oh boy...remember that psycho young one?

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
This is a prime example of what happens when you don't take control of the situation. You should have not even acknowledged her hissy fit - instead you gave her a hug and let her in your house. WTF? :confused:

I told her to leave at least 8 times!!! but she just wouldn't go...
I don't mean this in an offensive way at all, but you sir, are a pvssy! Why are you even entertaining this ho and her psychosis? It woulda been so gangsterif you had not said a word and just closed the door in her face. She was trying to get a rise outta you and you fell for it in classic chump style. If you felt so compelled to actually talk to this looney you shoulda just said "You know, the funny part of all this is that I once found you attractive, but after seeing how ugly and rotten you are inside, I can understand why nobody loves you" then slam the door in her stupid face and if necessary call the cops. END OF STORY...no hugs, no broken CDs, nada.

You gotta stop trying to understand the emotional madness of women, especially these headcase chicks...it's a big waste of your time and you are only hurting yourself. Something tells me that you enjoy the pain though, which makes your problem very difficult to solve. Good luck with that...you'll need it.