On Turning 43


Oct 20, 2006
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In less than a week I'll be 43. While it's not traditionally considered a big milestone, it is 18 + 25, meaning a whole generation of adulthood (and my 25 year high school reunion). I've found my outlook changing and feel as though I'm about to spontaneously mature by 2 or 3 decades.

Truth be told, I'm having my best years now. I've never been stronger physically (minus some occasional back pain), I've never earned more per hour at my job, and I've never had an easier time seducing hot women. While my sex drive is definitely not what it used to be, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's now in perfect balance with what I can achieve. Instead of wanting it 10 times more than I can get it (which was not that often in my 20's), these days I only want it as much as I can get it (which is much more often now). The two sort of met half way.

The main indication of your improvement is when women come out of the blue to offer compliments. For example, last night at a bar in Silicon Valley a hot 23 year old girl who I hadn't even noticed approached me at the pool table and said "I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you dress and the way you carry yourself, and that you are very handsome". I just said "Thank you" and changed the subject to be about her. I asked her name and got her talking about herself. It turned out we had a lot in common and she left the club with me 2 hours later.

While the popular opinion is that a man in his 20's is much preferable to one in his 40's, the truth is that 20 years ago I would have been gawking at that girl and then went home to sleep in my room (at my mom's house) and masturbated instead.

Through the slow, long-term improvements you make in your career, earning potential, health, and experience with women, your outer demeanor will slowly evolve. You can become the person we want to be but it won't happen overnight. When you do, people will take notice. More importantly, once you achieve some of your goals you can relax a little as there will be nothing left to prove.

Remember that the worst things that happen in your life will ultimately be what tests and builds your character. In a way, the more hardships you endure the better off you'll be (that which does not kill you makes you stronger).

While I'm sure that glory days will pass me by, the truth is I've been thinking that since age 27, so I hope this thread gives people who are younger but feeling older hope. I'm curious to hear from members older than myself on whether I'm just the Coyote who has gone over the cliff but just hasn't fallen yet, or whether it might even get better from here. And to the younger members: whatever you do, never limit yourself based on your age, and let women decide whether you are too old. You are always younger than you think.

Finally, remember that unless you are independently wealthy, (Wife + Kids + House) = (Slavery or Jail).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2013
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bigneil said:
In less than a week I'll be 43. While it's not traditionally considered a big milestone, it is 18 + 25, meaning a whole generation of adulthood (and my 25 year high school reunion). I've found my outlook changing and feel as though I'm about to spontaneously mature by 2 or 3 decades.

Truth be told, I'm having my best years now. I've never been stronger physically (minus some occasional back pain), I've never earned more per hour at my job, and I've never had an easier time seducing hot women. While my sex drive is definitely not what it used to be, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's now in perfect balance with what I can achieve. Instead of wanting it 10 times more than I can get it (which was not that often in my 20's), these days I only want it as much as I can get it (which is much more often now). The two sort of met half way.

The main indication of your improvement is when women come out of the blue to offer compliments. For example, last night at a bar in Silicon Valley a hot 23 year old girl who I hadn't even noticed approached me at the pool table and said "I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you dress and the way you carry yourself, and that you are very handsome". I just said "Thank you" and changed the subject to be about her. I asked her name and got her talking about herself. It turned out we had a lot in common and she left the club with me 2 hours later.

While the popular opinion is that a man in his 20's is much preferable to one in his 40's, the truth is that 20 years ago I would have been gawking at that girl and then went home to sleep in my room (at my mom's house) and masturbated instead.

Through the slow, long-term improvements you make in your career, earning potential, health, and experience with women, your outer demeanor will slowly evolve. You can become the person we want to be but it won't happen overnight. When you do, people will take notice. More importantly, once you achieve some of your goals you can relax a little as there will be nothing left to prove.

Remember that the worst things that happen in your life will ultimately be what tests and builds your character. In a way, the more hardships you endure the better off you'll be (that which does not kill you makes you stronger).

While I'm sure that glory days will pass me by, the truth is I've been thinking that since age 27, so I hope this thread gives people who are younger but feeling older hope. I'm curious to hear from members older than myself on whether I'm just the Coyote who has gone over the cliff but just hasn't fallen yet, or whether it might even get better from here. And to the younger members: whatever you do, never limit yourself based on your age, and let women decide whether you are too old. You are always younger than you think.

Finally, remember that unless you are independently wealthy, (Wife + Kids + House) = (Slavery or Jail).

Great post neil, I'm a long way away from yourself in age (19 myself) but it's given me pause for thought on your post as I think I've been finding myself wanting results overnight and pressuring myself to change since coming across SoSuave.
However your post clearly outlines your changes as you got older and how you've evolved which intrigues me to what my own future holds in that regard and rather than pushing for the changes suddenly I should be open to them but live my life in the meantime. Would you agree with this?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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bigneil said:
In less than a week I'll be 43. While it's not traditionally considered a big milestone, it is 18 + 25, meaning a whole generation of adulthood (and my 25 year high school reunion). I've found my outlook changing and feel as though I'm about to spontaneously mature by 2 or 3 decades.

Truth be told, I'm having my best years now. I've never been stronger physically (minus some occasional back pain), I've never earned more per hour at my job, and I've never had an easier time seducing hot women. While my sex drive is definitely not what it used to be, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's now in perfect balance with what I can achieve. Instead of wanting it 10 times more than I can get it (which was not that often in my 20's), these days I only want it as much as I can get it (which is much more often now). The two sort of met half way.

The main indication of your improvement is when women come out of the blue to offer compliments. For example, last night at a bar in Silicon Valley a hot 23 year old girl who I hadn't even noticed approached me at the pool table and said "I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you dress and the way you carry yourself, and that you are very handsome". I just said "Thank you" and changed the subject to be about her. I asked her name and got her talking about herself. It turned out we had a lot in common and she left the club with me 2 hours later.

While the popular opinion is that a man in his 20's is much preferable to one in his 40's, the truth is that 20 years ago I would have been gawking at that girl and then went home to sleep in my room (at my mom's house) and masturbated instead.

Through the slow, long-term improvements you make in your career, earning potential, health, and experience with women, your outer demeanor will slowly evolve. You can become the person we want to be but it won't happen overnight. When you do, people will take notice. More importantly, once you achieve some of your goals you can relax a little as there will be nothing left to prove.

Remember that the worst things that happen in your life will ultimately be what tests and builds your character. In a way, the more hardships you endure the better off you'll be (that which does not kill you makes you stronger).

While I'm sure that glory days will pass me by, the truth is I've been thinking that since age 27, so I hope this thread gives people who are younger but feeling older hope. I'm curious to hear from members older than myself on whether I'm just the Coyote who has gone over the cliff but just hasn't fallen yet, or whether it might even get better from here. And to the younger members: whatever you do, never limit yourself based on your age, and let women decide whether you are too old. You are always younger than you think.

Finally, remember that unless you are independently wealthy, (Wife + Kids + House) = (Slavery or Jail).
Why were in the Silicon Valley area? Rose and I were just there for a week over the July 4 holiday. San Fran, SV, Foster City, etc. Loved the area, and the weather.

As for what else you said, I agree.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Neil, I'm always a fan of your posts, but I wanted to thank you for this one in particular.

Impatience might be my biggest flaw. I always want results right away. I found that using this year to focus on personal development and get into a routine at the gym has helped, because I've started to see results in both areas and they obviously didn't come overnight.

But reading your story is inspiring and makes me feel even more comfortable with allowing things to take as long as they're going to take.

Also, I am a young dude (29) who already feels old - so you definitely helped to shake off some dread I have about my impending fourth decade.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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bigneil said:
last night at a bar in Silicon Valley a hot 23 year old girl who I hadn't even noticed approached me at the pool table and said "I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you dress and the way you carry yourself, and that you are very handsome".
Translation: "Hey, you're tall".

Anyway, when I was 43 I definitely strongly felt that my age was an advantage. Age is something that sets you apart, it makes you different from all the other younger immature douchebags she sees on a regular basis.
And it seems like most older guys don't think a younger girl would be interested in them (even on this forum guys have difficulty with this concept), so you can have this game to yourself practically.

Girls will tell you that they would never date an older man, but file that under "never listen to what a woman says about what attracts her". What girl hasn't had a crush on an older teacher? An older, distinguished man can easily slide into this kind of role.


Oct 20, 2006
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@Dan08, 19-22 are the toughest years for dating IMO (for men, women the opposite), but you'll make guy friends for life. Start eating right now, and do what you love for a career.

@Cordon, I started a new contract job here in Silicon Valley, commuting from TX as with the NYC job. It's 4-1 guys but straight, single, white men are rare here or something.

@TheCWord, You're welcome. 29 is your physical prime. You can date all women of child bearing age! But it gets better. Don't let anyone say 30 is old. For women it the equivalent of a man at 40 in terms of remaining child bearing years, but even they are in their sexual prime.

@Zekko, Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Once you think you're "old", "done", and "can't do that anymore", then you're old, done and you can't do that anymore!

It's all a state of mind.