This was my question to all on the previous topic we were discussing. Charles Poliquin said to take what 30 or 40g of fish oil, and that's all he said.Throttle said:cold-water fish have the most omega-3 in the edible (non-organ) parts b/c they have a significant fat layer as insulation from the the cold. other fish store a significant part of their reserves in their liver (hence the popularity of cod liver oil). however, all fish have omega 3 fats in them, just in smaller quantities.
I asked people what was wrong with his statement, and what was wrong with it, is that every fish is NOT the same in its content of Omega 3. This is why you cant suggest taking that much as a whole. That doesn't do anyone any good.
I'm not sure how many caught what I was trying to say, but that was it.
Kind of like saying take 30g of protein per day. Every protein is different, and the amino structure is different, and they all have their own place in what they do. Taking 30g of soy protein is not the same as taking 30g of whey.
Same with the fish.
And this is why I figured Charles would have been more careful, and stated the fish fact when he spoke of it on T-Nation. Telling someone to take that much doesn't help anyone. Its like someone eating rice all day long to get 100g of protein in. :nervous: