learnt the hard way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Oh wow you guys are absolutely right. I may never get married and have kids and all that. This girl is a player. I just found out tonight.

She left her phone in my car so I told her to come get it after work. We did all the crazy things in her car and she was more open today and we started talking.

She told me that she's a player. But I was different because she cares for me as I'm almost family to her but she wasn't going to settle down at her age. With other guys she doesn't care at all. I can only imagine how many guys she fvcked. She's bad. Her term of hanging out is something else. She likes to stay single because she doesn't like to cheat.

She is the absolute dj. She puts pook to shame in terms of pick up. My heart is not broken to pieces. More like it's gone. It's numb. It's a crazy feeling. I can't believe how right you guys are and how much I really don't know.

Are all girls like this? ****! Damn I'm speechless. I've never met a girl like this. She's definitely a fvck buddy now but damn it hurts to know that when you see her with a guy you know she's fvcking him.

I'm absolutely stun. She doesn't have any feelings for me at all. Wow.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
I feel like I'm going to throw up!


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
That's what she said. See we're very close. She told me this is what her generation is like. I'm really feeling sick. Bad.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
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Look, you can only win here. Go flirt with other girls , do your thing and sometimes bang her when she want's . What's so bad in this? You will only hurt yourself thinking about how twisted she is , who cares?



Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
You are a slave to your feelings. Learn to control yourself. You imagine that you are incomplete without her but really you are complete now.

If you want the true key, read Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now (I found the audiobook on the Internet). This book will show you how to see feelings for what they truly are. You will open your eyes to reality.

But in this specific situation, I don't see why you care so much. Keep having sex. IGNORE EVERYTHING SHE PUTS ON THE INTERNET. It was those stupid tweets about her being "in love" with you that she probably only posted to make some other guy jealous. It doesn't matter what she says on the Internet, only real life. And in real life she wants sex and nothing more. Accept it. Move on. Be happy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
I actually plan on getting a hotel tomorrow so I can see her from the back since we always do it in the car. Fvck this world! Sh!ts so lonely. Can't see the point of getting married, having kids, starting a family.

I guess the one isn't going to be easy to find. I thought it was her. I absolutely did. I was way way way wrong.

I'm hurt because I wanted her to be the one because she was super cool but damn. She got hurt bad in the past and now she's a player. What a waste.

It hurts to know that all she has to do is tell the guys to come over and then done.

Why do I hurt so bad? Fvvvvvvck!


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
I was never a player. Now I feel like I will be for the rest of my life. How do I take these girls seriously now? I guess this is the first step to becoming a real don juan because now I feel like I don't need girls and that they have to prove themselves to me if they want a relationship with me.