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Olympic Squats vs. Powerlifting Squats


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
Your probably wondering which squat will give you the most benefit for the least amount of time.

I believe ALL beginners should learn how to deep squat because it requires flexibility, strength and balance that all human beings should possess. If you couldnt squat as a caveman/cavewoman you couldn't go to the bathroom.

Most guys on this forum are going for strength and are probably wondering what will give them the best results to go from 300 to 400 and beyond in the shortest amount of time.

Exclusively deep squatting creates a longer distance for the bar to travel and puts the lifter at more of a mechanical disadvantage because the legs are in a more closed position forcing the lifter to rely mostly on the hips bouncing out of the hole and minimal assistance of the legs.

This is why you see many deep squatters buckling their knees together when trying to lift max weight. They are trying to recruit their legs to help assist the rest of their body in moving the weight.

Exclusively doing powerlifter squats puts you in the sturdiest position possible (think of a pyramid with a wide base) when moving weight and the ROM (range of motion) is shorter.

Powerlifting Squats keeps constant tension on hips/glutes and legs and allows the lifter to utilize more muscle groups (legs, abductors and glutes)in a sturdier position and to a greater degree to lift the weight.

Usually a failed attempt at a powerlifting squat just means dropping the bar or just coming straight down but you normally wouldnt see powerlifters compensating the movement trying to recruit more muscles at a better leverage to lift the weight, meaning buckling knees are rarely if ever an issue.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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If high bar squatters go only half deep like low bar squatters, they could also move more weights. In fact, it is one way of training (using safety rails in the power rack at different positions) to build up to a full heavy squat. A junior strength coach I know quarter-squats 390kg and half-squats 320kg to build up to a full 220kg OL squat.

Other than that, I'll repost what Glenn Pendlay said on this topic:


So much has been said here, but I have a couple of observations that (I think) havnt been made...

1) There is the assumption that high bar squats, done very deep, do not work the posterior chain. I would propose that they do, and the difference between high bar and low bar and the posterior chain is not as large as some would assume it is.

When I converted from PL to OL, I converted from low bar, powerlifting type squats (medium stance) to closer stance high bar squats with a fairly upright torso, although I dont think my torso was ever as upright as some coaches would prefer. I remember my lower back and glutes being very sore over the first couple of workouts, these workouts were with weights around 365lbs to 405lbs. For comparison, my last heavy low bar back squat set done before this was 730lbs for a set of 3, to be fair this was with suit and wraps. I still remember that set, done in the left hand squat rack in the back of Rip's old gym, because it was supposed to be a set of 5, and I lost my balance and dumped it on the pins on the 4th rep.

My observations at the time were that the longer lever arm created by putting the bar higher on the back was overriding the decreased angle of the back, and making it even harder for my lumbar muscles to maintan a tight back and for my hip extensors to extend the hip. I am not trying to say that HB squats work the posterior chain more than LB squats, I do not personally believe this, I am just making the point that the differences are not as clear cut as some are making them.

2) As I see it, the heart of this argument is really about the carry-over of LB and HB squats to other things, specifically OL. Here are a few general observations about carry-over.

When I was a good LB squatter, that strength did not carry over well to HB or front squats, as evidenced by some of the numbers above. When later in my lifting career, I became a decent HB squatter, it directly and immedietly carried over to being able to do very respectable numbers in the LB squat. My front squat of 550lbX5reps and HB back squat of 606lbsX10 reps, both done without a belt, these sets done about a month apart, allowed me to do several very, very respectable LB squats, and LB box squats with no practice or training on either the LB squat or the LB box squat. My feeling was that strength gained from HB squatting was just more "transferable" to other things than strength gained from LB squatting. Through many conversations with others, and a fair bit of experience coaching ex-powerlifters in the Olympic lifts, I have found that this seems to be quite universal. HB, Olympic style squatting will make you strong at the LB squat, LB squatting with a more bent over stance and less depth will NOT carry over well to the HB, Olympic style squat. I think the carry over from one to another bears considering, because what what we are really talking about here is the carry over from one type of squat or another to a completely different exercise.

Fred Hatfield, AKA "Dr. Squat" who is a respected authority on strength training, has written a couple of very good books on the subject, and who competed at a fairly high level in both gymnastics and OL before achieving a 1008lb squat at 44 years of age and I believe around 255lbs, has argued extensively that not only should the HB squat be used EXCLUSIVELY for the training of athletes, but its qualities of carry over are such that even POWERLIFTERS who are actually competing with a low bar, bent over, only to parallel and sometimes wide stance squat, should in fact do HB, Olympic style squats for much of the off season. In a rough quote of his words, HB squats build strength, LB squats demonstrate it.

3) Positions become habit, and I have not seen much about this in the specific arguments over Olympic lifters doing one type of squat or another. I remember when I was first starting the Olympic lifts, the hardest thing in the world for me was to catch a heavy clean with a torso upright enough to hold the bar on the shoulders, and not let it roll off. The second hardest was to stand up with it without sticking the but immedietly out, and raising the hips first, and dumping the bar off the shoulders, even though had I been magically able to glue the bar in place, I had plenty of strength to stand up with it. I believe that at least part of this was very simply that I was used to this position from doing so many squats this way, and whenever anything was heavy, I , without thinking, reverted back to it. It was a hard, hard habit to break, one I really never completely broke. I would propose that for Olympic lifters, it is better, as a rule, to have the torso and hips in the approximate position that they need to be in when you are going to be in that hole in competition every time you are in that hole in training.

4) A bit has been said about relative strength, and the weak hamstrings of Olers... or more specifically the relative strength of OLers hamstrings and thighs leaving them quite quad dominant. I would propose that OLers SHOULD be more quad dominant given the demands of the sport, and that given a solid diet of nothing but the competitive lifts only, with no assistance exercises, you would develop a quad dominant athlete. A quad dominant athlete will be much more likely, when the weights get heavy, catch a clean with an upright torso and stand without kicking the hips way out, and to dip and drive straight on the jerk. With maximal weights, the body has a way of getting into its strongest positions naturally, and for a quad dominant lifter, the strongest positions are the right ones for the sport, and the ones that will allow successful lifts with the greatest weight. I think that part of my problem successfully catching cleans early in my OL career was due to the "bad habit" of being leaned over too far in the bottom of a squat, but another factor was that I was, at the time, quite hamstring/posterior chain dominant. The wrong recipe for success in OL.

5) The last thing, one that I havnt seen touched on, is ease of coaching. A high bar position is pretty natural. Its where most people will put the bar without being coached. Its also pretty comfortable for the vast, vast majority of people. No undue strain on the back, neck, shoulders, or wrists. On the other hand, a low bar squat usually has to be coached, to get the wrist and hands and bar all in the right position, it often has to be coached extensively. It is not unusual for it to cause shoulder pain, or wrist pain if the shoulders/arms are too tight to keep the hands and wrist in the right position. In my experience it is, at the least, initially uncomfortable.

I remember all kinds of shoulder pain when I was squatting low bar as a powerlifter. Literal cramps in the shoulder muscles during sets of 5, shoulder pain the next day, etc. And I remember that it was bad enough that it interfered with my bench press training at times. This is an experience shared by many, many powerlifters. One thing that was great when I switched to HB squats was that the shoulders no longer hurt! It was great to be able to do a hard squat workout, and not have my shoulders and/or wrists hurting as bad as my legs!

Carrying heavy weights in that low bar position is just plain hard and fatiguing on the sholders. For many people, if you dont NEED to do it that way, I am not sure why you would.

To be fair, I think squats done the way Rip coaches them are great. A great exercise. The guy certainly knows how to teach people to squat, hes proven that many times, and someone squatting with form acceptable to him is squatting in a more productive and safe manner than the vast majority of those squatting. I also think the HB vs LB controversy has less meaning than has been assigned to it... for example, one certainly can squat with the bar in a low position and still do a pretty upright, deep squat, that as far as body position would satisfy any Olympic lifting coach. One can also do a HB squat and get quite bent over, I have personally proven that many times! Simply changing the position of the bar on the back doesnt magically change a good exercise to a bad one, or vice versa.

But, Olympic lifting is a sport, and it is pretty universally agreed by those with extensive experience as athletes and coaches in that sport that there is an advantage in that sport to be gained from squatting in a certain way, and that way is a high bar, upright squat. I do agree with this.

I am not so sure that I agree with Fred Hatfields view that HB, Olympic style squats are so superior and have such a superior strength transfer to other activities that not only all athletes should be doing it that way, but even competitive powerlifters who compete with a low bar squat should do much of their training with the HB squat. I am inclined to think in this direction, but it is certainly not as clear cut an issue as the one pertaining to OLers. Fred's accomplishments and achievements do lend some credibility to his views though.

You can see that his OL squat has a high carry-over which helps his PL squat, but not the other way around.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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Do what I do: Low bar deep squats. They're amazing, best of both worlds. I wouldn't advocate anyone training with powerlifting squats, unless they were near a meet, because it's a squat that focuses on getting away with as little depth as possible in order to lift heavier weights. Power lifters themselves do low bar deep squats when training and only do the parallel squats when coming up to a meet.

What everyone should do: Atleast hit below parallel http://stronglifts.com/wp-content/uploads/squat-deadlift.jpg
And then depending on how flexible you are, aim at getting more depth.

If the argument is high bar vs low bar, then it's low bar all the way unless you want to focus on oly training or have shoulder flexibility issues. Low bar recruits more muscles especially in the hips with more emphasis on glutes and hamstrings - the most underdeveloped muscles in people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
You have to incorporate both. if you only do HB squats you won't develop the raw strength needed to move with heavier weights, if you only HB squat you will progress slowly and plateau often.

Ideally you need to step up your programming and really figure out what your goals are. If your going for strength I would emphasize LB PL as a staple in training. That doesnt mean you eliminate HB squats it just means you have to do a trial and error to find where they best fit in. A huge amount of strength work for the squat revolves around training glutes/back and hamstrings so if you haven't made any progress it could mean you have neglected training these areas...OR you have not been training them with enough intensity/aggressiveness.

I read the Glenn Pendlay article and Im definitely not taking anything away from the guy...but I dont find the article helpful to anyone. He just talks about what he personally likes to use and how strong he is in the squat. Its just a long winded opinion that doesn't take different body types into account. His part about ease of coaching is irrelevant...ALL weightlifting must be coached to someone who doesn't know any better. Some things might be easier to teach than others but just because an exercise is easier to teach doesn't make it an ideal lift.

OL squatting is good and should be done but not as a priority exercise for developing strength. PL squats with a ton of support work seems to work best.

If your going for size the same thing holds true..OL squatting should be done, but minimally. A majority of your work needs to come from PL style squats and tons of posterior chain support work. When enough strength is developed guys who are after size just need to look in the mirror and begin doing isolation/specific exercises to develop a specific look.

High bar and Low Bar positions should be learned because there are benefits to both positions and this will fall under the category of support exercises...Yoke walk, SB squats, cambered bar squats etc...


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Why does it have to be one or the other? How about combining them?

A low bar position, with an athletic (~shoulder width) stance, done at least to the point where the top of the thigh at the hip joint is below the top of the knee.

Sounds like the best of both worlds to me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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shadowfox said:
I dont have a squat rack. Can dumbell squats be as effective as barbell squats?
They can never be as effective. Invest in a power cage and you won't look back.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
I dont have a squat rack. Can dumbell squats be as effective as barbell squats?
they wont be as effective but you will still be able to develop strong muscular legs...Runners dont aren't known for heavy weight training but their calves are enormous, swimmers dont lift heavy weights but they have large broad shoulders, guys who dont have gym memberships do pull ups and push ups and are strong and muscular.

A better question would be...what are your goals and how would having a power cage get you there ??


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Depends on the goals. If you are trying be as strong as possible, wider is usually better. Invest in proper footwear. Have experienced lifters watch your technique. Don't make excuses---if you're weak, you're weak. Fix it.

If you are bodybuilding, then a narrower olympic-style stance will yield better overall leg development.

It's somewhat of a myth that all powerlifters squat wide. The wide stance is mostly used by equipped lifters (squat suits), because the suit is bearing much of the load at depth, and does a significant portion of the mechanical work from depth to mid-squat. This alleviates some of the immense stress an ultra-wide stance will put on your hip joint. It also gives you better leverage.

Raw squatters will usually take a narrower stance---maybe 1.5x shoulder width. It varies from lifter to lifter. The legs come more into play.

Also as a side note, I hear/read of sooooo many guys who squat "A2G" or "full", and when it comes time to show some evidence, they just barely hit parallel when they actually have some weight on their back. If you are going to walk around claiming you squat "A2G", you better be squatting A2G every damn time, not just with 225. You gotta laugh when you see these clowns in commercial gyms grunting out half-reps with 405. No one will call them out on it so they continue to think they're strong.

I try not to be a depth nazi, because even amazing squatters come up short sometimes when the weight is big. The best way to fix this problem is by checking the ego and breaking parallel every single time. Set up a band to touch in the rack or just watch the mirror.