Yo Kickureface,
The primary objectives behind this thread was to first point out the potential trap that awaits men who mistake simply the acquisition of strategies and tactics with the actual accomplishment of INTERNALIZING the core things that ultimately make a man truly become a BETTER man.
To reach this goal, we plan on posting reminders LIKE this one in the general discussion, the tips section, and other places just to keep the awareness that there should be HIGHER goals here than ONLY attracting the women we want into our lives------and one of them is becoming the kind of man who can KEEP them wanting to remain in our lives.
The right women are great and can be a most valuable asset in the lives of men, but they should only be a byproduct of a life filled with many other great achievements. But because this IS a dating site, we would be remiss if we did NOT address this subjects as frequently and specifically as we do.
But in addressing it, our goal is to also point out, evaluate, and FIX (if need be) the underlying issues that may impede us in our progress to obtain healthier and more fulfilling outlooks on women and relationships.
And Kickureface,
ONE way I'd suggest you continue to advance on your OWN path of continued development would be to seek out, read, and take the time to contemplate threads on Sosuave that get to "the crux" of a lot of our relationship/manhood issues as opposed to the ones that just skim the surface-------like the ones that are already listed in my signature lines below (that is, if you haven't read them already...).
And don't just stop THERE.
Many of the brave men and women who have posted in THIS very thread, I'm sure, have just as many threads that they've authored, OR ones that they'd like to recommend to the troops on here too-----threads that offer a more lasting solution to problems, and not just a "quick fix".
I only ask that those who do choose to get with this program of self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement do so with an OPEN MIND.
If the things that we post or recommend ring true to you------take it to heart. But if the things that we post or recommend don't ring true to you----------leave it alone.
And if you find there are things that we post or recommend give you pause, or you take issue with, or you have questions about------then feel free to use them as FUEL to fire up a respectful DISCUSSION amongst all of us soldiers who are in the process of marching along the SAME path.
March on.