I've had 3. The longest one lasted 8 months.
Smooth, I like your idea but you're going about it the wrong way. The number of girlfriends you've had has absolutely no correlation to how well you are with girls. In fact, if you've had more than a few, it probably means that you're not good with girls, because you can't keep them, or you just have bad taste and dump them every other week.
Longevity is a much more impressive way of measuring how good a guy is with a girl rather than how many they've had. A guy who's had a steady girlfriend for say 2 years and is happy with her impresses me much more than a guy who's had 8 girlfriends in that same span of time.
I think the majority of guys here have probably had between 2-5 girlfriends(which isn't even an option on your poll, you skipped between 2 and 9). No one could've possibly had more than 10 or 15, and that's pretty unrealistic in itself let alone 50! I haven't even dated 15 girls, and I'm better at this than the vast majority of the guys here.
I think you should try making a new poll to better represent a guy's skill with women.