***Official Late Night with BackBreaker Interview thread***


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Here's your questions:

What brought you to SS and how did you find the site?

What's the best and or worst advice you've ever received in regards to chicks?

Have you ever posted or lurked on other seduction forums?

How many chicks have you slept with?

What was your best/worst experience with a chick? (girlfriend or not)

Have you ever gotten friendzoned by a chick and if so were you able to get out of it or blown out by a chick and recover from it?

Most plates you've spun at one time before you were married?

How did you handle having no plates before you were married?

Dress style for going out to meet chicks?

For meeting chicks which way is most successful in your point of view and have you tried all venues? Day, Social circle, Online social media/ Online dating, clubs, vacation, family, work or whatever else..

Have you ever went full "No Contact"? (Not expecting "results" of getting a chick back.)

Have you read the full DJ Bible? Or some of it/none of it?

Have you ever met up with or talked to any So Suave posters offline?

Favorite So Suave posters?

Ever travel to other countries and pick up chicks? (Not necessarily to meet them. Vacation but wound up meeting etc.)

How long have you been married and how did you meet your wife?

Thoughts on So Suave itself and ideas for improvement/ last words or comments?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
What brought you to SS and how did you find the site?
A girl named Katherina-Marie. She was exotic (Colombian/white), hotter than anything I had ever dated and she liked me just enough to where I thought I had a chance / to keep me around, but not enough to actually date me. I was in classic LJBF category. I wanted to learn specifically what I had to do to get her to date me so I found this site.

What's the best and or worst advice you've ever received in regards to chicks?
Stop being afraid of them. They aren't mythical creatures. They aren't to be worshiped. Living with one for the last 5 years I can tell you that even the hot ones are quite normal. They ****, they sleep, they poot lol, they eat, they do normal stuff just like you and I do. If you want to talk to a chick just grab your balls and talk to her. That's the most important thing. Once a guy gets over his fear of approaching the sky is the limit

Have you ever posted or lurked on other seduction forums?
Not really. It's not that serious to me

How many chicks have you slept with?
I didn't keep a running tab. I know the year before I met my wife was my best year, that year at least 15. I was sleeping with a new chick about every 2-3 weeks just about. In all probably about 40-50.

What was your best/worst experience with a chick? (girlfriend or not)
Katherina. Anyone who has been here on this forum for as long as I have knows my history with this chick. 6 years of blue balls, I like you oh I don't like yo, I'm going to leave my BF for you oh i don't know what you are talking about. She was so cold blooded she didn't want to date me but still didn't' want me to date anyone else so whenever i would get close to a chick she would put it on thick. she wanted me around she just didn't' want to **** me. She once called me.. on my birthday no less, that she was supposed to let me tak her to the movies (for my present i just wanted to go out with her that's i, that's sad)I called her asking where she was and she picke dup the phone while she was getting rammed by a guy she liked. you want to talk about low. I told myself never again

Anyone who is in LJBF category needs to go to the search bar, type in user backbreaker and the keyword onieitis and just read my posts in regards to this chick it's so sad that you will cry.

It's because of her i learned the value of a quick hard NEXT though. IF a girl is playing any games when I was single I would eject instantly.

Have you ever gotten friendzoned by a chick and if so were you able to get out of it or blown out by a chick and recover from it?
I actually ended up banging Katherina ironically enough once I went 100% no contact and meant it. But I was so over her by that point I didn't' want anything else with her. IRonically enough I thought I could do better. And I was right.

That more than anything is what got me about the entire situation with her. it wasn't that it took 6 years to get with her. It was that all along, I could have done better than her. But once i got her, it gave me the confidence to steup my game up to the "elite" women. I probably would not have had the confidence to approach my wife if I never slept with kat, so in an odd way i Thank her.

Most plates you've spun at one time before you were married?
when I met my wife she was my 5th plate.

How did you handle having no plates before you were married?
It took some time but I got used to being alone. I made use of the time. I hit the gym, most of the time I had no plates was when i was starting my business so I was always busy. But i did things, I read, i learned how to seriously play the piano, I made use of my time. I became a better dude

Dress style for going out to meet chicks?
I'm pretty preppy. Chinos, polos, spurrys, I like to dress up and I have a thing for classic 30's/40's style clothing, so if i'm going OUT OUT lke dress up out that's how I dress. If I had to describe my style of dressing it's "clean and organized"

For meeting chicks which way is most successful in your point of view and have you tried all venues? Day, Social circle, Online social media/ Online dating, clubs, vacation, family, work or whatever else..
cold approaching. I don't like dating in my social circle, I dispise online dating, I have never had a real job where I went to work since I was 21 and **** that was my company lol i can't date chicks that work FOR me. I am pretty good at cold approaching. I cold approached my wife.

The thing about it though is you have to have your look down, you have to have the self esteem and you have to be willing to work at it. You have to know how to think on the fly, read body language, know when a chick is into you, know when to shut it down, know when to go for the kill, know when to go for the soft sale, the hard sale, no sale, etc.

Have you ever went full "No Contact"? (Not expecting "results" of getting a chick back.)
I went full no contact with just about every plate I got tired of. I would try to go no contact with katherina but she would find me basically and pry her way back into my life, until I moved out of Arkansas. I literally had to leave the state to get rid of her.

But when i go no contact, i'm done.

Have you read the full DJ Bible? Or some of it/none of it?

the whole thing. for a good period i read an article a day for years I did that. I would put my DJ Bible Knowles up against anyone on this forum

Ever travel to other countries and pick up chicks? (Not necessarily to meet them. Vacation but wound up meeting etc.)

How long have you been married and how did you meet your wife?

June 18th, 2011

so 2 years, 4 month, 29 days

I met her at Santa Anita Race track at the food court called clockers corner. I went there alot of mornings and I always saw her there, she worked there as an exercise rider. I knew she worked there so I wasn't in a hurry to talk to her. Eventually I caught her playing eye tag with me one day and I knew it was time to go make my move. She actually rejected me at first but came around.

Thoughts on So Suave itself and ideas for improvement/ last words or comments?


1. Add a Style forum
2. Add a finances forum
3. take away the marriage forum

a DJ is has all his **** on order not just a guy who knows what ****y funny is and this forum only addresses one, overrated, aspect of being a man. In real life, a guy who has a good job, can dress and is socialable will beat out the guy who has the DJ bible memorized 9 out of 10 times, why not teach the guy how to become both? the guy who has his **** in order AND the guy who knows the DJ bible like the back of his hand

4. somehow, make the reading of the DJ bible mandatory.

5. somehow, make the posting of actual field reports with women or real interactions with real women and not internet theories, mandatory

Last Words

I appreciate that there are some people here that look up to me, but I'm telling you, I'm not all that different from anyone here. I Just wanted it. I wanted to be successful, with business, with women and i was willing to sacrifice and work to get it. When I came here, I was basically the guy who everyone laughed at on this forum. I got flamed to hell all the time because I was an idiot with women. The difference being that I actually went out and did something about it. I went out in the real world and approached and talked and worked out and learned how to dress and learned what i was doing wrong and fixed it.

A lot of what we talk about her is how to get women, but sometimes you have to understand when to step back and fix / work on yourself first. If you are hell bent on hb8's and you aren't hb8 quality, you need to become a guy who can get hb8's first.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Honestly that's a good question. 3 reasons

1. Honestly, because of my job, there are times when I'm swamped with work and then there are times where on a Tuesday at noon I have absolutely nothing to do but i can't leave my computer. And when I'm gambling there's 25 minutes between races I get bored.

2. It's the same reason I still go to NA meetings and I've been clean off drugs for almost 9 years now. I probably could stay clean now without meetings, but that's a chance I Really don't awnt to take beucase active addiction was that bad. Those feelings that I had when katherina was doing the stuff to me that I allowed her to do because I was a chump, I refuse to ever let that happen again, and if that means I keep going back and forth on if I should post here, than that's a small price to pay. In short this place keeps me on my toes

3. I think I have some valuable advice to pass on at times


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
Honestly that's a good question. 3 reasons

1. Honestly, because of my job, there are times when I'm swamped with work and then there are times where on a Tuesday at noon I have absolutely nothing to do but i can't leave my computer. And when I'm gambling there's 25 minutes between races I get bored.

2. It's the same reason I still go to NA meetings and I've been clean off drugs for almost 9 years now. I probably could stay clean now without meetings, but that's a chance I Really don't awnt to take beucase active addiction was that bad. Those feelings that I had when katherina was doing the stuff to me that I allowed her to do because I was a chump, I refuse to ever let that happen again, and if that means I keep going back and forth on if I should post here, than that's a small price to pay. In short this place keeps me on my toes

3. I think I have some valuable advice to pass on at times

Great interview BB. Pretty interesting on everyone's reasons for joining/perspectives on things and answers to follow ups etc. Breaks up a lot of the same old threads on SS. I'll post up three more new posters tonight. Perhaps a Rollo T if he's around much?

Who would you like to see interview threads of tonight?

I was thinking Nismo4 Solomon and Mike32ct? I'll post them after work tonight. Later!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
That answer is going to be different for everyone. To me it just means, showing that you have your **** in order, that you take care of yourself before you try to take care of a female.

That's really a lot of guy's problem in a nutshell; they never take care of themselves and run around trying to take care of women it doesn't work like that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
backbreaker said:
a DJ is has all his **** on order not just a guy who knows what ****y funny is and this forum only addresses one, overrated, aspect of being a man. In real life, a guy who has a good job, can dress and is socialable will beat out the guy who has the DJ bible memorized 9 out of 10 times, why not teach the guy how to become both? the guy who has his **** in order AND the guy who knows the DJ bible like the back of his hand
If it means anything, this forum is teaching or has taught me both of those aspects so far. But then again im more open to new ideas compared to some...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I would like to add something to my post.

Every other post is about "alpha this" or "alpha that". OH I'm so alpha today. Oh I'm acting alpha.

I'm convinced that 95% of the people on this forum have no clue what an alpha male is.

I've said this before. Alpha is not a verb, it's a noun. Alpha males aren't born, they are made. Alpha males are made by situations, circumstances and living. life. If you you work at BEst buy, never took a risk in your life and always toted the line I Don't care how hot the girl you are ****ing is you aren't an alpha male.

Alpha males are people who people look up to. Alpha males are people who people instinctively look towards in tough situations for hope, experience and strength. And the only way you can provide these traits to people is if you have been through trials, real ones, and tribulation, real ones, in your own life.

Yes I'm borderline arrogant. But guess what lol, I've got **** to be arrogant about. I've done some ****. Rather or not I'm "alpha" or not I leave those distinctions to other people but I'm a guy that people look to for advice and for other ****, in real life. Because I have been through ****, I've overcome **** and I'm still standing.

My point is not to brag. My point is to simply say, stop living on the sidelines. Go through some ****. Try something. Push yourself. Get uncomfortable. Take chances. I'm not talking about talking to that cute girl at the ice cream store that's not a ****ign chance. start a business. try to run a marathon. better yet, try to run a triathlon. try something. dream. dream big. set out to hit those dreams. the road from you sitting here on sosuave, to you achiving those dreams is what makes you an alpha male. not a blog or a post or a sex number count.