We can wrap this up, third date back to my place and led her to the bedroom - zero resistance. During the whole time we were out, I made the conversation sexual.
-She is into yoga and she brought up some positions - downward dog. I played dumb and asked her what it was. She explained it and I acted still confused and asked her to show me when we got back. She chuckled 'No'
-We were out having drinks and she asked if I knew this sausage from her country, I gave a confused look and carried the conversation on what the sausage looked like. There was a basket of pine cones of various shapes on the table. I pointed out what that sausage resembles, she burst out laughing.
-She was cooking on the stove and I came out of my room to ask if she always sticks out her butt when making food. Gave her a little grind
-She says she sometimes takes a shower in the dark, since it gives her time to think and provides more sensory. I asked so you also turn the lights off during sex?
She did, however, find a marking one of my other plates purposely left. We'll see how that turns out.
Main plate left a marking about the size of a rice grain near my left sink where she knows I never use. My first thought was that it’s childish, but it’s definitely a test. Whether it’s still there next time or marking her territory. It was going great and we’re seeing each other tomorrow...