Objective:The Mature Man, State of the Union Address!

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Objective: The Mature Man, State of the Union Address!

It is nightfall…and somewhere off the coast of the AFC Islands, and nearer to the DJ Peninsula floats a huge aircraft carrier with a deck filled with seasoned, highly-decorated soldiers from the various branches of the Sosuave Armed Services. A jet-black helicopter descends onto the landing pad, the whirring of it’s blades not NEARLY loud enough to drown out the cheers of the thousands of men assembled.

Then, out of it steps a helmeted man dressed in all black, wearing full flight gear. Proudly he stands at the podium, with a sea of men in front of him and a huge VICTORY banner flapping in the crisp ocean breeze behind him. He takes a moment to turn around and look at it. He scowls as he reads the words written on the banner:


“Yo troops!” he yells above the noise, the sound of his voice cutting off the cheers of the veteran soldiers that stand before him. Then, the soldier known only as VICTORY UNLIMITED removes his helmet, steps closer to the microphones and begins to speak:

“Welcome, soldiers, to the Mature Man, State of the Union Address. As you are all aware, we are at war. The battle to become overall BETTER men, and to also attract and KEEP better women in our lives as a byproduct, rages on. To those who are assembled here before me, OUR mission is to live a life full of personal fulfillment, to be the BEST men that we can be, and to build lives for ourselves that are a testament to that GROWTH.

And this growth that I speak of is NOT compartmentalized, men. NO, it is ALL encompassing-----our service here is in the cause of mental, physical, professional, relational, and spiritual advancement.

And from THIS cause we will NOT shrink back. We will NOT cut and run. You see, there comes a time in every Mature Man’s life when he realizes that life is actually ALL about relationships (WTF???)----Yes------that man’s relationship with himself, that man’s relationship with his Maker (for those who believe…), and that man’s relationship with others.

This address I am making is to those men who have reached a point in their lives where they are now OPEN to the possibility of embarking into exclusivity with a woman who has differentiated herself from those women who are part of The Axis of Evil (more on this later…). This speech is a call to arms for all men who still have HOPE that they will one day meet at least ONE true woman worth his undivided attention.

Now, why would a man of action EVER decide to give up an endless parade of pusssy in favor of bonding with just ONE particular woman? The answer is simple, troops----a man would do this because he has successfully reached a level in his personal growth where he can NOW see a woman as a WHOLE, rather than just a HOLE.

A man would do this because he has FINALLY realized that his time could be better spent pursuing OTHER, more wide-ranging interests than just new pusssy, new pusssy, and more NEW PUSSSY. And if YOU are one of these men, if you are among this few, but proud number, well this STATE OF THE UNION address is for you.

You see, many men FEAR even the mention of the word “relationship”. But this fear is irrational. Because the truth IS, mankind was made to “relate”, to interact, to form bonds, and to eventually Re-produce after it’s own kind. It is natural and it is healthy. The only two things that make a relationship a BAD thing is when there is NO unity of purpose between the man and the woman, and also, when there is NO reciprocity between the two.

This is the two-edged sword that we as men must face in our quest to separate the women who are good for our lives from those who are NOT. And sometimes, what makes this war even HARDER to fight is realization that oftentimes; there ARE no bad ones-----just “ones” who are incompatible with “us” and our chosen destinies. How do you maneuver through THESE treacherous enemy waters? Well, it is THIS very subject that I am about to address.

So if this happens NOT to be your mission, and if this NOT your cause, there are lifeboats assembled all around this aircraft carrier-----feel free to utilize them to take you away from here and onward to some other more trivial pursuit that you’d rather embark upon instead. But to those who stay, I salute you. For you have embraced one of the greatest of truths:

Being a male is a product of birth. But becoming a man is a product of effort, of rigorous work, and of a commitment to embark on a spiritual journey from which you REFUSE to EVER turn back."

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
"Now, onward to the matters at hand...

The enemies we fight in our battle to find and KEEP “one” true woman that is good for us is what I refer to as The Axis of Evil. Or, as they are more commonly known:

Selfish Freaks, Castrating Hoes, and Manipulating Biitches.

Take notice, men, that our enemies are NOT the true women, but rather their corrupt, counterfeits. Yes, they appear to be women on the outside, but internally they are unapologetic agents of SELF interest who have huge, gaping, hollow spaces where their SOULS “should” be. THESE are our enemies, NOT the true women who are still in touch with the positive aspects of their femininity. Never forget this.

But the fact that our enemies make up the MAJORITY of the female population, and the fact that they have been winning the war against masculinity in general, worldwide, is the REASON why the Sosuave Military was formed in the first place.

For we who have NOT conceded defeat, for we who have NOT waved the white flag of surrender, HERE is our strategy going forth:

First off, resign yourself to this reality:

95% of all women you will meet, date, fukk, etc are NOT exclusivity, long term relationship, or wife material. Sometimes it’s because they have NO character or understanding of what commitment really means. Other times it’s because they are just plain INCOMPATIBLE with you and the life you’ve chosen to lead. And sometimes, they MIGHT be on the road to this level of maturity, but they just simply aren’t “there” yet.

But no matter what the specific reasons are, just accept that this is fact, and we can move on from here. Because if you can come to grips with THIS truth, it will help protect your heart from emotional damage even better than those Kevlar vests you’re wearing are protecting your chests.

But as we go about our mission to find, attract, identify, and KEEP a good one out of the remaining 5%, never forget that we are at WAR with the other 95%!!!!

And this Axis of Evil (Women) have continuously and SUCCESSFULLY used three primary weapons against male-kind throughout the ages. And these three weapons are:

1.Nookie Napalm
2.Flake Bombs
3.LSDs (Logic Scrambling Devices)

We’ve lost TOO MANY men to these weapons. We’ve lost TOO MANY men because they either never learned to defend themselves against these types of attacks, OR, because they allowed themselves to succumb to AFC AMNESIA-------forgetting what it took to GET the woman, or deluding themselves into thinking that their woman is SO “special” that they no longer NEED to keep their DJ Intuition sharp.

Too many men have been “screwed” by sex.

Too many men have fought TOO LONG to keep women with low interest in them.

And too many men have over-analyzed for too long, performing “forensic examinations” on relationships that should have been declared DEAD, or simply NOT worth the trouble a LOOOOOOONG time ago.

But take heart, men. For I am convinced that if we can successfully deflect, withstand, or outmaneuver the enemy’s constant barrage of Nookie Napalm, Flake Bombs, and LSDs, we will not only win more conflicts------we will win this GODDAMM WAR!

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
On the subject of NOOKIE NAPALM

We all know that Nookie is another name for Pusssy, but only those seasoned officers who’ve seen REAL combat know that Napalm is a gasoline jelled with aluminum soaps. It is a highly incendiary liquid that has been used in fire bombs and flamethrowers in various wars for nearly a century.

The difference between “historical” napalm and Nookie Napalm is that Nookie Napalm is an explosive tidal wave of pure, unadulterated sexuality that women usually throw at men to set their carnal appetites on fire! They do this to us in order to shut down our logic----to set in motion the massive juggernaut that IS our sex drive.

And those soldiers who are either hit hard enough, or enough times by THIS ordinance are subsequently consumed by their own lusts. It washes over them. It envelops them. And when left unabated, it suffocates every “other” worthwhile desire the man has. For him, he no longer sees himself as “having” a sex drive, but rather, he now sees SEX as “driving” his whole life.

Depending upon the level of malevolence of the female in question, these women often do this not to just take men’s minds, but to USE them as pawns-----for material (mostly) and physical (occasionally) pleasure. Some of these women can reduce men to nothing more than a tool, an object, A DikK.

Now, for men who have been desensitized into thinking of women as ONLY cumm receptacles, this can be considered to be a mutually satisfying “relationship”. But these arrangements ALWAYS have a time limit. Like a Sleeper Cell, the emotions of one OR BOTH of the parties will eventually start to surface-----making the EMPTINESS of this pseudo relationship unbearable for either one, or both parties.

THIS is the “shrapnel” that cuts through the lives of those soldiers who THINK they can FOREVER “cheat” the natural bonding effect of sex with the women that they engage.

Once caught in the muck and the mire of this low-level form of a relationship (and YES, like it or not, no matter what you might like to call it fukk buddies/friends with benefits or whatever-----it IS a “relationship”), the ONLY way for any soldier to escape ultimate emotional and spiritual destruction is to strip away his stars and bars and consciously and voluntarily reduce HIMSELF in rank.

Why do I say this? Because THESE soldiers, having totally surrendered to the enemy due to their inability or unwillingness to emancipate themselves from the slavery of sex, have actually just “given up”, in a sense. No longer seeing themselves, and no longer BEING SEEN by women as WHOLE men, they have relegated themselves to the function of a sex toy. They have chosen NOT to be soldiers for a greater cause, but rather, just-----“DILDO COMMANDOS”.

Sexuality inflames these men. Robbed of reason, they become addicts. Like vampires they MUST feed their lusts at all costs. Their code of ethics, their holistic viewpoints, and their integrity have been gravely compromised. And THIS is the order of their downward spiral, troops:

The man targets the woman.
The man TAKES the woman.
Then the PUSSSY takes THE MAN.

…along with his soul, his hopes, his dreams, and his identity. He has then been rendered LESS than a man in the eyesight of his targets. These soldiers are no longer on OUR side, men. They have ABANDONED their mission---personal growth and self improvement in ALL areas of life----and have traded in their stars and stripes for chains and shackles. They are NOW enslaved by pusssy.

They are SECRETLY thought of as disposable by the women they engage, much like Kleenex or Tampons. And the FLEETING pleasures that these men receive at the hands of women are the hooks upon which they NOW hang their whole identity. The irony, soldiers, is that these men who treat women as sex objects are NOW only considered to be sex objects THEMSELVES.

And when the days of battle have come and gone (in their old age), when they “want” to “feel” something more holistic and LESS compartmentalized towards a woman-----THEY CAN’T. The desensitization process is then complete. The Nookie Napalm has burned these DILDO COMMANDOS’ emotional “insides” to a crisp. So beware, troops.

So what is the solution? Simple:

Take your right hand, hold it up in front of your face while looking at the “back” of it. Now touch your first finger to your thumb-----make the patented “OKAY” or “DITTO” sign with it. Now look at the HOLE in between your two fingers. Do you SEE it? Good…

Now recognize THIS:

To give up your goals, your identity, and your self-respect just to punch your DikK through a hole the size of a GODDAMM quarter is the stupidest shyt ANY mature man could do! YOU, soldier, are a fukking “MAN”. YOU weren’t born WITH a pusssy, and you won’t die if you go a little while WITHOUT one.

Your Goddamm DikK don’t tell “YOU” what to do------YOU tell “IT” what to do! So stop SELLING yourself out just for pusssy. Stop being soldiers for HIRE and strive to become soldiers for “HIGHER”, instead.

Now, if you can remember these things, you’ll be able to enjoy nookie WITHOUT allowing your whole life to be consumed by the napalm-like effects of it."

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
On the subject of FLAKE BOMBS

"Men, we all know that flaking is defined as a woman saying one thing and doing another-----UNEXPECTEDLY. And usually this is revealed in the context of missed appointments. Some more specific examples of this is when a woman agrees to a date, a phone call, an outing, etc. but then WITHOUT WARNING stands you up, or changes her mind then offers you a weak-assed excuse later (if you’re “lucky”), or otherwise blows you off (but not in the GOOD way…lol).

So this is what we mean by the word “flake”. But the explosive, “suddenness” of a woman blowing away your plans to get with her is what makes these events “Bomb-like”.

Why do they flake? It is usually due to a woman being somewhat attracted to you, but having no real recognition of your value as a man. Too much attraction and not enough value leads to a woman flaking on you. And too much value and not enough attraction leads to a woman categorizing you as a friend at best, or a tool for her to use for whatever purpose she chooses to AT WORST.


Age has no bearing on women flaking, only Interest Level does. Think about it: Most of these chicks are rejecting you without having really gotten a chance to get to KNOW you. This is why a woman flaking on you is most of the time, NOT a true reflection on YOU, but rather a lack of high interest or character flaw on HER part.

Why do I say “lack of character” on her part? Because by flaking, she is actually showing you that she has NO respect for you as a person simply because you are a romantically interested MAN. If something “came up” on the day she was supposed to go out with her “girlfriends”, nine times out of ten, she’d call them and tell them.

And if something “came up” on the day she was supposed to go to work, nine times out of ten, GUESS WHAT???....she’d call her employers, AND TELL THEM. It’s usually a pretty safe bet that she WOULDN’T just say to herself “whatever”, and then just go on with her day like she never had AGREED to those events in the first place…

So when she doesn’t show YOU the decency of a call, rest assured that it is because she is full of disinterest, disdain, and/or inconsideration for you simply because you ARE a romantically interested man.

Women who flake are mostly those driven to inconsiderateness as a result of feminized Western men’s PEDESTALization of WOMAN----a sad reality that we men have been combating for almost a century. But don’t despair, we can overcome the onslaught of the Biscuit Chicks (the HOT and FLAKEY women) by winning ONE battle at a time, troops!

The reality IS, that most times you will never KNOW for sure what happened. Why? Because their flaky asses will probably NEVER tell you the whole story, let alone the TRUTH.


What the fukk? IS there a positive side to flaking, you may be asking? Well, there CAN be…but ONLY if you look at it from a broader perspective. Here's something that has occurred to me recently, and it may serve as a reminder to ease the minds of many of you here who have the tendency of being TOO hard on yourselves about the injuries you’ve sustained from being hit with flake bombs:

Since I have improved MYSELF so much in such a short period of time, my OVERALL attractiveness has skyrocketed. Troops, I suggest to you that another reason why a lot of women flake on you is because you have BECOME more "initially" appealing to a much wider range of women.

The more of a good CATCH you are perceived to be by a larger population of women, then the wider your NET becomes for reeling them in. So it would stand to reason that once your initial “superficial” attractiveness "wears off" in the eyes of women, then they'll start to see you for who you really are INSIDE.

And my experience has taught me that the closer you get to a person, not only do you begin to see THEM more clearly, but they also see YOU more clearly as well.

And once this happens, the WRONG people for YOU will start to self-sabotage the potential relationship because they KNOW deep down that they are either unworthy of you, or incompatible with you. So once this occurs in the mind of a babe, her interest levels can start to plummet without warning. And as I have said many times to you before, this is when her transformation from "Interested Chick" to "Biscuit Chick" has begun.

So you see, that saying really is true. Water really DOES seek it’s own level. Many women ultimately end up running from a man whose presence requires them to raise their standards. So instead, they rush back into the arms of the familiar----the men who are on the same level as they already are (which is usually LOWER than yours…).

So when you detect a woman is losing interest in you based on lack of true CORE-LEVEL compatibility, then it’s usually best to just pull the plug and watch them swirl down the drain.

So what’s the solution? Well, it’s very involved, I’m afraid. For it takes forethought, discipline, and attention to detail to pull it off, but I know you can do it:

To survive exploding Flake Bombs, continue to have strict standards for what behavior you expect, and are willing to accept from a woman. Be “Spartan-Like” in your battle to protect YOUR OWN best interest. Never go against your gut. When you feel instinctively that the choice in any given situation is between keeping the woman or sacrificing your self-respect (Manhood)------choose your self-respect EVERY TIME. Nothing helps you face yourself every morning as you arise like KNOWING you have been true to who YOU really ARE inside.

And the trick to eliminating flaking altogether is to strike the right balance between attraction and value----and the thing that links these two projective qualities together perfectly is TIME spent in the presence of the woman. “If” you want MORE than just a short-term fling, your mission should always be to lead with ATTRACTION and immediately follow up with VALUE.

Any failure to do this will eventually become a failure to keep the majority of women interested long enough to enter the territory of long term relationships. Yes, failure to do this is why so many Cold Approaches (my FAVORITE type) turn into “frosted flakes”."

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
On the subject of LSDs (Logic Scrambling Devices)

"LSDs are the time-delayed, grenade-type, drill-tipped devices that women who are part of the Axis of Evil use against men during the course of a relationship. These “devices” are designed to confuse the man, to keep him guessing, to send him mixed signals, AND to even cause the man to believe that HER war crimes are really “his” fault! Some call them shyt tests, but from here on out, “WE” will call them what they REALLY are:

CONSCIOUS or SUBCONSCIOUS mind games that women who have a low, stagnant, or falling interest level tend to play with us. And usually, we are lured into this maniacal maze of matriarchal manipulation by the lure of our own PREMATURE, high interest level in the woman.

And when we deny the reality of HER low interest level, and we dive headlong into the trap of OVER-ANALYZING and RATIONALIZING away her low interest level-----then we’ve been hit with a Logic Scrambling Device.

Men, I know you KNOW this rule, but I MUST reiterate it.

Never go exclusive or even think about exclusivity until the woman asks YOU for it----whether she does it covertly or overtly. That's the only way you can be at least a little more than halfway sure that this woman recognizes and COVETS your VALUE as much as she does your “attractiveness”.

UNLESS a woman "ASKS" to be with you exclusively, and UNTIL a woman asks to be with you exclusively, always ASSUME that her ass ain't made up her mind about YOU yet. Because by NOT asking, she's proving SHE still wants to keep her own options open. SHE still wants to play the field and fukk OTHER guys. This is a harsh truth, but we MUST face it in order to be successful in our objectives.

Finding the right woman for YOU is all about mutually high interest level. Ideally, you want a woman who is a little MORE into you than you are into HER. And the ideal woman for you is the one where the AMOUNT of conscious deliberate "game" you'll have to run in order to KEEP her interested is as MINIMAL as possible.

The women that you feel you ALWAYS have to be "ON" whenever you're around them are the ones that will hold the MIRROR up to you. And when you LOOK into that mirror, THEN you'll see that you are NOW "acting". So when you meet a woman that you have to be someone else in order to get or keep her interest, THAT'S the woman who will tempt you to betray who you really are on the inside.

Stay ELEVATED. Don't FALL for that trick, soldiers.

Just focus on changing, tweaking, and adding to WHO you are, and you will find that the women who connect with the CORE of who you ARE will STAY. And those who DO NOT, will HAVE to go...

...as it SHOULD BE.

There are right women for you, and there are wrong women for you. Growth into a mature man is often predicated on how well you can discern the two apart, AND how DEDICATED you are to ONLY engaging those women that you suspect will ultimately ADD to your life rather than detract from it.

Whenever you find yourself thinking for more than 5 minutes about what ANY woman is thinking----KNOW that you’ve just been hit with a Logic Scrambling Device.

So what is the solution?

Well, the solution is to keep your goddamm eyes open at the beginning of the relationship, AND to also be willing to “pull the trigger” on ending the relationship ‘first’, YOURSELF. You have been trained well, here. So if you pay close attention, you can usually see signs of CORE-BELIEF incompatibility right from the start


Men, we must work harder to master the ability to better turn DOWN our desire for the woman long enough to actually HEAR what she is telling us about herself at the very beginning of the getting-to-know-you process, because most women will unknowingly telegraph their values and long term preferences to us more unabashedly THEN.

During the initial phases of getting to know a woman, she will make what I like to call her PRELIMINARY MINDSET PROCLAMATION. This proclamation is an initial announcement to YOU of how she expects to benefit from the relationship.


When she talks about how her "friend's" boyfriend took her to such and such fancy (see----PRICEY) restaurant, she is really trying to tell you that YOU should take HER there---because “she” likes expensive meals too.

When you're watching a movie, and the female lead character does something violent or vindictive against men (like in Waiting to Exhale when Angela Bassett’s character sets fire to her cheating husband’s car and all his clothes), and she CHEERS audibly, living vicariously-----what she is telling you is that she also has a vindictive streak that is there inside her, waiting in the wings.

And if she is always talking about her career and how important it is for her to continue to move up the corporate ladder, what she is really telling YOU is that her job may very well REMAIN first priority in her life over YOU----EVEN if she does become seriously involved with you.

The key to accurately interpreting a woman's Preliminary Mindset Proclamation is to notice how her emotions coincide with what she is saying. If she is a little too gleeful about things that you find horrific, if she is a little too turned off by things that turn “you” on, and if she is a little too angry about things you would rather want a woman to be happy about------then you should take some serious heed, soldier.

As we all know, women will rarely tell you directly what their frame of mind on specific things really are, so we have to decipher all we can. Her Preliminary Mindset Proclamation is often our ONLY chance during the initial screening process for us to protect ourselves from allowing the WRONG woman into our lives. But what if we miss this opportunity? What do we do THEN?"
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Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
In the END…

"Sometimes, despite all of our best laid plans, the WRONG woman can still worm her way into our lives. Whether this is due to our laziness of perception, or her Oscar-level caliber performance….shyt happens. This is when the only weapon at our disposal is our willingness to end the relationship FIRST, when we feel it is in our best interest.

And the trigger that we pull is just below the barrel of a gun we call CLOSURE.

It is hard as hell to keep WORKING on a relationship that used to be almost EFFORTLESS to maintain. It can get tiring. And I would say that if you are in ANY relationship where you are ROUTINELY having to force yourself to keep coming up with new ways to ENTERTAIN some chick------her interest level in you is not NATURALLY high enough.

OR, just as worse----she's just too INCOMPATIBLE to you.

I've been on many missions in the area of mutually agreed upon monogamy, and I have found that the women who had HIGH interest in me, were the ones that were impressed with me. But the ones who had HIGH interest in me AND were also more COMPATIBLE with me were MORE impressed with “ME” (who I actually am as a person)--------AND they stayed with me FAR longer.

The more into YOU the chick is, the LESS you have to do to maintain her interest. A chick that's INTO you will lay on the couch with you ALL weekend doing absolutely NOTHING and be happier than a homosexual in jail. But a woman that's NOT into you will REQUIRE that you do DAVID COPPERFIELD caliber magic tricks just to KEEP her entertained while she's in your presence.

You see, soldiers, women often feign compatibility when they have sky-high interest in you. But once they get "used" to you, you'll find THEM becoming more disagreeable and bored over time.

This is the dark side of the Pick Up Artist, Smash and Grab, Hit it and Quit it “mentality” that is pervasive in much of our "enlightened" community both here, and at other Pro-Men sites. This is why most men here can give other guys LTR advice only up to a certain point.

But this is NOT to slight their advice, because I believe much of it is still useful. I only point this out to draw everyone's attention to the reality of the fact that the STRATEGIES and TACTICS of being a constant challenge, being a self-confident man, and being emotionally self-controlled is really only HALF the battle, soldiers.

The OTHER half of the battle is often ignored, or TOTALLY overlooked by the vast majority of the men out here fighting this war between the sexes. This “other half” that I speak of is a little element called "COMPATIBILITY".

The reason why most good long term relationships/marriages last can often be traced back to how compatible the two people are at their core.

Worthwhile LTRs and marriages are prizes won by successfully connecting with the other person on as many levels as possible. A world-traveling supermodel can have as high an interest level in a rural, home-body, farmer type guy as she wants to. But ULTIMATELY, unless that interest translates into a TRUE desire to embrace ENOUGH of the things that the OTHER person enjoys-----it's an incompatibility time bomb ticking. And when it explodes, it’s the relationship that’s blown apart.

The more areas of agreement and like-mindedness that two people share, the more their lives become intertwined.

And the more INTERTWINED those two lives become, the LONGER those two lives stay connected.

And the longer those two lives stay connected, the HARDER it is for them to be pulled apart-----either by inside or OUTSIDE forces.

THIS is always the looming danger of emotionally investing into the life of another person. The risk of personal internal damage is GREAT. But along with this risk is also an even GREATER reward.

For IF you choose your women wisely in a long term relationship...

The Victory Unlimited Definition:

A woman who has high interest in you fueled more so by HOLISTIC reasons as opposed to ONLY compartmentalized or superficial ones.

...then the rewards would far outweigh the risks. However, this holistic type of viewpoint in regards to hooking up with women is NOT the one that most guys take----especially those men that fall under the category of the bitter, the immature, the emotionally scarred, and/or the totally SELFISH. But freewill remains a WONDERFUL thing, and to each his own...

But still, THIS is the ultimate FAILURE that awaits most men who discover that they have sold their soul in the pursuit of a misguided cause. I speak here of those men who have chosen to focus the bulk of their mental, physical, and spiritual resources on figuring out how to please and control their interactions with women, as opposed to ALSO investing AT LEAST just as much of their energies into figuring out how to please and control THEMSELVES.

You see, NICE GUYS (unenlightened, misguided, but well-intentioned men) fail in the short run because they focus on substance rather than style. And PICK UP ARTISTS fail in the long run because they focus on style rather than substance.

The key to having a successful relationship with a woman is found in fully embracing a HOLISTIC approach, men. If you choose a woman whose high interest in you is due to her attraction to BOTH your STYLE and your SUBSTANCE, then that often elusive element to maintaining a woman's high interest level that's called "COMPATIBILITY" will have a better CHANCE to manifest itself during the course of the relationship.

But until you find the “right” woman, you must learn to fire the weapon of CLOSURE at the women who are proving to be a drain on your life----the women who are robbing all the JOY from your life."

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
"When I speak of CLOSURE. I define it in very specific terms.

The dictionary defines CLOSURE as the perception of incomplete situations as though they were complete. This perception is achieved by ignoring the missing parts or by compensating for them by projection based on past experience.

The Victory Unlimited Translation:

CLOSURE is an inner sense that a situation or process is finished----from YOUR point of view. This is done by taking into account the evidence that you DO see, and by extrapolating the obvious conclusion based on your, or somebody else's similar past experiences.

Or as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most popular character "Sherlock Holmes" would say:

"Once you've eliminated the possible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable---is the solution!"

Make no mistake. My definition of closure is not based on relying on a woman to "finally come clean and tell you the truth". If ONLY we could BE so fortunate…

No, it instead depends upon YOUR actions, and subsequently YOUR educated and intuitive interpretation of the results of YOUR actions. Therefore, your CLOSURE does not come from some woman giving it to you.

And, your CLOSURE does not come from any one of us on a message board telling you when it's time for you to give up on your pursuits.

No, your CLOSURE comes from you making a quality decision internally that a particular situation is finished.

In short, your CLOSURE comes from YOU.

And so to conclude this Mature Man, State of the Union Address…I leave you with these words of encouragement…”

Stopping in mid-speech for a moment, the soldier known only as Victory Unlimited once again turns around and glares at the Mission Accomplished banner flapping in the breeze behind him------and just over his head.

“Take that mutherfukkin’ banner DOWN, soldiers!” he yells to the men who immediately scramble to accomplish the task he has commanded of them. Then, once again, he turns back to face the crowd of fellow soldiers standing before him. And he continues:

“Many of you often wonder why this fight is SO hard-----why it is lasting SO long------and why just WE few have been chosen to fight it. Well, I submit to you that it is because we are the only ones who CAN wage this war.

Many of our brothers are still asleep, many are still brainwashed, and many are awake BUT still enslaved within The Fortress of Feminist Indoctrination. They have NOT embraced their God-given and Nature-Reinforced role as REAL MEN-----men who were born to be the leaders of the women they have chosen to “worship” and rulers over their OWN lives. And until these men can either be reached, rescued, or converted to OUR side-----we MUST fight on."

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
"Consider this:

When a child is born, his first introduction into this world is through an act of VIOLENCE. Due to a smack upon his backside, even his first “word” is a BATTLE CRY! With squinted eyes and tiny fists balled in “readiness” for the lifelong FIGHT that awaits him…

This is our origin as potential MEN.

This is our introduction to the WORLD.

This is our “welcome” to THE WAR.

And from that birth-day forward, NOTHING has changed. THIS has been our legacy…

So in honor of this, we must bravely bind up our OWN wounds and march on.

We must never GIVE UP. We must NEVER surrender.

So let your scars in this battle be a reminder to you of the battles you have survived-------the fukkin’ battles you have WON!

Let the scars that have formed over your wounded hearts form a callous, to act as a SHIELD-----to better protect you in the battles that await you in the future…

…AND let the tears you cry…be shed ONLY undercover of night…

And as you look out across this ocean of time, let the sun that you see rising on the distant horizon act as A BEACON, pointing the way towards a new resolve…

We are still among the truly living, soldiers…

For as long as our hearts are still beating, the clock is STILL ticking…

We can STILL win this fight…AND in GLORIOUS fashion!

And even though there may be some DARK times ahead BFORE we reach the dawn…

If we MUST fight this battle IN THE DARK…then let the fiery flashes that the enemy sees coming from the muzzles of OUR GUNS light our FUKKING WAY!!!!”

Then, in unison, the crowd erupts in a MIGHTY ROAR of approval----a BATTLE CRY! And as Victory Unlimited pumps his gloved fist into the air, just over his head, there can be seen waving in the night breeze, a NEW banner.

And ON it, is written:

“The Mission…CONTINUES!!!!!!”


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Heh, As I was reading this "Debriefing" from metal gear solid 3 was playing on my winamp.

Reading the last post and hearing the the song's last 30 seconds going into it's crescendo just gave me such a chill.

Seeing friends get stuck in dead end relationships and crying over girls that fu<k them but don't want them makes me realize that this really is war, whether we want to think so or not. People get hurt over this sh!t. lol

Victory Unlimited's military mentality is the perfect representative of men's hearts. Keep on, man! Great post!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
You're right, man. I needed this right now.

I'm starting to realize the more I look at the world around me that the ONLY person I can TRULY trust is myself. My instinct has never lied to me when it came to women. I've denied it because I wanted things to be true, because I became committed to visions that other people put in my head. I let them change me. I became a lesser man because I abandoned who I was to chase after something in someone else's mind, when I knew deep down that even if I DID capture that vision, it would tear me away from who *I* was.

I didn't trust myself.

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score

Eww. I used the phrase "Godly".

Kill me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
great post VU.

the biggest LSD is the 'lose lose' scenario - aka the hostage tactic.

women LOVE to use the suicide bomber scenario. 'ok. i've got a belt of C4 strapped around me and if you don't do what i want im going to blow us both up."

and what do most men do? 'OMG are you crazy? what are you doing? please stop. please please please stop. i'll do whatever you want. don't blow us up.'

and the woman's response - 'hmmmm. ok.....for now."

you know why terrorists use lose lose scenarios? because they are weak. they can't attack the stronger country/army through brute force, so instead they change the paradigm. they say 'hmm, i can't win through traditional warfare. but what if i make it so that no one wins. then it comes down to how resolute the other side is - how much PAIN are they will to endure before giving up.'

and you know something - if the other side is not resolute - IT WORKS.

children use the lose lose scenario all the time - its called temper tantrums. when a mother takes her child grocery shoppinga nd won't buy the transformers cereal the child starts crying and making a lot of noise. the mother, realizing there is no winning in this scenario (what is she going to do? gag her child?) buys the cereal to SHUT THE CHILD UP.

men use this scenario also. we've all heard the saying 'nothing is more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose' or 'a dog is most dangerous when backed in to a corner."

so how do you deal with lose lose scenarios?

first you must understand that this is a TACTIC!!!!

second, you must make it VERY VERY clear that such a tactic is TOTALLY unacceptable to you.

if a child starts crying in the grocery store not only does it NOT get the transformers cereal, you immediate take the child home and punish the child (ie. take away its transformers video game!). the child learns that when it attempts to bully you using 'lose lose' tactics that the outcome becomes that it not only loses the battle but actually ends up losing more than it bargain for.

if a woman starts using lose lose tactics on you, you have no choice but to table the 'NEXT' card. she needs to know that you understand her tactic and taht you are not choosing to walk away but have no choice but to walk away because of her tactics.

she has PUSHED you away using such tactics.

unfortunately most men p*ssed their pants and beg their gf not to blow them up. and when their gf doesn't they thank her and tell her how lucky they are to have her.

its called the STOCKHOLM SYNDROME - and its VERY VERY VERY previlent in relationships.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
This post is absolutely incredible.

Your awesomenss knows no bounds VictoryUnlimited.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME in relationships is defined as being a "SYMP" in the Pimp world, troops. Of course "symp" is short for "symp-athizer". It's when a man jettisons his OWN best interest in favor of the woman.

In such cases, he has obviously lost HIS entire frame of reference and has fully given himself over to HER frame. He only sees through HER eyes...he only enjoys what SHE enjoys...he's only happy when SHE'S happy...and the list goes on.

This is the extent of the brainwashing of the western male. This is the extent of how far "men" have fallen from their God-given FIRST position. In much of the life of every relationship, if you look CLOSELY, you will see variations of the Biblical "Original Sin" event being replicated.

Whether it be for those who believe, or even those who do NOT, reading the original sin story actually speaks VOLUMES about the state of male/female relationships even to this day. In fact, upon careful examination it can be easily seen that there was actually no such thing as the "Fall of Man".

Clearly, Eve "missed the mark" because she was tricked and deceived into erroneous thoughts and actions (the TRUE DEFINTION of "sin"). But Adam, on the other hand, was NOT tricked. His pusssy-whipped ass CHOSE to dive headlong into erroneous thoughts and actions------ALL because he could not LEAD, CORRECT, or JUST SAY "NO" to a woman.

So as you can see, Adam DIDN'T fall...HIS ASS "JUMPED"! lol

Seemingly, he SOLD OUT his birthright (to be on "Earth" as God is in Heaven), ALL because he couldn't/WOULDN'T "Man up" to his woman...And it's been a power struggle between men and women eversince.

In fact, the Bible itself, shortly after the Orignal Sin event, in GENESIS 3:15, makes THIS prophetic statement:


"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed"

Again, if THIS isn't a passage signifying A DECLARATION OF WAR, I don't know WHAT is...

And I realize, MANY here don't actually believe this Biblical account, and I RESPECT their opinions...but I just thought this was interesting, and that the few things I've just shared in THIS post could be used as more FOOD FOR THOUGHT...

So let those who have eyes to see..."see" EVEN MORE clearly...


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Damn my eyes . . .

Brother Victory, what this thread has evolved into is a reckoning not a battle cry. Too many brothers are not battle tough enough yet to appreciate what this thread alone could reveal to them and adjust thier paradigm.

I've seen the ravages of war. There are no angels, there are no saviours. Only the empty shells of dead soldiers left behind by the women who have used them, cheated on them, castrated thier morality, blown away thier focus and corrupted the vision of thier own futures. All that's left is the rotting husk of male children growing older.

But it's not the womans fault, the fault lies with us who dwell on those lost battles. Who've neglected to see that the WAR is still alive and ought to be fought for. Who lose ourselves in self pity or booze or complete ignorance.

I applaude brothers like Victory Unlimited who care enough to gear up day in and day out and strategize scenarios where men can regain confidence and renew our vigor for life.

Women are such a small part of our lives that we forget there are much more interesting and important aspects to grow and nurture the better part of our nature.


So let it be written . . .

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
=KarmaSutra]Brother Victory, what this thread has evolved into is a reckoning not a battle cry. Too many brothers are not battle tough enough yet to appreciate what this thread alone could reveal to them and adjust thier paradigm.

Yo Karma,

This shyt you just wrote right here is TRUE as hell, brother. When I came to Sosuave, I was already a man, but I was a MISGUIDED one. But I’ve found that this war hardens every man…and while some choose to take away or give up, many of us here choose to GIVE BACK, instead. Hell, I just wish that OUR numbers were greater than they are…

Joining this Sosuave Army and gleaning information by sitting at the feet of the “GREATS (too numerous to name)” has helped me to correct my vision, to solidify my personal beliefs, and to strengthen my resolve to STAY THE COURSE on becoming a better man OVERALL.

But when I came here, one thing that stood out to me was the oft-repeated refrain from “the THEN veteran” posters…which was “GO READ THE DJ BIBLE”.

And I took their advice and did it. But I recognize that I am really in a “small” percentage of men who came here and ACTUALLY do it. And for those who doubt this, check out some of the posts you see here from time to time…lol.

And though “GO READ THE DJ BIBLE” is always good advice, I think that SOMETIMES it’s also a cop out that we use to avoid giving SOME men here the depth of knowledge they REALLY need.

Many men who come here, come here looking for answers to their current crisis ONLY. And once they “get it”, they are gone again-----never to be heard from again until their NEXT crisis-----which only leads to them having fragmented success in their lives. So it occurred to me months ago that THIS s probably why I am often shocked AND AMAZED at how many of us here have NOT learned more, and have NOT done better-------at the very LEAST in the areas of SELF RESPECT and SELF PROTECTION (especially emotionally).

Face it men:

Many men haven’t read the DJ Bible…AND many men won’t EVER read the DJ Bible. So what do WE do? Well if you don’t give a fukk about these men, then you do NOTHING. But for those of us who DO give a fukk, we sometimes make sure that we “hit’em where they live” AND as comprehensively as we can------WHENEVER we can.

That’s why I will occasionally drop comprehensive “THREAD-BOMBS” like this one------to blow away the compartmentalized confusion that so easily clouds the minds of men who come here just looking for a temporary fix, as opposed to A REAL SOLUTION to their CORE problem.

I feel that too many of us here, even in the “Mature Man” forum, no less, seem to have a problem with finding the “willingness” or “THE BALLS” to “Man Up” and do what it takes to seriously address the shyt that’s going on in our lives.

Why is this so? Maybe it’s because it’s EASIER to talk shyt about our lives and about the women in our lives, than it is to actually DO something ABOUT the shyt. All bullshyt aside, EVERY man on here knows that the real work of engaging in self-reflection, lifestyle reevaluation, and making a quality decision to ELEVATE above all the dumb shyt that we did “yesterday” is the only real way to STOP a lot of the madness that comprises much of our lives.

And I’m afraid that this self-inflicted insanity that we experience will CONTINUE as long as we sit back and do nothing but lose ourselves in threads with titles like:

“Hey guys, how can I make this chick touch my pee-pee?”

(Just kiddin’ troops. There’ not REALLY a thread with THAT title….uh,…IS there??? Lol)

Anyway, I have learned SO MUCH from many of you here, and my learning will continue. It has always been my mission to reach back and to give back. So whenever I start a thread on this Forum, you better believe it’ll be to unify the Troops…to help us clarify our perspectives…and to REMIND everyone here that:

We are “better” than just whatever the outcome of our last skirmish seemed to imply….

We are bigger INSIDE than what we appear to be on the OUTSIDE…

And we are MORE than Hormonal Man-Whhores, floating aimlessly through life being pitched and tossed about by our unbridled libidos. No, we are much MORE than that.

And as long as I keep coming here, I’m gonna damm well make sure that every once in a while, I put up a thread that aspires to be something MORE than just a SUPERFICIAL “smooth-over”, but rather, a thread that offers some “real and lasting” SOLUTIONS to all this shyt that we go through day-after-day, out here in this Goddamm war…

March on.
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Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Absolutely BRILLIANT and inspirational post. You have a great way with words VU
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like The Natural Order Of Things!!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
VU, I just read your entire post and it was a great and inspirational read!!! It was in sync with the rhythm of truth!!

This is your greatest work thus far, and it should be archived or put in the DJ bible, because you give good insight and it gets to the core of manhood and the natural order of things!! Great Job! :up:

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
