It's been a few months since this thread was updated.
Now is a good time to discuss the winter months in Dallas.
It is true that Dallas is in Southern US. It has a less drastic winter than the Northern US states. However, Dallas isn't Florida. It's further north than most of the populated areas of Florida. Therefore, Dallas has some cold weather incidents in the winter months.
A typical November day in Dallas is between 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit.December and January typical days run between 55-60 degrees and February gets back up into the 60-65 range. March is when temperatures get to the low 70s. During November-February, you won't need a jacket during the day time hours. You might need to layer. When going out at night, you might need a coat, but the next
text block will go into some more detail on that
Dallas isn't New York City, Philadelphia, or Washington DC. Most venues in Dallas will not have a coat check. It can be inconvenient to carry around a coat to a venue. Some choose to underdress a bit when going out at night in these months unless it's bitterly cold and there's no choice.
In December-January, it's possible to have a 70-75 degree day in Dallas. Those days are amazing. It's also possible for it to be snowing or there's an ice storm. Outdoor daygame can be a bit unpredictable in these months.
In the last 6 months, indoor venues are seeing less masking. Indoor, non-bar approaching is starting to become viable again after 2 years where masking essentially killed approaching in grocery stores, malls, and bookstores. People are still slowly coming out of their pandemic shells on this. Outdoor daygaming was the most viable game form from March 2020 - Summer 2022, and still has a good place in the gaming mix.
Along the same lines as outdoor daygame being unpredictable from November - February, outdoor activity dates are also quite unpredictable during those months. A man needs to closely watch weather or not even bother with outdoor activity dates in those months.
Some people like that Dallas has an actual winter, unlike Southern Florida metro areas, Southern Arizona metro areas, or Southern California metro areas. Southern Arizona (Phoenix and Tucson) can be cold at night in the winters, just like Dallas.
March - May are good weather months in Dallas, and the September 15-November 15 is usually decent. There's a reason the Texas State Fair is held in Dallas from the last weekend in September through the 3rd weekend of October. That's one of the 2 best times of the year outdoors in Dallas.