Have any of you guys tried to convert a female friend to a romance by simply treating her like a girlfriend? Flirting a lot, grabbing her hand while walking, asking her to the movies, that sort of thing? Maybe without coming out and saying you like her.
When I think about it, I've met lots of couples who were first friends before they hooked up on the romantic tip, so I know it can't be as impossible as a lot of people think. There's got to be a way to go about it. You see, I haven't truly liked a girl in quite a long time, I'm talking like 4-5 years since I've met a girl I was truly intriqued with and wanted to be with more than anything in the world. It's a rare occassion when I meet a girl I really like deep down. I know one such girl now, but I've known her for a very long time(though I only started developing strong feelings for her in the last year) and I'm stuck deep in the friends zone unfortunately.
When I think about it, I've met lots of couples who were first friends before they hooked up on the romantic tip, so I know it can't be as impossible as a lot of people think. There's got to be a way to go about it. You see, I haven't truly liked a girl in quite a long time, I'm talking like 4-5 years since I've met a girl I was truly intriqued with and wanted to be with more than anything in the world. It's a rare occassion when I meet a girl I really like deep down. I know one such girl now, but I've known her for a very long time(though I only started developing strong feelings for her in the last year) and I'm stuck deep in the friends zone unfortunately.