Observations from bouncing at a club.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I completely agree. Obviously everything with dating comes down to the individual, but as a WHOLE, black men and black women are at the BOTTOM TIER of the dating chain.

Black men are at the bottom tier of the dating chain and the bottom tier of the job market. All you guys have to do is research and look up various stats, data, and other reports on this very topic. This doesn't mean you can't pull decent looking white women if you're black (I pull them), but you won't pull them as NEARLY as your white male equivalent. Same with the job market.

- Take a white guy with the same Tenacity 6 pack body, same Tenacity Camaro, same Tenacity looks, and same Tenacity experience/education/resume/presentation.

- That white guy is going to get at least 10X more white women than Tenacity will get.

- That same white guy is going to get at least 5X more job opportunities than Tenacity will get.

That's just the truth and I'm saying this shyt while being a high achiever in terms of income (6 figures) and my quarter million dollar net worth.
Wrong. Black women and Indian men are at the bottom. Black men get some of the hottest women in the world.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
@skinnyguy it is hard to take you seriously when one moment you are saying southern women love you and another you are saying indian men are at the bottom, you have legit mental issues and might seriously have autism, you are not going to make it

What I will say is that black guys definitely have a strong niche and it is attractive too.

@Trainwreck is too caught up in finding a future wife and his own unicorn that I doubt he will make it. The guy could see a Hayden Panetierre lookalike making out with a black guy and still not be a believer. Black guys have it easy getting ONS but blue pilled guys like Trainwreck are too caught up in their perfect marriage, you won't make it either.

As a latino, I would kill to be black because men of my race do not get hot white girls AT ALL unless we look ethnically white. Try being a brown latino, we never get hot white girls, ever.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
From what people seem to say, the more liberal a state is the less welcoming the women are towards dating guys who are ACTUAL minorities. Quite the hypocrisy tbh.
I think they are welcoming towards blacks because black people are "cool" and there is liberal sympathy but not towards other minorities. White california girls will not sleep with the countless Mexicans, Asians, and Persians/Indians in that state because they see those groups as below them and see no social benefit to sleeping with them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Y'all other brown minorities need to quit idolizing white women as goddesses. You don't realize that these white women are going for the bottom tier black men. Non thug black men have the least options because black women are **** and stable minded white women aren't going to hop the fence from the most powerful race of men on the planet to the lowest. As a result, most of the white women that date black men are either poor af or mentally ill. Think about it! Why would you willingly go from a mansion to a trailer? There are some white women that aren't crazy that just prefer black men, but that's quite rare tbh. Just because she's hot doesn't mean she's clean of mental issues and baggage. If you want to screw with shiny polished turds then be my guest, but I'm not about that life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Y'all other brown minorities need to quit idolizing white women as goddesses. You don't realize that these white women are going for the bottom tier black men. Non thug black men have the least options because black women are **** and stable minded white women aren't going to hop the fence from the most powerful race of men on the planet to the lowest. As a result, most of the white women that date black men are either poor af or mentally ill. Think about it! Why would you willingly go from a mansion to a trailer? There are some white women that aren't crazy that just prefer black men, but that's quite rare tbh. Just because she's hot doesn't mean she's clean of mental issues and baggage. If you want to screw with shiny polished turds then be my guest, but I'm not about that life.

You have a very narrow minded view of the world. Its clear you havent done much travelling or dealt with very many people from different walks of life.

When you say "non thug" black men, i really think you mean nerdy, because baggy clothes are out of style even in the hood. So you couldn't tell if someone is a thug or not just by looking because even the corner boys are wearing their clothes fitted now.
Of course if you got out more .. You'd know that.

You are probably nerdy with a 0s & 1s analytical mind and argumentative and that's why no one wants you.
Don't say your getting laid, because no one who was would be as bitter as you.

Go to h&m. Get some trendy clothes and start working out. Get a modern haircut, cologne, good smelling mens soap and deodorant.
Hold your head high, chestup and shoulders back.

Over the next few month's approach 500 girls you find attractive and say this verbatim

"Hi, my name is @ThePlayedList
Whats your name?

..<call her by her name> I was just out and saw you and I want to take you out on a date this week"

Before they say yes or no, hand them your phone .. Assume you are getting the number.

I promise you, no matter what race you are, you will get multiple lays out of this.
Unless you are morbidly obese or have really bad teeth/breath.

Don't go outside just to approach. That's creepy and girls sense that.
But while you are in the grocery store, the mall, carryout, post office etc etc
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Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
You have a very narrow minded view of the world. Its clear you havent done much travelling or dealt with very many people from different walks of life.

When you say "non thug" black men, i really think you mean nerdy, because baggy clothes are out of style even in the hood. So you couldn't tell if someone is a thug or not just by looking because even the corner boys are wearing their clothes fitted now.
Of course if you got out more .. You'd know that.

You are probably nerdy with a 0s & 1s analytical mind and argumentative and that's why no one wants you.
Don't say your getting laid, because no one who was would be as bitter as you.

Go to h&m. Get some trendy clothes and start working out. Get a modern haircut, cologne, good smelling mens soap and deodorant.
Hold your head high, chestup and shoulders back.

Over the next few month's approach 500 girls you find attractive and say this verbatim

"Hi, my name is @ThePlayedList
Whats your name?

..<call her by her name> I was just out and saw you and I want to take you out on a date this week"

Before they say yes or no, hand them your phone .. Assume you are getting the number.

I promise you, no matter what race you are, you will get multiple lays out of this.
Unless you are morbidly obese or have really bad teeth/breath.

Don't go outside just to approach. That's creepy and girls sense that.
But while you are in the grocery store, the mall, carryout, post office etc etc
In the black community you are either a nerd or a thug. I never mentioned clothes in any of my posts so idk why you brought that up. If you want to know how I dress, I dress like a southern prep guy lol. I sport the masters hat, light colored polos, khaki shorts, loafers and boots and so on. The black guys I see with white women and black women usually look like O'dawg or dress like athletes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
I just want to say this one last thing and its the last thing I'm going to say about race on this forum for a looong time unless it is uplifting someone.

@Trainwreck @Tenacity
If you are a successful, good looking black man living in any big city area the DMV, ATL, LA, MIA, NY, CHICAGO etc and you feel like black men are at the bottom of the totem pole dating, you must have absolutely not even a drop of swag.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2017
Reaction score
Quit trying to compensate for bullshvt. Black men are the garbage men for other races and black swirlers like you are too arrogant to admit it. Only the bottom of the barrel white women fling with black men and you guys act like the scraps the white men give you are ribeye steak dinners. You're literally a bouncer from Baltimore that proves my point while I've been bred and raised with upper class white people. These well to do white women don't want **** to do shvt with a black man regardless of how much money they have. You might be able to fool to some racist white guys on the internet but you're not fooling me.
Put a cork in it, beta cuck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
I just want to say this one last thing and its the last thing I'm going to say about race on this forum for a looong time unless it is uplifting someone.

@Trainwreck @Tenacity
If you are a successful, good looking black man living in any big city area the DMV, ATL, LA, MIA, NY, CHICAGO etc and you feel like black men are at the bottom of the totem pole dating, you must have absolutely not even a drop of swag.
You are the fvcking one with OP all about race. If you don't want to discuss race then remake your topic because you every
OP reeks of race, I've been to all those cities and didn't see black men killing it in the
dating game. Quit basing your skewed views off of inner city Baltimore where you'll more than likely find white women that are down for the brothas. I guarantee you it's the exact oppposite in areas like West Friendship and Bethesda.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
You are the fvcking one with OP all about race. If you don't want to discuss race then remake your topic because you every
OP reeks of race, I've been to all those cities and didn't see black men killing it in the
dating game. Quit basing your skewed views off of inner city Baltimore where you'll more than likely find white women that are down for the brothas. I guarantee you it's the exact oppposite in areas like West Friendship and Bethesda.
So you know the state of MD a little ? Are you local and if so will you come out with me?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
@skinnyguy it is hard to take you seriously when one moment you are saying southern women love you and another you are saying indian men are at the bottom, you have legit mental issues and might seriously have autism, you are not going to make it

What I will say is that black guys definitely have a strong niche and it is attractive too.

@Trainwreck is too caught up in finding a future wife and his own unicorn that I doubt he will make it. The guy could see a Hayden Panetierre lookalike making out with a black guy and still not be a believer. Black guys have it easy getting ONS but blue pilled guys like Trainwreck are too caught up in their perfect marriage, you won't make it either.

As a latino, I would kill to be black because men of my race do not get hot white girls AT ALL unless we look ethnically white. Try being a brown latino, we never get hot white girls, ever.
It's hard to take you seriously when all you do is post about your obsession with white women


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Over the next few month's approach 500 girls you find attractive and say this verbatim

Don't go outside just to approach. That's creepy and girls sense that.
But while you are in the grocery store, the mall, carryout, post office etc etc
This doesn't quite add up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
All women are the same, they all respond to the same male strength qualities. Race does not matter. But I will say that women are naturally attracted to men that are different from men in their own families... this is genetic, they are naturally drawn to genetic diversity, because when races mix the offspring tend to inherent the best qualities of both races, women intuitively know this. Now that it is more socially acceptable to hook up with dudes of other races, they are doing it. Not a surprise. Trying to read more into this is just silly.

You take care of yourself, and act like a man, your race is irrelevant, you are going to do well with chicks as long as you put in effort without becoming a needy b!tch.

I get the most attention from black, latino, and asian women then white chicks. Why would anyone be surprised that white chicks are interested in black dudes? Female nature.... get used to it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
500 girls in 3 months = 40 girls a week = 5.5 girls a day.

To approach this many girls consistently, day in day out, you'd have to be following a deliberate policy of cold approach... which, as I agree, comes across a bit creepy.

Of course, you may have just been exaggerating.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
500 girls in 3 months = 40 girls a week = 5.5 girls a day.

To approach this many girls consistently, day in day out, you'd have to be following a deliberate policy of cold approach... which, as I agree, comes across a bit creepy.

Of course, you may have just been exaggerating.
I've never given much thought to how many women I approach... But 6 a day really isn't that hard. In the morning at a coffee shop, one the streetcar on the way to work, Lunch, on my way to a business meeting, at an evening fund raiser or party, could be three. Definitely feasible, and I have had days like this. It isn't an issue of if this is possible, because it is. It is would you run into 6 chicks every day you are interested in. For me it isn't about availability, I come across a hundred chicks a day... it's are there going to be 6 or more I want to approach.
Oct 6, 2016
Reaction score
All women are the same, they all respond to the same male strength qualities. Race does not matter. But I will say that women are naturally attracted to men that are different from men in their own families... this is genetic, they are naturally drawn to genetic diversity, because when races mix the offspring tend to inherent the best qualities of both races, women intuitively know this. Now that it is more socially acceptable to hook up with dudes of other races, they are doing it. Not a surprise. Trying to read more into this is just silly.

You take care of yourself, and act like a man, your race is irrelevant, you are going to do well with chicks as long as you put in effort without becoming a needy b!tch.

I get the most attention from black, latino, and asian women then white chicks. Why would anyone be surprised that white chicks are interested in black dudes? Female nature.... get used to it.
Race does matter because girls care a great deal about what their social circles think, I say this as a white guy who has seen this play out a great deal.

In my area (NYC and Tri-State area), Arab and Middle Eastern guys are bottom of the barrel for most white women. Going for one is social suicide and you will often see most girls avoid guys of those races because of that. I have seen white women go for "cool" races like black guys to please their friends and so they can get something to brag about but the reality is, women don't go for attraction like men do.

Men go for what we are attracted to, women go for what society wants them to be attracted to. People in the tri-state area hate brown skinned men that look foreign which is why they struggle with women here and women avoid them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Don't go outside just to approach. That's creepy and girls sense that.
But while you are in the grocery store, the mall, carryout, post office etc etc
I disagree, there's nothing creepy about a man trying to get women, that's just what you're meant to do