Objective: The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty!

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Objective: The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty!

<<<< Strapped inside a Blackhawk Helicopter, the soldier known only as Victory Unlimited flies the winged workhorse through the rainy skies at death defying speeds------over an undisclosed location----on yet another secret mission. Fighting in unison with other brave warriors from the SoSuave Armed Forces, the battle wages on many fronts-------in the air, along with him, flies KONTROLLERX, COLOSSUS, and JOEKERR. On the ground below, troops led by Generals KARMA SUTRA, JONWON, MR. POSITIVE, and Spiritual/Tactical Officer INTERCEPTOR make great strides as they advance upon the enemies of MANkind. While at sea, Commanders LAST MAN STANDING, JOPHIL, and Comrade RUDRA lead a fleet of ships in a valiant effort to restore The Natural Order of Things!

Meanwhile, with his left hand on the trigger of a 105 mm Howitzer, Victory Unlimited reaches up with his right to adjust the microphone on his helmet in order to send back a message to those gathered in the SoSuave Mature Man War Room----And the following is a transcript of what he spoke: >>>>>

“From high above, I have heard the rumblings of discord among the Brothers at Arms. I see, the USUAL presuppositions abound…and if they’re not spoken out loud, they are unmistakably implied:

All women are the same, there’s no such thing as women of quality, there’s no such thing as “soul mates”, etc…

Peering through the haze of confusion caused by pre-programmed reactions to preconceived notions of the more POPULARIZED meanings of these phrases, I see a battle over SEMANTICS being waged. What I offer here is not another argument, but merely another perspective. To some, it will be exactly what I mean for it to be---a broader, yet more defined explanation of terminology given in an effort to bridge the gaps of understanding----to foster reconciliation. But to others, it will be interpreted as merely another opportunity to split hairs, to stir up MORE trouble with the troops----which will be UNFORTUNATE. Because division is NOT my goal----UNITY is. But be that as it may. The mission continues…

First off, the encountering of a potential Soul Mate is not JUST a “magical moment” that causes a chemical reaction------but more an arresting recognition of a unique opportunity you have been given to connect with someone who MAY prove special to your life. For only the blind, the impetuous, and the foolish “fall” in love. The “wise” realize that love is not just an emotion----BUT a decision, an action, and a commitment. It is a BOND.

And bonds are not fallen into, they are FORGED------either consciously or subconsciously. YOU DECIDE. Because as long as men, like SOME misguided women, continue to subscribe to the belief that LOVE is more of a “feeling” than it is an “ACTION”…then the heavy emotional losses that they suffer will go on indefinitely-----AND unabated.

You see, soldiers, Quality Women and Soul Mates are both merely “trigger phrases” that many have a negative knee-jerk reaction to every time they hear them----and rightly so. If the definition you subscribe to of a quality woman is that of a woman who is perfect and behaviorally infallible, then I agree with you-----THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

And if the definition you subscribe to of a soul mate is that of THE ONE and ONLY person that you are ever destined to be with who will somehow make your life complete, OR somehow become your reason for living, then I agree with you here also-------THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

However, I subscribe to NEITHER of these viewpoints. So let us dispense with the HORIZONTAL THINKING for a brief moment and open our minds to a different and more useful definition of these two “trigger phrases”, shall we? Let us now advance further, troops…

A “workable” definition of a SOUL MATE


Bare in mind, THIS is an extreme over-simplification of the deeper, more spiritual definition of THE SOUL as I have come to know it. So this abbreviated explanation is being given in the interest of providing CLARITY; so DON’T miss my point on purpose, troops:

If you can just wrap your head around the concept of “the soul” as a singular reference point used to describe who you are at your CORE, which includes your beliefs, your temperament, your ethics, and your likes and dislikes in MANY different categories---- then you will see that a soul “mate” is REALLY just a person that you can connect with on a more HOLISTIC level than the “average person”-----and you RECOGNIZE it.


Everyone knows that a mate is a companion, a partner, or a collaborator-----so, “to mate” with someone literally means “to match, to bond, to join, or to ALIGN with” them-----to make and/or find an “ALLY”.
Agreed, there IS no “ONE” person alone that fits this criteria for you-----there can be MORE than one----which is GOOD----which is also why men who WANT Long Term Relationships or Marriages should remain open to the idea of meeting ONE, one day.

THIS is a definition of “a” SOUL MATE that is far from myth, but instead, is firmly rooted and grounded in REALITY.

So now, the question arises:

How do you go about finding and/or recognizing a woman who is a potential Soul Mate (as it has just been RE-DEFINED)?

And the answer is:

You MUST qualify her.”

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Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
“Those who live by the “Life is Meaningless” mantra may disagree, and I respect their opinion, but even THEY subscribe to the belief in the power and CONSEQUENCE of choice. And those soldiers who believe that “Life is MeaningFULL” subscribe to the belief in the POWER and consequence of choice, as well.

All women may be similar, but they are NOT the same. For if ALL women were the same there would be NO temptation for dissatisfied men to search for “variety”. And also, if ALL women were the same, there would be NO danger of men falling prey to the unrequited love and the premature emotional investment that usually act as the harbingers of the doom that is called “ONEitis”. However, we KNOW these things are NOT the case, don’t we?

There is a reason WHY every person ever born on this planet has a unique retina design, a unique set of thumbprints, handprints, and footprints. It is because we are all different. People are NOT the same. No two men…and therefore, NO TWO WOMEN.

EVERYBODY is special, just like YOU. Or, you are special, just like EVERYBODY else. You see, LIFE is full of CONTRADICTORY TRUTHS. The sooner men accept this, the better equipped they will become at maneuvering their way through this world while enjoying deeper levels of PEACE.

As I have said before in other briefing sessions:

A quality woman is defined differently for each man. But the short definition is that she is a woman that meets YOUR particular qualifications. A woman of quality is one with distinction. She displays traits, characteristics, behaviors, and degrees of excellence that DISTINGUISHES her from the rest----with the most important distinction being that she adds more value to your life due to her presence, as opposed to her absence.

Make no mistake, men. A woman of distinction is NOT a perfect woman OR an unrealistic ideal, but rather, a woman that meets YOUR specified standards. And there is no such thing as a “perfect” woman, but there IS such a thing as a woman with the perfect ATTITUDE. And that attitude is revealed by how much zeal and how much consistency she displays in her mission to PLEASE and to KEEP “YOU”. It must at the very least match YOUR zeal to please and to keep her.

Although no relationship exhibits demonstrative equity at all times, it is the consistency of the ebb and flow of GIVING AND TAKING that makes the “Soul Mate See-Saw” balanced, enjoyable, and fulfilling. A good indicator that you may have found a person worth bonding with is how convinced YOU are that she has shown that she wants “you” specifically----and NOT just “a” relationship in general.

And any man who has had his fair share of relationship skirmishes KNOWS the difference between when a woman views him as Mr. Right------as opposed to Mr. Right Now.

We, here in the Victory Unlimited Squadron of the SoSuave Army are not spoiled children prone to flighty fits of fantasy. We know by EXPERIENCE what we prefer in a woman. We KNOW what it is to approach women of all calibers, temperaments, and levels of attractiveness. And we are not strangers to victories won, and seasons of great success.

OURS is NOT the way of those who fear what lesser men call “rejection”. We define an encounter with an UNINTERESTED woman as really just the positive identification of a woman who is UNAVAILABLE, or INCOMPATIBLE, or worse----a woman who does NOT have good taste in men-------for how else, could she fail to recognize OUR value?

What some mistakenly view as our SUPPOSED preconceived idealizations of a “perfect” woman is really what WE actually KNOW to be realistic, well-defined sets of standards that we REQUIRE of women we would give the honor of entering into our lives for LONG TERM purposes.

For us, it goes BEYOND just sex…Because we are NOT so enslaved to the size, shape, warmth, or feel of a pusssy to the extent where we cry tears of utter hopelessness when we DON’T get some, nor do we scream like biitches in pure, unbridled ecstasy when we DO. We AIN’T new to this shyt. We’re MEN here---NOT “little boys”.

Our way is to; as much as it is within our power, CHOOSE the way, the life, and THE WOMEN we want. For the ONLY immediate alternative to actively choosing to qualify a woman is to engage in a form of circular logic. Specifically, one that amounts to jettisoning ANY personal standards or expectations in order to escape even the possibility of being disappointed with any woman that you encounter. For if a man chooses to believe that EVERY woman is of the same level of relationship-worthiness, his pool of women will NEVER run dry.

However, this is a solution MOSTLY for those who embrace ONLY the lifestyle of fleeting, carnal pleasure----those who have no desire, or very little regard for a consistent female ally in this world, but rather, are just in the market for a living tool for masturbation------an elimination receptacle for the disposal of bodily fluids-----much like a toilet, or a urinal.

And, if THIS is the target for which you have spent years aiming your life----then congratulations, you have probably already arrived! And I respect that soldier’s RIGHT to make that decision. But this is NOT the way of all. And it is for those that this Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty was drafted.”
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Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
“By now, troops, we should all be able to see that equating the value of ALL women as being exactly the same is merely a veiled strategy used by SOME men to justify the perpetuation of their adopting a APATHETIC, BITTER, or SMUG relationship mindset. And when you look into the eyes of these men (the windows of their souls) THIS is usually what you will see:

You will see a man DULLED by the Routines of War (the SAMENESS of his experiences with women, either positive OR negative)----The APATHETIC.

Or you will see a man BROKEN by the Horrors of War (his mostly NEGATIVE experiences with women)-----The BITTER.

Or you will see a man PUFFED UP WITH PRIDE by the Spoils of War (his own POSITIVE experiences with women-----which he usually, and with GREAT arrogance, holds up to all others as “THE ONLY” realistic standard for what heights ANYONE’S relationship can ever reach)-----The SMUG.

Many times, all three types, in spite of themselves, find themselves running their OWN versions of Infinity Gauntlets-----mainly due to having fallen prey to horizontal thinking.

HORIZONTAL THINKING is a process that occurs when men choose to perceive the world ONLY through the prism of THEIR own personal experience, and only up to THEIR current level of experiential awareness---NEVER higher. The idea of taking a more nuanced approach to thinking of relationships is anathema to them because it separates them from the adopted psychological Dogma that has THUS FAR proven successful (ENOUGH) for them.

Faith in an unknown method, or a method with which THEY have NO personal experience using in order to reach similar relationship goals represents TOO BROAD of a chasm for them to dare leap across. So, like a PEANUTS character who clings to his security blanket, these men hold fast to their limited beliefs-----mainly due to their familiarity with experiencing lower level forms of relationship success, while at the same time convincing themselves AND OTHERS that experiencing HIGHER LEVELS of relationship success is NOT realistically possible.

In effect, they have created a relationship scenario wherein they are indeed free from Woman Worship, but still enslaved by the perception that ALL women are still their enemy. So rather than face the fact that they have either NOT MET, or haven’t correctly cultivated the right kind of relationship with a woman of worth, they instead choose to continue to SLEEP WITH THE ENEMY (the woman they HAVE)-----but with one eye open.

Always fearing the WORST, because they KNOW deep down that they have NOT strategically picked the BEST (…for them). And the most tragic part of this scenario is that they will NEVER admit this publicly to other men, OR even privately to themselves. Why would they remain so tight-lipped, you ask?

Well, many would say that silence is golden, but sometimes…it’s just YELLOW.

So subsequently, what they do in the presence of men who DO NOT share their particular brand of Horizontal Thinking is to either settle into numbness (the apathetic), complain in disappointment (the bitter), or seek to condescend and belittle (the smug). All of us have probably been guilty of these types of behaviors at some point, soldiers. But the difference between us, and those who are STUCK in one of these modes is that “they” have mentally convinced themselves that they LIKE IT----and see no reason to change, or have no desire to change. The freedom that awaits them on the other side of Horizontal Thinking escapes them-----as if the concept was WITHIN reach of their understanding, yet OUT OF REACH of their principles.

But alas, we live in an age of intellectual GIANTS----but ethical MIDGETS.

And a carefully camouflaged COMFORT ZONE is far more confining than any cellblock in Stalag 17, soldiers! Remember that, as we move on…”
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Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
VU, I flew Chinooks in the Army....Blackhawks are for kids...

Well on the road to RAFC

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
“The keys to our victories often lie in the lessons learned from both our own previous battles, and those of others. Remember men, even in our most sacred text (The DJ Bible), there are books written by prophets and apostles with names like ANTI-DUMP, SENOR FINGERS, and of course, the legendary POOK. Yes, in it, there are many stories chronicling the adventures of our Heroes of Faith. Many of us DJ Disciples have sat for hours, regaled by these tales from the days of yore.

The story of how prophets like ANTI-DUMP once built a “machine” that could infallibly spit out detailed information as to whether or not a woman was REALLY interested in a man OR NOT-------the tale of the apostle SENOR FINGERS, and how he came to write the legendary scroll that he called THE WEAPONS OF MASS SEDUCTION------and lastly, the MANY letters to the churches of SoSuave that the Apostle POOK wrote-----brilliantly outlining the righteous paths that all DJ Disciples should walk in, as we make our way towards the blissful realm that he called “Nirvana”.

BUT-----there is another combat manual that can be used in conjunction with THAT text that provides us with yet MORE strategies for success. This combat manual gives us marching orders and battle plans written by soldiers with names like Peter, James, and John-----all given for the purpose of arming us further in this war to find worthwhile relationships. In every conflict, in every battle, in every WAR, there are rules. We, in the Victory Unlimited Branch of the SoSuave Army call these “The Rules of Engagement”.

And the greatest, and most decorated SOLDIER from that particular combat manual taught us some very specific tactics to use------each designed to better our chances of qualifying the women we meet------to aid us in determining which ones may be better suited for us to forge a deeper (soul-level) bond with.

And the two rules of engagement he spoke of are:

The GOLDEN Rule of Engagement and the PLATINUM Rule of Engagement.

The GOLDEN RULE of Engagement

This first rule, and the MOST famous one, is called the Golden Rule. And this rule states:

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Concise in it’s delivery, and disarming in it’s simplicity, this tactic is used primarily at the initial phases of encounters a man has with a woman------when he is UNAWARE of her true identity: Friend or Foe---Ally or Enemy? This tactic is designed to expose the true natures of the women we meet. Closely observing the Law of Reciprocity while applying this rule provides us with much evidence----especially during the “getting to know you” stages. But in order to use THIS maneuver, a man must be at peace with his past, aware of his present, and hopeful about his future.

Evidenced by his ability to “risk” exposing himself to potential emotional harm by opening himself up to the possibility that ALL women are not his enemy, and that his PAST does not have to equal his FUTURE-------he separates himself from the APATHETIC, and the BITTER by marching forward into UNKNOWN territory (emotional vulnerability) in hopes of entering an UNDISCOVERED country (the land where a TRUE, more fulfilling, and potentially lasting connection with women may exist).

This Golden Rule is not a strategy for soldiers with trembling hands----but for those with courageous hearts. And as the stout hearted soldier advances, he will see the bitter fall to the right of him, and the apathetic fall at his left. The bitter are struck down by the explosive shrapnel of heartache due to their tendency to look backwards----pulverized by the pains of their past. The apathetic are struck down-----paralyzed by the nerve gas of numbness due to their inability or unwillingness to BELIEVE that the outcome of any encounter with women should even MATTER to them at all. While the smug rush ahead into sudden relationship “death”--------blinded by their refusal to even consider “thinking outside the box” of their personal, experiential history.

Nevertheless, The Golden Rule of Engagement is a proactive maneuver, designed to draw out the essence of any woman you encounter. All the world is indeed a stage, and many women ARE players (actresses), but over the course of time all actors flub their scenes, trip over their lines, or ad lib.

And it is only when she has put on a ENOUGH repeat performances in your presence that it is usually revealed just what that woman’s true interest in you IS-----AND what her true motivations for being with you are.

But if she DOESN’T adhere to this law of reciprocity, then that’s when it’s time to switch to using The Platinum Rule of Engagement.

The PLATINUM RULE of Engagement:

“Do not give that which is holy (the sacred thing) to the dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample upon them with their feet and turn and tear you in pieces.”

The PLATINUM Rule of Engagement, though NOT as well known as the first, is just as important, and even MORE important in the cause of protecting our hearts from the fiery missiles launched at us by the enemies of our best interest. But THIS one needs more explanation. So…

The Victory Unlimited (oversimplified) Translation:

“Do not give your most prized possessions (your hearts and souls) to women who are not of like-mind, or who are not equally as giving, or are either not worthy or appropriately appreciative of the intimacies that you would offer them.”

The act of truly qualifying a woman is done by going through a checklist usually broken down into three categories------rationality, compatibility, and sexual chemistry. After each of these criteria have been adequately met, THEN the biggest litmus test of Soul Mate-level qualification is discovered over TIME------and specifically going through the “tests” that life naturally and invariably tends to throw at men and women as they experience the bonding process. This is when we must take NOTE of how they react during the good times AND bad times-----with much more emphasis being placed on how they cope with the BAD times.

Deciding to mate with someone on a soul-level requires COMMITMENT. And THIS is the most important ingredient of any relationship in the end----it’s what separates playtime from “REAL” time. Yes, the titanium-strength chain that links RATIONALITY, COMATIBILITY, and SEXUAL CHEMISTRY together with enough stability to “consider” bonding with a qualified woman on a soul-level is called “MUTUAL COMMITMENT”. Without it, the bond will not, cannot, and SHOULD NOT hold----even if it does manage to be formed at all.

Read the above statement AGAIN, troops------until it is forever burned into your consciousness. For this statement ALONE is enough to help guide your choices and protect your hearts better than any body armor that military industrial complex inventors like Tony Stark could EVER design.”
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Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
“Does the woman you have “engaged” in the relationship process change FOR THE WORSE with each season? Does her moods determine her level of commitment to maintaining YOUR happiness in the relationship? Does she turn on you in the Foxhole of Life when times get rough-----switching sides to become your greatest ENEMY when you really NEED an ally? Does she shyt test you endlessly even AFTER she agreed to enter into an exclusive relationship with you?

While following The Golden Rule of Engagement, and you get back unfavorable answers to questions like these, then you KNOW it’s time to implement the Platinum Rule-----which is in effect, a RETREAT-----a strategic WITHDRAWAL from all serious mental, emotional, spiritual, and ULTIMATELY “physical” investment in the woman in question.

Why? Because this woman has been exposed as a threat to your present peace of mind, and a possible ENEMY to your future peace of mind as well. Always listen for the sound of your I.A.System-----your Internal Alarm System.


Within every man there is a part of him that can act as an alarm system. It can alert him to the presence of those who have breached his perimeter-----AND identify whether they be friend or foe. Some call this his “gut”, others call this his heart, and STILL others call this his Spirit.

This is the part of every man that burns within him like a fire, or glows within him like an inner light. And the two gauges that regulate this “internal thermostat” within every man are his PEACE and his ENERGY. And as abstract and impractical as this may sound on the surface, men--------this knowledge has practical application.

Keeping aware of THESE gauges can SAVE your emotional life. Check your gut. Yield to your spirit. What effect does this woman have on you?

How do you feel in your spirit/gut when you anticipate seeing her? Do you feel at peace, excited, or fulfilled? Or do you DREAD her coming?

How do you feel in your spirit/gut when you are with her? Are you buoyant? Are you more ALIVE? Or are you feeling claustrophobic, uncomfortable (NOT “YOURSELF”), or drained?

And how do you feel in your spirit/gut when she is about to LEAVE your presence?
Do you miss her? Or do you just miss PARTS of her? Or are you relieved that she IS leaving.

Anyone whose presence in your life strengthens you, energizes you, and increases your peace COULD BE Soul Mate-worthy.

But anyone whose presence in your life WEAKENS you, DRAINS you, and causes you UNREST is definitely someone NOT Soul Mate-worthy.

Finding and recognizing a potential Soul Mate is THAT simple, and THAT complicated----at the same time. The choice is yours. Free will can yield both positive and negative results. For even if you meet your “soul mate” by chance, you AND SHE are still obligated to choose whether or not to unite or to separate. Again, free will is the X-Factor.

But as men, we are not fazed by this fact. For we know that in our PLATONIC love life we will have many associates, but few real FRIENDS (somebody who would share a jail cell with us, or take a bullet for our asses). So why should things in our ROMANTIC love life be any different? We have many dates, but few real SOUL MATES.

A Soul Mate is someone who has qualified herself to you enough for you to consider her an Ally. Although “marriage” is generally not necessarily thought of as being the “DJ Thing”-------honoring our commitments to worthy causes, and people, “IS”. And a form of FAITH is required to advance further into these DEEPER forms of connection with women-----with “faith” being defined as a confident hope that you are willing to act on because of your BELIEF in the possibility and/or probability that a desired outcome WILL manifest.

But every man’s faith has LIMITS. You must KNOW your own limits, men------then either choose to live WITHIN them, or choose to grow BEYOND them.

If your faith is at a level where YOU choose to only enjoy the company of women for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY---------and you have no firm belief in the possibility of FINDING a qualified woman with whom you’d like to FORGE a more lasting bond------then there is HONOR in this choice. For you are being true to WHO you are and what YOU want at this time in your life.

But if your faith is at a level where YOU choose to enjoy the company of women for entertainment purposes as well, BUT also have an equally firm belief that, along the way, you will find SOME women SO qualified that you would gladly consider the possibility of forging a more lasting bond with them-----then there is HONOR in that choice as well.”

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
The Peace Treaty

“The wording of the treaty is plain and simple:

A quality woman is one you have successfully QUALIFIED, using realistic means and by realistic standards (albeit HIGH, when juxtaposed against the standards of those LESS discriminating).

And a soul mate is simply someone whom you encounter that MEETS as many of your qualifications as realistically possible----a RARE woman with whom your connection is FAR more HOLISTIC than it is compartmentalized.

To those who are willing to accept this treaty; I commend you for doing so. And to those who do not, I offer you my continued RESPECT, as we choose to continue to agree to DISAGREE. Because if the rationality of this proposal HAS NOT rang true to you within your heart of hearts, then freely go your own way----for this Peace Treaty was obviously not for you. Instead, the Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty is for those other men here who serve with ME.

Those who KNOW that the opposite of courage IS NOT cowardice, but rather CONFORMITY to an easier, more socially acceptable, defeatist mindset...

Those who KNOW that low-level, HORIZONTAL thinking promotes comfort in accepting familiarity of MEDIOCRITY rather than the inspiration to OVERCOME…

Those who KNOW that there is HONOR in refusing to march like lemmings to a drumbeat in lock step with the apathetic, the bitter, or the foolishly proud who accept WHATEVER life offers them, rather than striving for “MORE”…

Those who KNOW that there is a difference between self-righteousness and having a PERSONAL CODE OF ETHICS…

Those who KNOW that what many would call “LIMITING YOUR OPTIONS”, is really just simply NARROWING YOUR SCOPE…

Those who KNOW that it takes more than just A BRAIN to intelligently MAKE A STAND for what you really want out of this life-----but A SPINE, as well…

Those who KNOW that although the war NEVER ends, SOMETIMES, the enemies change and ALLIES “are” found…

Those who KNOW that finding a worthy loyal FEMALE ally along the way would constitute a MAJOR VICTORY….

Those who KNOW that achieving success in THAT area can ONLY serve to inspire success in OTHERS…

Until that day finally comes, when we have won SO MANY battles, that our hopes will rise…

To the level where NOTHING can EVER AGAIN stop us from believing…

…that our VICTORIES can be--------UNLIMITED!!!”



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
wow, this was a great thread vu!!
to think of all the time this one took... blows my mind.
bible worthy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Great post, Victory.

Proud to serve alongside you, sir.

I've felt a strange rumbling through the ranks. And I think this was an opportune time to regain the Unit's integrity again, and improve troop morale.

I think it is so important to let go of any of the guilt..
...for the mistakes we have made.

The shame..
...we have felt in making some of those decsions and actions.

The anger...
...towards ourselves and those whom hurt us.

And the resentment..
.for those who had not lived up to our expectations, including oursleves.

Bitterness can be washed away.
But not knowing you are dying of thirst, or worse, not wanting to know is a cruel irony.

There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

And let go of the chains of sadness and regret...

..for they no longer serve a purpose. We have done ourr time in Hell. And now wish to move on as Free Men.

So many people are starved for love, and affection that we begin to doubt if it really exists.
Like a mirage in the desert, we have been 'tricked" too many times, and there won't be no more fooling us. No sir. We won't be fooled again.
Yet, the alternative for many seems to be a decayed and decomposed Spirit, a SOUL that is slowly dying of lack of nourishment. And no intellectualization and rationalziation or Hobbies (such as sport fvcking) can cover up that empty void we had where there used to be love, affection, compassion and tenderness.

Once we doubt, we start to find new ways of thinking to remove ourselves from that pain. A pain of a realization of "Just what the fvck am I thinking?? What the fvck am I really living for?"

If the answer we hear in our minds is : "Nothing". Much like the Matrix, our mind will dis integrate.

If someone feels there is nothing left, nothing to look forward to , they will soon begin a thought process to rescue their mind, and emotions or at least hold them in a Status Quo so no further damage can be inflicted.
But what we do is build walls not only to keep people out, but to keep us IN.

It is scary to be vulnerable.

Only truly strong and courageous Men can be open to 'vulnerability".

I firmly believe that.

And so, we begin our next mission.
Operation Spartan Warrior.


Our solemn oath to ourselves, to embrace ourselves FULLY, and with correct, and respectful regard for ourselves, as Strong mature Masculine Men. And the full potential that lies therein. No excuses, and no deceptions.

Weapons are 'hot".
Feet are "wet".


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the motivation, Victory and Interceptor.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Haha too sweet.

I'm in the Blackhawk Helicopter with VU.

Anyway this whole post reeks of awesomeness.

Update the DJ Bible already whoever owns this place with its own Victory Unlimited section.

My god this poster's name is made for its own section in this place.

Anyway to comment on the post itself I've been thinking about this for a while here.

We don't have to let the Matrix totally own and define the terms "quality woman" and "soulmate" we can have alternative DJ/VU definitions for such terms that give a saner more thoughtful definition for them that is based in DJ reality and not fantasy as the Matrix defines the terms currently.

Redefine the terms in a DJ style is what I think this post is saying and its a pretty good message though I suppose it could lead to confusion for a lot of the members who don't read this post or never see it.

So to make it clearer what I'm saying is the Matrix defines a soulmate as someone whose been destined to be your partner in life, someone you are fated to be with when the stars align just right and that of course is bullsh!t fantasy thinking. Its a nice thought for sure but its not grounded at all in reality.

Whereas a DJ definition of a soulmate would be what VU said and that is someone who meets your reality based qualifications of her like does she really care does she back up her words of love with consistent action towards me? If yes to those then you're good to go and you've found your definition of a DJ soulmate. Now of course there are more qualification questions than that but thats just one example and a good start I think.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
You took almost all of my points that I have made in the past month, and put them in one thread, and didn't even mention me. I am glad someone gets it! Great post. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
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Birmingham, Alabama
BRAVO!!! Excellent post my friend. The SoSuave Army is on the money!


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
iqqi said:
You took almost all of my points that I have made in the past month, and put them in one thread, and didn't even mention me. I am glad someone gets it! Great post. ;)
You know what they say about those who pat themselves on the back for other peoples' hard work and blood stained hands? I will not sully this biblical thread with downing you but we all see you for what you are.

Victory and the Superior Officers of the SoSuave Army,

Your assignment:

Read this then re-read this until your mind is consumed by the fire of desire. Let is singe your cortex and let the ember spark your paradigm of relationships anew. The Soul Mate is not an unattainable reality, it's within your grasp once you have the armor and weapons to combat the one enemy which is always skulking in the brood; self doubt. Self doubt always has it's sight set on you. Watching for one second of weakness in your defense, waiting for that one opportune moment to take the shot which will kill your confidence. One shot, one kill. It ONLY takes one.

The Master Chief is dead. His body walks in a mummified dullery taking whatever treatment he can get, ANY emotional connection will cause an external propulsion of his wasted experience. This is what we soldiers call the AFC. The once strong, resourceful and strident brother-in arms who we could model our lives after. He was confident in body but his mind was a slave to regret and affirmation, usually to a woman but sometimes to drugs or booze or any of the myriad of reality numbing substances.

Hope is not lost . . .


There is a faint rumbling in his heart. His chest pulling in the air of hope and fist shoved into the gaping wound of regret, stopping any further loss of energy. Pull yourself up soldier! Get up and fight! Ever forward, never retreat!

We are still in the push on the relationship front to gain new ground and slay those enemies which prevent us from true happiness; those enemies have forged an alliance of abandonment, second guessing, apathy, emotional carnage and worst of all; discontent amongst the ranks. The broken bonds of our brotherhood.

We're the remnants of those fallen knights who dared the quest but lacked the courage to hold strong the sword of discipline when faced by that dreaded demon; Commitment. This is the war, not just the battle. When we cannot COMMIT to ourselves the dedication to improve, cannot COMMIT to promoting our own self interests above everyone else's, cannot COMMIT to actualization of our destiny then the last resort is hopelessness and mental suicide.


Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Bumping this because there is great stuff in here. I really feel like I've grown quite a bit in a shorter amount of time from my last situation from reading your guy's responses.

I thought I had found my "soul mate" because we had similar interests and she was really into me.

But---I ignored my alarm system. I left out the parts that MATTERED--values (namely, treating others with respect and kindness) that she didn't seem to have. But I was willing to overlook those things because I had found someone I "clicked with", and to me that meant love. But I was wrong. I didn't value myself enough. Now I'm learning what to value yourself really means (It means everything).

I love this concept of finding an ally. I'll work on becoming my own best ally first--then I'll be better prepared to handle the war scenarios that may lay before me.

It's threads like these that highlight the difference between the mature man and all the other stuff here.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
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my "penciling" on the margins of your book I am reading:

edited oops! I meant to email you this Victory LOL ...not enough coffee...

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Yo Troops…

Much of what I see here on the board lately truly SADDENS me…

What I seem to be witnessing here on many fronts is men giving up, settling for less, and waving the White Flag of Surrender.

What I see in a lot of threads here these days is a bell tolling…announcing:

The Death of HOPE

My sincerest wish for all the men (and women) here is to pause for a moment and recognize that life is full of negatives…AND POSITIVES. It is a trick of “the enemy” to believe that focusing on the negatives equals being “realistic”, and focusing on the positives somehow equals being “unrealistic”. This is the mindset that reveals evidence of a lack of HOPE.

Life is NOT to be led by looking at it with blinders on, but instead, by viewing it unobstructed------in it’s FULL panorama. There are positives AND NEGATIVES. And the difference between those who emerge victorious in life and those who do not is often in how they view life. It has been said that the smaller part of life is what happens to us---but the GREATER part of life is how we respond to it.

Many great men look at problems, shortcomings, and everything else that may be wrong with the world and RESPOND by rising to the occasion-------often sparked by their creativity, these men manage to save themselves, save others, and then actually leave a lasting impact on the world around them.

But many men who have been “tricked” to believe they are somehow “lesser”, merely give up and accept their “fate”-------having convinced themselves that they are PERSONALLY powerless to affect real change------neither in their lives, nor the lives of others, and SURELY NOT in the world around them.

And the difference between these two sets of men is either the presence OR the absence of HOPE.

Despair breeds despondency, paralysis, and eventually death----while HOPE breeds enthusiasm, mobility, and ultimately life. So I would seek to encourage EVERYONE here to not buy into the self-defeating, fatalistic mindset that paints positivity as naive, unrealistic, or Pollyannaish-----because the only way that this would be true is IF those who believed that way were somehow unaware of, or blinded to the negative aspects that make up the whole of life------and for many here, NOTHING could be further from the truth.

Rather, the power of POSITIVITY is that it recognizes that EVERYTHING in life exists as either a PROBLEM, or a SOLUTION to a problem. Please take a moment and just consider what I’ve just written above…

And the difference between the desperate and the hopeful is that one mentally magnifies the PROBLEM and the other mentally magnifies the SOLUTION.

So what does this have to do with The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty? Well, nothing…and EVERYTHING. The choice between despair and hope, and the POWER that making that choice gives you is echoed by many who’ve posted on THIS very thread alone:

Spiritual/Tactical Officer INTERCEPTOR, cutting to the heart of the matter:

…the alternative for many seems to be a decayed and decomposed Spirit, a SOUL that is slowly dying of lack of nourishment. And no intellectualization and rationalziation or Hobbies (such as sport fvcking) can cover up that empty void we had where there used to be love, affection, compassion and tenderness.

A revelation shared with us by Commander KONTROLLERX:

Redefine the terms in a DJ style is what I think this post is saying…

A battle-tested action plan put forth by Reconnaissance Officer RESET:

I love this concept of finding an ally. I'll work on becoming my own best ally first--then I'll be better prepared to handle the war scenarios that may lay before me.

A reminder, a kick in the ass, and war-time words of wisdom from General KARMA SUTRA:
Hope is not lost...Pull yourself up soldier! Get up and fight! Ever forward, never retreat!...We are still in the push on the relationship front to gain new ground and slay those enemies which prevent us from true happiness; those enemies have forged an alliance of abandonment, second guessing, apathy, emotional carnage and worst of all; discontent amongst the ranks.
And Colonel CONNECT4 offers a summary of sorts:
But those who look for it, have that hope, they can only find a deeper connection.

All these statements come from men who demonstrate at the very LEAST, their belief in POSSIBILITIES. And that, in and of itself, is a definition of HOPE. And HOPE is not a pipe dream. Nor is HOPE a naive fantasy indulged in by those with a penchant for folly.

Rather, it is FUEL for the fire that inspires future accomplishment…AND it is an ENGINE that drives many of us here who would much rather prefer to live a life filled with MAKING contributions-------as opposed to just taking them…

March on.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Cool. I guess every "problem" holds the seeds to its own solution. :D