Brother Rapp, I don't know about you, but I know that the better physical condition I am in, the better mental condition I am. It's not just about living longer. It's about living well.
Brother Rapp
I could smoke a joint and feel good. I could have sex and feel good. I could drink some Southern Comfort and feel good. If I could do all that, why would I want to jog a few miles in the morning? That’s extra time I could have screwing. If given a choice, I’d pick screwing. I believe that you’re somewhat right in your assessment of life, but I disagree with you on a few points. It’s not so much about living longer or either living well. It’s about what you get out of life. Is my life my life? Is the purpose of my life to serve me? I think so on both counts. To those that say that I am supposed to live my life so that I can be accepted into heaven, I say fyck you!! I’m going to enjoy myself.
Often, when I am trying to illustrate a point, it helps to think of things in their extremes to show which way trends go. For example, if I drop a penny on one side of a scale, will it make the scale move? Well, if you think about it in terms of dropping 100 pennies on one side of a scale, you know it will move. Then you can conclude that one penny will make it move, if only slightly.
Brother Rapp
This thing about the pennies doesn’t take into account the unforeseen. Twenty packs of cigarettes at once might kill me so one will have an effect on me? I take it that that is the point that you are trying to make. I’m saying that a meteorite might hit the earth on Friday the 13th next month and those cigarettes wouldn’t have mattered. How’s that? The future is not written in stone. If you believe that, then you must agree that the things you may do to prolong your life may not matter. If you believe that, then it comes down to what you get out of your life while you’re here. I’m not saying that I think that I should take things to the extreme. I’m saying that you have to strike a balance with your wants. And only you can say for you where that balance is. Shell I smoke this cigarette or eat that coconut pie? It should be your choice. Because I may choose it, is no reason for somebody to get self-righteous on me about it. Screw you man.
Man I thought you were a deep guy, but this is 150% negative thinking. Negativity attracts negative things, like ugly chicks, and in your case maybe death. Nice knowing you man.
Well, not really, but you wilil probaby die soon man. Be careeful.
Brother Rapp
My life is not lived for your approval. What you call negativity, I call realism. Can you tell me what is going to happen tomorrow? Did you die and God showed you a heaven, then sent you back with some proof of the after life? If no, then get off my back. I’m going to try and enjoy what years I have for as long as I have them. You said all this crap about me dieing and that I should be careful. Do you want to put some money on which one of us will die first? Since you are so sure, I want odds. Come on with it.