First time asking out a girl ever was on monday. Ill tell you guys how it went down I said to myself damn you need to get a number TODAY. So in my head im like ok im going to ask every girl on campus until i get a phone number. So I went to the bus station on campus and leaned up against a wall and watched girls go by. And i see one I like go past me and the she stopped and started waiting for a bus. Now I was going to approach her but she was standing right by antoher girl that was pretty hot so I didn't want to get turned down in front of another person. But luckly that girl left within a few minutes and so I gathered up my courage and went in. I was going to do that "didn't we go to different high schools together line" but i ended up just saying "didn't we go the same high school". From there i forget how the convo unflolded it was pretty choppy though not very smooth. But i got the number, whew! Now this was on monday when should I phone her tonight?