Ok here's my situation


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
I've been reading these forums for a while, (they've been a great help) but I haven't exactly come across someone with a situation quite like mine.

Let me start with the beginning. Up until now I've always been a nerd and a loner. I'm in 10th grade now, and up until the beginning of 9th grade I only cared about playing computer games. I think this is more of a consequence of my old school than of my personality, (everyone there was an *******, so, having no one to hang out with, I resorted to computer games) but it still caused problems with my life. Also, maybe because of this, I am extremely bad at most sports. I do very well at school, I am in all honors courses and have an A- average. Also, I am extremly good with music. I play lead trombone in a jazz band (and pretty good at soloing) and I'm picking up the guitar (and singing along with it) pretty well.

I am an extremely nice person. I can't really help it, that's my personality. As I started to break out and started to have a life I was on the road to being too much of an AFC, but this site has helped me out of being too bad there. I also don't have much of the problems of an AFC, for example one of my friends and I (don't worry, a girl) as a joke keep hitting on eachother (and I have hooked up with her once but another one of my friends has a crush on her so I'm not doing anything with her anymore) I'm fairly attractive, I think, for example a girl I rarely talk to (I go to a small school, only about 70-80 kids per grade so I try to talk to almost everyone at my school) came up to me once and said I had joined the "sexy nerds club." Another time, having nothing better to do I hung out with my sister (a senior) and a few of her friends, and a friends friend who had never met either of us before said in an email that she would have hooked up with me that night if she didn't have a boyfriend. I'm about 5'8'' and 150 pounds (not that much muscle, and I"m not exactly skinny or fat but in between. I heard Diesel's guide for bulking up is just for little guys that can't put on weight to save their life, so I'm not sure how much weight to give it)

Besides the friend, I have only hooked up with one other girl, which was at camp so kind of a freebie.

Anyway, now that I'm talking to people, I have found that, besides having a problem with making too many awkward comments, people do seem to like me very much. So I think the road to a better social life, hooking up with more girls, I think, is just talking to more people.

Now here's the problem. The current group that I hang out with are, more or less, immature *******s. My school (and my grade especially) is very "cliquey" and not many people are looking for friends out of their group. Moreover, I don't quite think I have the social experience or the confidence to just go to the mall and meet people. So I can't really leave the group I'm in, however much I want, because otherwise I will have no friends and get out of the house even LESS than I do now. So what's the advice? I'm not quite sure what to do.

By the way, i think the quote that best sums up my life right now, I was talking to my friend (the one I hooked up with) and she, after having a bad weekend so far and me showing her the Hamster Dance website to try to cheer her up (this is kind of AFC I guess, but i'm not looking to be more than friends with her) said: "thats sweet i must say that everyone gives you so much **** but your like 20 times nicer than them "

so what do you guys suggest I do with my life?


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
alright thanks... I think I might be too much of a "nice guy," but I'm not the doormat most people describe the AFC as.

Basically, what I'm asking, even if you're not supposed to be the AFC "nice guy," is it still possible to be good with all these girls while still being a nice person, but not like doormat AFC type?