OMFG, this probably shouldn't make me happy ;)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
P-Town 503
'Sup, fellas?

I haven't checked in for a bit, been super damn busy with changing jobs, moving, and general life.

Soooooooo, some of you remember that girl that brought me here more than a year ago. Your classic LTR gone bad, she made some mistakes, as did I, she broke up with me, I was busted up, she was having fun without me, blah, blah, blah.

Some of you smacked me in the face until I finally saw the light. I got out of there, got a better job, got confident and started meeting girls left, right, and center. She got wind of my newfound happiness and started calling, showing up, etc. We sort of tried to work it out against my better judgment, it didn't work (big shock, huh?), so a few months later, we split again.

'Nuff said.


The other day, she calls me up and starts asking me questions about my life: "How are things with you?", "Are you dating?", etc, etc.

I took the bait. Purposely.

She told me she's been dating this guy a few times, hasn't given him any play, and told me she'd make him wait SIX MONTHS before they had sex. SIX F*CKING MONTHS!!

(On a sidenote, this is what she's done with every guy but me [all 3 of them]...lucky me, I hit that in less than 36 hours, but I'm an exception to the much of an AFC as I've been in the past, I can get damn laid when I want to.)

Enough of tooting my own horn (no jokes, perv).

She starts complaining to me about how boring he is. She says they hardly talk unless she initiates the conversation, and that he has no social life outside of work. I know the dude, or know of him, at least. Then she informs me that she never had a dull moment with me and that she misses that (Hmmm).

I think the only reason she's dating him is because I asked her back when we were together (like 2.5 years ago) something about him being good looking to her. I was a serious AFC back then, and frankly, the guy kind of intimidated me because he's more built than me, taller, etc. So I'm pretty sure she's trying to get under my skin, which, sadly for her, will not happen.

The whole point of this thread is to tell you great people at SoSuave how nice it is to see my ex be miserable. All her friends (some mutual), tell me how she's not the same, barely wants to hang out, etc.

But the weird part is, I'm f*cking loving it. She made me so miserable for so long that it's funny to see her on ice ;)

God, I'm a sick f*ck.

Anyway, just thought I'd share ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
Someone elses misery makes you feel better?

Be careful with this formula. Don't let it dominate your life.

Sometimes you just have to turn your back and move on.

She's admitting that she made mistakes but those mistakes obviously hurt your feelings, otherwise you would not get pleasure from her remorse.

Try and move past her emotional drama. Address your emotional issues and move on.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
I actually think it is not too bad you feel this way. You are only human. You are not perfect. You are not Jesus who can forgive anyone for hurting you right away. This is an imperfection which is healthy.

She has hurt you badly in the past (in your first serious AFC moments) and now that you have seen the DJ way, you have bitterness/resentment towards your old self. You are mad at yourself for letting yourself get hurt like that back then and she was the weapon you hurt yourself with. It is only natural to have some form of anger towards this weapon and seek vindication. In this case that vindication is seeing her suffer.

You're not laughing at a bunch of starving Ethiopians, you're laughing at a girl that played you and took advantage of you during your AFC moments. Put this in perspective.

Again, this doesn't make you the devil. It only makes you human.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten
remember karma?
lol, that reminds me of annoying ad on tv here at the moment.

'karma, karma, karma the vengeful elephant!" ... at least that's what I think it says anyway. I don't really pay attention, but that jig or whatever is so annoying lol


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
In your head
Karma has nothing to do with it.

He's just naturally feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing that the girl who rejected him is realising what a catch he was.

It's good to be on the other end of the stick. Enjoy.
