Noticed the same things more or lessI will share mines as someone that still goes out but is a similar age as you OP.
1. Women go out more in larger groups to socialize with said larger groups and not really to meet guys as much anymore. I notice a lot less two-sets now than years back. I see a lot more women out in larger groups and a lot of them mixed groups a well. I've talked to girls about it and they say that they can meet guys through apps so bars and clubs are just for them to party with friends they already have.
2. Yes, same night pulls are tougher unless you are in the right place right time. They happen but women are more down to go on dates now with guys they met at night. I never had any success with nightgame like this but now, I am meeting women that go on dates and then f-ck.
3. Instagram Instagram Instagram. Women are obsessed with social media and if you are not on it, they think you are weird. Most older guys that skipped social media are screwed in nightgame. I have had better luck with converting IG closes to dates and lays than I have had with converting numbers to anything. If you do not have an Instagram, women think you are weird. If you are not on social media, you are weird.
4. Nightlife in general is dying. People party and go out but I notice that it is still not recovering that much from COVID unless it is a special event. Girls I know that used to party hard only go out if a big DJ is playing or if it is a special occasion. It seems like most younger women are opting to go for fancier places that they have access to now because they can meet the high value guys through the apps. Even venues I used to frequent before COVID are now largely dead the last time I went back to them in my old city.
5. Guys are just...weirder now. I have not seen so much bad game as I am seeing now. When I first went out, you saw guys who knew what they were doing and came off as smooth. Now, you see way more awkwardness and weirdness from dudes trying to pick up girls. The average guy has crappy game, it has gotten even crappier in recent years.
6. Nightlife has become trashier. I feel like most nightlife venues need all the money they can get so they are trashier now. Places I used to frequent that had cool women and classy people in them are now ratchet as heck. I have seen venues turn from a fun bar with cute girls in it to WorldStar overnight. You even see it in the styles as there are way more women with braids and short hair as well as face tatts.
I think that it has to do with social media penetration, back in the day women had to go out of the comfort of their home to get hit on. Now they get that within the comfort of their home
I think that day game is better now, as I see way more women outside during the day
And yeah, game of men went down the gutter, but it is still not a win for the those who has it. Women from my end also come with
More mental problems nowadays