If you're referring to my post then no, that is not what I think and I am in fact part Jewish.
I have however no desire to run off to defend the "homeland" and its artificial installation into the middle east as an American controlled wildcard, please understand that being an Israeli and being Jewish are totally different things and just because one is a member of a group does not mean they should rush off to defend the skewed interests on another which pretends to be acting for you.
Religion and god do not need a home, they are with you always if you chose so, the idea that the Jews need a state is just a Christian installation for the invented "Rapture" which would have all Jews repent and turn to Christianity or go to hell anyway.
Don't be a pawn.
Edit: Stupid 10 post rule lost my last post.
To summarise what I was going to say,
When you put your life in the hands of any armed forces, they will see fit to abuse it, my grandpa was a hard working member of the British navy, who during the testing of radioactive and hydrogen bombs was driven through a mass of radioactive particles on his ship, a document was later leaked that these men were driven through this knowingly hazardous area to "test the effects of radiation on humans", they were walking around in shorts at the time, today 200 of the crew that were on his ship have died young, including him, 100 of them from various forms of cancer.
The story does not end there however, radiation scrambled his DNA but also scrambled DNA which was passed down to his children and his grandchildren (myself amongst others), the effects of this are reckoned to last 50 generations and include a hugely increased risk of birth defects and early cancer, some in my family have already suffered from this. This was a consequence of the armed forces, him placing his faith in the armed forces and him becoming a pawn for them - he put his faith in them, and they betrayed it, to the cost of him and his family.
Considering what I have to say does not make you a pawn but when you put your health and your life in the hands of someone else that does, so please reconsider, it is not in the interests of any religion for you to be fighting in wars and putting at risk other people and yourself.