Yo Troops!
Today is a good day...a "fitting" day to bump this thread.
message to myself, to you, and to anyone who has taken the time to read this thread is this:
Your life is MORE precious and valuable than you know------and invariably far "shorter" than most men like to think.
Choose TODAY to be the day "of record" when you resolved to spend LESS of your life preoccupied by the disappointments, the false steps, and the defeats of the past.
Today is a NEW day.
And even if you have begun this day bruised, battered, and barraged by an overwhelming number of ATTACKS on your life in areas where you once recieved the most joy---------realize that it's NOT over for you.
Even if you began this day, not soaring through the air on your way to achieving your goals, but instead, lying flat on your back and on the ground---------with the wind knocked out of you.
Continue to LOOK UP.
Because if you can LOOK UP long enough, I'm confident that pretty soon you'll find the strength to GET UP as well.
Don't allow women, your current circumstances, or a "misinformed" low opinion of yourselves to cause you to continue to doubt yourselves or your abilities to be successful TODAY just because everything around you "tried" to convince you that you were a "failure" YESTERDAY.
Every day alive is another day that you've "cheated" death.
So that means that the odds are stacked.
But----------they're in YOUR favor.
Let today be YOUR "Resurrection Day".