ok fellas... help NEEDED FAST!!!


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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ok.... sooo theres this girl... of course theres always the girl...

well shes freaking unbelieveable..... like beyond belief....

anyways... shes having this problem...

shes torn in between me and her ex bf....

her ex bf... = redneck like... very very unattractive.... compared to me at least... not to be ****y... but the very much truth....

secondly....hes a **** to her....

so she still has feelings for this guy.... but really really likes me..

so ive been trying to hang out with her but the month of july is very busy for her, sooo ive been doing little stuff like calling her and seeing how she is.... trying to hang out... last week she got sick..and she was at work..so i brought her a rose and a card....telling her that i hope she gets better...

she thought it was really cute...

sooo tomo....

i get off work at 7... she gets on the job at 7.....

soo this is my plan.. to leave a card in her locker with her work hat.... saying that im still there and thinking about her.... (since i havent talked to her in awhile)


i get off at 7... and leave
but leave 1 dozen roses in the fridge where we work.... with another card saying YEAh still thinking about you.... or something along those lines....

what do you guys think about that....

and what are some other ideas to completely blow her mind....


Dec 15, 2004
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it could work; it could fail.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
Leave the roses and a gushy crap poem and the most lovey dovey BS you can find, make it look hugely desperate, the biggest turn-off stuff you can. And sign it all with her EX's name.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
It will fail!

so ive been trying to hang out with her but the month of july is very busy for her,
Too busy to see you once? In the entire month?

This is called low interest.

sooo ive been doing little stuff like calling her and seeing how she is.... trying to hang out... last week she got sick..and she was at work..so i brought her a rose and a card....telling her that i hope she gets better...
Groan. You've got to be kidding.

Was her ex-bf buying her roses right before she started humping his brains out? No.

C'mon Self-Mastery, are you joking? He's never kissed this girl. He asked her out; she said no.

So he should . . . buy her roses and presents? Huh??


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Leave the roses and a gushy crap poem and the most lovey dovey BS you can find, make it look hugely desperate, the biggest turn-off stuff you can. And sign it all with her EX's name.
YESSS! Sinn3r, you are DEVIOUS!



Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Leave her a box of tissues. "Use these when you want to cry."

Leave her a condom. "Call me."

Seriously man, don't play into this ****. If he's as bad as you say, and she's still torn, she obviously sees some good in him. Or he atleast ****s her good. She probably knows you're interested, but is testing your limits as to how far you'll go to be her white knight.

Drop that ****.

Call her up "Hey ___ its JustAnotherPlaya, I'm going out ___ (night?), you should come along, it's going to be a great time."

She will either say yes or no. If she says yes, work it from there. If she says no, then it's not the end of the world.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
so pretty much say
**** it... and if she wants me... she'll come to me?
Right. When a woman wants to say "no", she says "I'm too busy for the indefinite future." Take the hint. Do not pursue her.

On the miniscule chance that she changes her mind, you've already made your intentions crystal clear. You can't make it any clearer with another little love letter. She knows she could pick up phone and have you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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so the roses are a bad. or good idea?
Bad, unless you sign her exes name to them!!! HA! But she might figure out it's you.

The rule is, No gifts before sex.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
what i didnt know that!

so exactly.... what am i supposed to do

just completely stop talking to her.... trying to hang out with her
what? cuz i have to see her at work....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Bad idea man. Don't pay attention to stuff you see in Hollywood movies.

A girl will like a night out filled with fun, adventure, laughter, a funny memory or 2, and a kiss/****/whatever if all goes well. Rather than some roses.

The only analogy I can give you now is the first date. Dinner and movies, or somewhere totally different in which you two can act like a bunch of 8 year olds without parents around? Then in the middle of all the fun and excitement, she gets this knockout kiss that totally takes her by surprise?

What am I trying to say? Don't be every other guy that trys earn it. Be the guy who wins it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Most of all . . . READ THE DJ BIBLE (bottom of the page).

I think you've already blown it with this girl, by "showing that you care" and subtly begging for attention. High interest girls make time. Once a girl has low interest, it's like impossible to ever bring it back.

Take the Red Pill and open your eyes . . . .This is only the beginning . . .


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
u put it better than anybody else yet

ok soooo say thats what i do
how do i get her to hang out with me
what if she really is interested... just busy....
do i really just have to wait for her to be un busy or what?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
what if she really is interested...
She is not interested. Really. This is bitter experience speaking here.

When you called and tried to hang out, did she say, "I'm busy tonight, but 2 weeks from now on Thursday evening, I'm free?" No, she didn't. She just said "I'm, uuuuhhh, busy," and trailed off.

What is it about July that makes her so sick and busy? How in the heck did she EVER get together with her last boyfriend when she's supposedly working 16 hour days, 7 days a week, and getting sick every other day?

Don't you get it? She's not busier than when she started dating her last bf. She's just not interested, period. An interested woman will make excuses to her boss and friends to spend time with you.

I'm Gonna PM you a short version of the DJ Bible I found and added to, look it over.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, too long for a PM: here's a snippet that applies to you (much to learn you have)

8. Never, ever show that you need her. This is much easier if you really don’t need her. Don’t be so monogamous: spin other plates as long as possible. Don’t see any one more than thrice a week. Stop the 20 minute daily phone calls. You don’t have answer every time she calls. Don’t give her your daily itinerary: Don’t tell her what you are going to do all day tomorrow; your life is yours you don’t need to tell her everything.

The ideal relationship has the woman obsessed and doting over a man who is out in the world, getting things done. She is constantly wondering if he really, deep down, likes her. The reverse situation is hellish for both parties. She will cheat on and dump you. In fact, if you have a special, perfect type of woman for you (tall, or asian, or goth, or with glasses), odds are against a relationship working for long. You will likely get “oneitis.” Your own interest is the enemy. If you fear loosing her, you will. This means stop telling her how beautiful and perfect she is. Complimenting her shoes would be better. And this also means not saying “I love you” until she does 1st.

9. Only a woman's ACTIONS truly reflect her feelings toward you. Don’t rationalize a woman's slights and put-downs. If a woman breaks a date with you, you could think up 144 possible rosy scenarios of why she broke her word. But remember Reason 145, the only one that counts, which is low interest.

Think about this: how many dates have you broken in your life? (Hint: less than one.) If she breaks the date, she is not interested in you.
If your girlfriend SAYS that she loves you deeply, but only gets a headache when you try to kiss her goodnight, it’s not that she’s lying intentionally. It’s just that love is ACTION, not words.


Dec 15, 2004
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I dont feel like writing and epic post, so here we go......

stop being a pssy and push up on that HO.