Now that tracks over... what do I do after school?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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So yeah, for me track is pretty much over since I'm JV and I was wondering, what should I do after school now that track is over? I don't want to just go home and do nothing all day. For the weekends, I got friends(Infact 3 of us are going to see Spiderman 3 on Saturday), but most of them are still running track during the weekdays. I could join another school club or activity, but I'm thinking it's pretty late to join at this moment. I don't know man, I just need something better to do then sit at home and do nothing afterschool. Something were I could approach girls/interact with girls would be nice.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
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Get a gym membership i'm sure alot of girls go there that are on your hs track team. I know there are alot of kids on my hs track team that go to my gym. I love to talk to the hot track girls because there bodies and amazing.:yes:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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If it's nice, work out at your school gym.

If not, go get a gym membership to a nice gym, trust me it's worth every cent.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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Don't you have other passions in life that you could strengthen or pursue.

Rugby is something I've seen and wanted to learn, so,...I plan on joining a rugby camp.

Wow, I can't believe you need us to tell you what to do with your life, that's sad man.

Here's my advice, do what you want to do, or feel like doing, its so simple. Dont let other people run your life and don't look to others, follow your own self will.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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aussiegoat55 said:
Don't you have other passions in life that you could strengthen or pursue.

Rugby is something I've seen and wanted to learn, so,...I plan on joining a rugby camp.

Wow, I can't believe you need us to tell you what to do with your life, that's sad man.

Here's my advice, do what you want to do, or feel like doing, its so simple. Dont let other people run your life and don't look to others, follow your own self will.
I never asked you to run my life, I'm looking for suggestions on what to do after track, no need to interpret it the wrong way. Think about it this way, if I had actually something related to my passions to do, I would not be asking you guys in the first place. You misinterpreted the post.

As for the gym suggestion, yeah I'll try that, but I don't have a car so there's an issue there. I basically just need something to do afterschool on weekdays.

Sports are my passion, no sports to do right now.

Music is my passion, nothing music related to do right now.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2007
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Pick up a guitar!!!! I've been playing for 6 years, it's a lot of fun. It will keep you busy when you don't have much to do and you might end up loving it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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ElStud said:
I never asked you to run my life, I'm looking for suggestions on what to do after track, no need to interpret it the wrong way. Think about it this way, if I had actually something related to my passions to do, I would not be asking you guys in the first place. You misinterpreted the post.

As for the gym suggestion, yeah I'll try that, but I don't have a car so there's an issue there. I basically just need something to do afterschool on weekdays.

Sports are my passion, no sports to do right now.

Music is my passion, nothing music related to do right now.
Ugh, this is so simple and so ridiculous. How in high school could you have extra time, it amazes me! I have a whole list of all the things I want to accomplish in life, another list of areas to improve and maintain myself in, so when I have free time, I chip away at my list.

The possibilities are infinite dude, opportunities abound.

I could tell you to do stuff but then you would be doing something that I told you to do, not necesarrily what you wanted for yourself. Go with your heart, mind, and passion. You say there's nothing related, that's BS.

Music- Learn about different instruments, take a dance class, learn to play an instrument, read about your favorite artists, refine your musical skills

Sports- Workout, refine track skills, learn another sport, learn more about track, train for a 5k/10k run

P.S., I think its absoutley crazy that people pay for gyms. There are literally hundreds of exercises that you can do yourself for free. (watch the whole thing)


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
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Dont you play like 4 instruments, and then plus homework...

how the hell can you have so much time? Ive got a friend who knows tonnes of chicks, used to play 4 sports but only has time for 2 now i think, doesn't even come to training that much, and when he gets home he does homework till like at least 11 pm. Are you like super efficient with your time or something? If so please give me some tips...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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*RHCP* said:
Dont you play like 4 instruments, and then plus homework...

how the hell can you have so much time? Ive got a friend who knows tonnes of chicks, used to play 4 sports but only has time for 2 now i think, doesn't even come to training that much, and when he gets home he does homework till like at least 11 pm. Are you like super efficient with your time or something? If so please give me some tips...
Yeah, but dude it's boring to just go home and practice your instrument for hours and hours, especially if you're not practicing for a particular gig or something. And after track, there pretty much aren't any sports I could join at this point, except maybe football, which I'm not interested in since I'm in marching band. I need another club or something that I could join after school, that would be time consuming. Going home, watching TV and playing video games all day is boring, I need to do something, something time consuming and social. Preferably an activity where there are women there too, so I can work on my game. I had several oppurtunities to approach girls in track, but I screwed that up by not having the balls to approach, and I regret that now since the track season is pretty much over for anyone JV. If I go home afterschool I usually just watch TV, use the computer and slleep until dinner, where I eat, then go back on the computer, and sleep some more.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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ElStud said:
Yeah, but dude it's boring to just go home and practice your instrument for hours and hours, especially if you're not practicing for a particular gig or something. And after track, there pretty much aren't any sports I could join at this point, except maybe football, which I'm not interested in since I'm in marching band. I need another club or something that I could join after school, that would be time consuming. Going home, watching TV and playing video games all day is boring, I need to do something, something time consuming and social. Preferably an activity where there are women there too, so I can work on my game. I had several oppurtunities to approach girls in track, but I screwed that up by not having the balls to approach, and I regret that now since the track season is pretty much over for anyone JV. If I go home afterschool I usually just watch TV, use the computer and slleep until dinner, where I eat, then go back on the computer, and sleep some more.
Oh it's boring to get better and refine your skills? Then music doesn't sound like its your passion. Beggars can't be choosers.

Practice makes perfect, if you ever want to become great at something you're going to need to invest a lot of time into it, and time is something of which you have plenty of. I hardly have any time. Yesterday, I went into school early to write an essay, then school, then a drum set rehearsal from 3:15PM to 6:00PM, got home and changed, left at 6:15PM to go to a different syncopated drumming practice, got home at 8:40PM. So guess when I get to workout? 9:15PM to 11:30PM, no joke, no exaggerration. I'm exhausted.

But you are so frustrating!! Just make a decision! You need a club?...Then join one!

Really man no offense, but, get a life.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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aussiegoat55 said:
Oh it's boring to get better and refine your skills? Then music doesn't sound like its your passion. Beggars can't be choosers.

Practice makes perfect, if you ever want to become great at something you're going to need to invest a lot of time into it, and time is something of which you have plenty of. I hardly have any time. Yesterday, I went into school early to write an essay, then school, then a drum set rehearsal from 3:15PM to 6:00PM, got home and changed, left at 6:15PM to go to a different syncopated drumming practice, got home at 8:40PM. So guess when I get to workout? 9:15PM to 11:30PM, no joke, no exaggerration. I'm exhausted.

But you are so frustrating!! Just make a decision! You need a club?...Then join one!

Really man no offense, but, get a life.
Wow, your telling me to get a life? Shut up you jerk. I do track, wrestling, did jazz band, and do concert/marching band, so don't tell me to get a life man. PLUS I mentioned that I'm going to the movies with my friend tommorow, so just watch who you're personally attacking. You make yourself look like a real ass when you personally attack someone who you don't know anything about.

I'm already good at my instruments, maybe practicing once a week is good, but not every day after school. That would be boring. Plus you don't do that EVERY SINGLE DAY. I did TRACK EVERY DAY, I did WRESTLING EVERY DAY. And when marching band comes around, we practice EVERY SCHOOL DAY and perform at football games. Marching band is social because not only are a lot of people in band, but we play at football games which are usually packed. There's nothing social about staying at home everyday afterschool.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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ElStud said:
Wow, your telling me to get a life? Shut up you jerk. I do track, wrestling, did jazz band, and do concert/marching band, so don't tell me to get a life man. PLUS I mentioned that I'm going to the movies with my friend tommorow, so just watch who you're personally attacking. You make yourself look like a real ass when you personally attack someone who you don't know anything about.

I'm already good at my instruments, maybe practicing once a week is good, but not every day after school. That would be boring. Plus you don't do that EVERY SINGLE DAY. I did TRACK EVERY DAY, I did WRESTLING EVERY DAY. And when marching band comes around, we practice EVERY SCHOOL DAY and perform at football games. Marching band is social because not only are a lot of people in band, but we play at football games which are usually packed. There's nothing social about staying at home everyday afterschool.
People who have lives, are busy, don't partake in nonproductive activities, and don't even consider watching TV don't ask people what they should do in their spare time.

Haha, you call me an ass and a jerk, but you then tell me to stop attacking someone that I don't know, you know me? Is it a fair assesment to judge and label me? No. Double standard. I am not a jerk nor ass, see that's the thing, you don't realize the ridiculousness of this post, I guess its not apparent to you yet.

Like I said, opportunities abound, go out there and find them. I don't know how hard you are actually trying.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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Here are some suggestions:

- Take a class at the city college
- Join a private sports club
- Get a job
- Drivers Training
- Research about college/scholarships
- Volunteer at events
- Join a club
- Find projects for yourself to do, (today I didnt go to school so I'm busy working around the house, cleaning, maintenance, I find things for myself to keep busy with, although I'm getting distracted by this argument)

There! You had someone else think for you. Oh, don't like those suggestions either? Other people have been giving you suggestions, if you don't like them, sucks for you, try thinking for yourself then.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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ElStud said:
As for the gym suggestion, yeah I'll try that, but I don't have a car so there's an issue there. I basically just need something to do afterschool on weekdays.

Did you even read my ****ing post? I said work out at your SCHOOL car needed...tons of girls there...what else do you want?

just so suave

Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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i felt as though i had nothing to do with my time after school a few months back, but then i extended my social circle, and now i hang out with a varitey of friends each night.

aussiegoat also had a good suggestion, get a job and get some cash rolling in :)

apocalypse later

Don Juan
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
Start taking some harder classes. I used to be bored after school when tennis or soccer was finished, but once I took two AP classes my schedule was perfectly balanced: two hours of tennis/soccer, three hours of homework, two hours of leisure every weeknight.


Don Juan
May 16, 2007
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"If u have time to complain obviously you are not busy enough"


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
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Group states then the Regionals are coming up for me in the next 2 weekends. track is basically my life. im a senior so it's gonna be over forever.

But I'm getting a gym membership so I can gain some lb's cause ive been a skinny runner for the last 4 years of my life. i actually gained 12 pounds since the winter from working out already.

just find some activity to fill your time with cause boredom sucks. i play badminton with some amigos and go to the beach, or go mountain biking. sometimes ill even run this 12 mile loop if it's not too hot out cause i like the scenery

and get a job