Oh s*it....I think looks may not actually matter. For real.

Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hippies have a "let the world be damned" attitude and are unafraid - which is tied to masculinity - women see and value this!


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
... nodding my head ...
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
L777 said:
No, he is NOT good looking, I ain 't posting a pic either. He looks kinda cool in the sense that he wears a bandana, shades, hippy bracelets, surfer necklace etc. But in terms of bone structure and body shape.....seriously, 6 out of 10 is pushing it.....
he's peacocking with that style, the bandana, shades, surfer necklace, etc... thus that is a factor of standing out a bit as a cool guy.

I like to think that it's looks, race or some other external factor to make life easier for me, but now after reading this thread, I'm like wow, if he can do it, maybe everybody can do it.

The thing is, since you have to be 100% sure you want to get laid for that type of stuff to work, because if you are in an internal conflict about that then I think it will come out as want of confidence.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Hey you're from Manchester too! Awesome! Are you on northenglandlair.com ?

Good inspirational post btw!


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Great post, beastmaster. I totally agree with projecting a sense of fun out there. Basic advice from the DJ Bible. I have said in other posts that any appearance of lack of self confidence will sink you. This does run into your appearance. If you don't show respect to yourself then you are going to never genuinely appear to be confident. If fact, you will be a phoney.

I let my weight get out of control in my life. I was shouting to the world that I had no respect for myself. What I needed to do was find that self respect. THEN, I was able to take off the weight (I'm still progressing in this area). I'm doing more of the things that make me happy.

Just make yourself happy by finding your passions. If it seems like they are 'geekey' pursuits then stop calling then that. I'm a programmer, and I'm a damn ****ing good one. I always tell that to anyone I meet. If they think that's boring or whatever, that's fine. I'm not changing who I am for NOBODY.


Don Juan
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, you are NOT the moderator of this board. You've never contributed a single useful post, ever.

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
L777, I'm disappointed in you, man. You seemed like such a rational individual the last time we spoke. You're a Briton, too, right? You're supposed to be SUPPORTING order and civility, aren't you?

Yeah, looks don't matter. HUGE revelation! :rolleyes: Why do we need to rebel against forum policy in order to cement this already established concept further?

The way I feel is this: believing looks matter is limiting yourself. Believing looks DON'T matter frees yourself. We're in the game of seduction, no? If a man wants to limit himself in the game of seduction, that's his deal. Personally I believe life's way too short to walk around with a self-limiting mindset. If someone disagrees with me, then fine. But why, why, WHY do we need to post endless threads discussing this VERY simple concept? Why? Why, L777? I want to hear it from you.

What was going through your head when you posted a looks thread? I mean, you know they're banned. You know the mods are already overwhelmed with other affairs. I want to know why you believed that there weren't enough looks threads. Tell me why the 85 page thread discussing looks in the Archives section wasn't enough for you. Tell me why you believe that either the rules do not apply to you, or you just don't care enough about them to obey.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
L777, I'm disappointed in you, man. You seemed like such a rational individual the last time we spoke. You're a Briton, too, right? You're supposed to be SUPPORTING order and civility, aren't you?

Yeah, looks don't matter. HUGE revelation! :rolleyes: Why do we need to rebel against forum policy in order to cement this already established concept further?

The way I feel is this: believing looks matter is limiting yourself. Believing looks DON'T matter frees yourself. We're in the game of seduction, no? If a man wants to limit himself in the game of seduction, that's his deal. Personally I believe life's way too short to walk around with a self-limiting mindset. If someone disagrees with me, then fine. But why, why, WHY do we need to post endless threads discussing this VERY simple concept? Why? Why, L777? I want to hear it from you.

What was going through your head when you posted a looks thread? I mean, you know they're banned. You know the mods are already overwhelmed with other affairs. I want to know why you believed that there weren't enough looks threads. Tell me why the 85 page thread discussing looks in the Archives section wasn't enough for you. Tell me why you believe that either the rules do not apply to you, or you just don't care enough about them to obey.
Because honestly, I didn't really believe it could be done for real. I mean, all the 'naturals' I'd met in my life were better looking than average, until this guy comes along. So I thought I'd just post something real rather than a whole load of theory.

Plus its motivation for others on this board I think.