Originally posted by mrbrooklyn
I spent my first 25 years living in NYC. I just moved out to LA 6 months ago.
Los Angeles:
The girls here seem a little bit more easy going and willing to give a guy a chance. It is not to hard to get numbers in the club, bar, book store what ever. Unfortunately there are a lot of flakes out here. You really have tight game and follow up quickly to have these girls remember you. They seem to be alot easier to lay the same night. Jake I know you are asian and I actually think that you have a better chance with non asian chicks out here than in NYC.
I am brooklyn born and bread baby. Home of the crap pipe and dollar van. Where you can get the best chinese food, hot dogs or pizza at any hour of the night. As far as NY women are concerned I must say there are a lot of ugly women who think the are hot. Just go to some of these clubs and you will see what I am talking about. I personally think LA women are hotter. I have lived in the dirty south and the finest black women on the planet live in those states. Don't get me wrong NYC has A LOT of fine women. I mean it is the Fashion capital of the world. IF you go by NYU you will see some stunners. I might be kind of biased since I can't stand the Long Islanders and Jersey people that invade the sity on the weekends. These girls look good to, but they tend to stay in their guito group.
One thing you might like is that way more girls go to clubs than guys do out there. The clubs are like 60-40 girl to guy. The bars are diffantely meat markets. There are a lot of muscle heads in the bars so you better have your best AMOG routines. These goons love to look tough in front of the girls so you should watch out. NY also has a lot of latin lovers running around. These guys are so corny but they do pretty well with the ladies.
There are hardly any blondes in NY. I was shocked when I first visited san diego. I walk into a bar and I felt like I entered an aryn convention. White NYer's are mostly italian, jewish and irish. Your best bet is with the italian girls. They are opened to getting gamed.
The spanish women in NYC are the best in teh world. I love the peurto ricans and dominicans. these girls are fine as hell. If you know how to dance you are in there. Dancing is key. They like to go to the spanish clubs and all they ever play is that stupid
Unlike los angeles the brothers actually go for black women in NY so you see less black women with other groups. I really can't give you any advice on picking up black chicks because a lot only go for black guys.
I did not see nearly as many asian girls with white guys in NY as I see in Los angeles. I am not sure why, but I think you have a better chance of getting a hot asian chick in NYC. They live in large ethnic communities in queens and manhattan so there is more segregation.
Hey, thanks for the useful insights man.
I totally know what you're talking about when you say there are a lot of ugly girls who think they're hot. I guess it's an issue of Supply and Demand huh?
I've also heard about thos NYC knuckleheads. What is it with the subculture in NYC, and all the muscleheads? Is it just a working-class tradition?
I've also gotta agree with the Latinas on the East Coast.

Those Puericuas are *way* more attractive in general than Mexican chicks are, though I'm not sure why. Mmmmmm.
As for the Asian girls in LA - what makes you think that Asian men have trouble kickin' with their sisters? They don't. 90% of the Asian women who are native to LA are with Asian men - and some damn hot ones too. I have no trouble picking up Asian women in LA - except that Asian guys here (and probably in NYC too) have to generally operate thru all-Asian channels in order to land Asian women (many or perhaps even most of the Asian women in mixed, non All-Asian circuits may prefer other races of men, so the 'returns' are low).
I think I have an idea as to why you have this perception - you're probably always busy hanging out on the Westside of LA and Hollywood. That's understandable, as you're a non-Asian minority who hangs mostly with whites (I remember your saying that many of your crew are white dudes). It's where all the mainstream action happens, and that means 'white' with a generous smattering of non-whites (thank you, LA diversity!). In LA, you'll see minorities of all races hanging with whites or in 'white's neighborhoods', but almost never the other way around. You'll see Asians, Mexicans, blacks, etc. go into Santa Monica or Pasadena or the Hollywood Hills/Strip for a nice time, but you won't see any gringos go into East LA or San Gabriel (suburban Chinatown) at night. And no one goes to the black neighborhoods at all except poor Mexicans and blacks to who live there - it's too ****ed up, and frankly people are too afraid of the gang activity. It's pretty different from NYC where blacks and Latinos have a *strong* base for their nightlife where they rule the joint (mostly ethnic with smatterings of whites).
So basically, many of the Asians you will ever see in the area of LA where you hang out aren't the ones that prefer to hang with other Asians - they're the ones that are open to hanging with non-Asians and also open to dating them. This is why you will see so many Asian girls with whiteboys there - it's notorious as 'the Bangkok Asian wh0rehouse' amongst my friends.

Lot's of (mostly average) Asian girls desperate to hook up with white men (sometimes black).
Btw as you probably know by now LA is probably one of the more segregated cities in the country - I think it has a lot to do with how the city is organized.