I'd say definitely concentrate most of your efforts on other girls. Lots of them. You can keep this one around as an easy bang or for pawning if you want but I'd really only exert the minimum of effort towards her because she has simply proven she's not worth the time or heartache. If this girl got into your head badly in the past it might even be safer for you just to next her altogether and only focus on other girls. That's probably what I'd recommend doing given your situation.
Originally posted by Legend Thanks for everyone who posted, i really appreciate all of your time and effort you took to write this quality posts. Thanks for all the help
my final discussion is that i would be putting no more of my time and effort into this person because she has done me wrong and will do it again.
If something happens and she puts effort into me i will go for it and just use her for play without getting attached to her again. Hopefully this semester i wont see her as much as i did last semester.
To tell you the truth she sorta grosses me out.....i dont know, you can only be wronged so many times before you just get sick of the person and never want to see them again. I think i reached that point.
What is meant to be will be...its out of my hands now.
Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.
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