Don Juanabbe said:
All you younger DJs, you are going to have to develop a thick skin when it comes to other guys calling you gay. It comes with the territory, especially if you are above average in looks and dress well.
Other guys get jealous and this is their way of trying to cut you down. Believe it or not, girls will also do this to you if they feel you aren't paying them enough attention or being too aloof.
When you get this, simply tell the person doing the accusing, "You like me don't you? I cant tell, you really like me."
That usually shuts both guys and women down if they start trying to bust on you.
What you just said is so on point. I remember when I first decided this it was back when I was in school and I was like 3-4 months in of just plain practicing sarging hardcore.
At this time I reminded myself that when I try this and since I'm in school I will be getting a SH!T load of social pressure. At this time I my style wasn't even how it is now but it was still different than the norm. I personally chose this because it was different and it was still congruent to the sub-culture that I was into. Accept I pushed it alittle further.
The first WEEK it was PURE laughter which at this point it had no REAL affect on me because I loved feeling social pressure because I'd be tough as nails as far as social pressure goes. I remember chicks I knew saying "You look like a damn fool" or one friend saying "Don't walk with me looking like that".
They thought I'd change lol, hell no I pushed it even further wearing my brother's uniform sweater to school and that made some great laughs too. It was not until I was graduating that I started to formulate the style I have now and it was the first time I tried out my 2nd club style for the first time. I remember changing for my prom after party...
People from different proms kept asking me "What school do you go too" because I seriously looked totally different than the average person. I went in the club and seriously it was all eyes on me, and since I dance alot it was even more points. A famous DJ kept trying to tell me to keep dancing and dancing so they can get more footage of me.
I was doing some wild stuff, and even got OPENED lol, by some chick who wasn't speaking english to me. (I swear I should've pulled her somewhere and makeout, but I wasn't in that mindset at the time)
Then summer hit when I actually had a clear vision of how I wanted to look. I remember my father being PISSED at the way I dress. Saying people are going to think I'm gay around here and he thought I couldn't handle it lol. He doesn't know I've taken worst social pressure than this, and this was cake walk to me.
I never frequently got the gay remarks but when I did they tried to really cut me down. Usually I just chuckle like I know something they don't know, I never respond because I don't see the need to give these guys attention by responding to them because they are so outside my reality all I'm focused on is cool guys that are willing to chill and the girlies. Like I said I had one of these dudes pissed that I was talking to a girl that he liked, she opened me and I put my arm around her and she was asking me if I love her and sh!t. The dude was with his boys and he was very pissed off at me because he was convinced I was gay lol.
It's all well and good though. I think the first club I actually went to where I first tried my new club style was what really showed me that me getting opened now is based on my style and my whole Identity, because now that I think about it I remember chicks I already knew coming up to me and kept saying I look real nice. I also remember one girl was trying to introduce me to this hb8 and she was kind of in the back all shy and sh!t just to say hi. (During these times chicks were intimidated of me and I was overqualified)
Sometimes I think I cheated my self because at the time I didn't know all the stuff I know now, and so I really didn't know how to calibrate the situations back then so I had to just roll with it.