Originally posted by Egyptiandude1
You know, most of the problems with today's society has to do with taking jesus or god out of life, just look back when school prayers were allowed (for all religions as it should be) and how people acted and behaved in contrast with today... pretty big difference in my opinion, I think the number one reason people don't want god in schools or even recognized is because it means people have to change the way they live and act, and most people don't want to do that, so they just rather not believe in anything and live how they want to live, people however fail to realize that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian ideologies, and that is one of the reasons this country has been prosperous so far, but I guess god is a dying trend, maybe he'll come back in style again when he gets put on the cover of people magazine.
i always thought america was prosperous because they took everything from everyone else that werent like them , like the land of the native-indians ,african - slaves, and that they always thought of themself better than everyone else , like they still do now......
but to seriuos matters.....
Religion is about belief , people need to have something to believe in , they need to think that there is a higher perpose for them that there is something else beyond death and life.... Religious texts were meant to be guidelines on how to live a happy life a fullfilled life , yet some people misinterpret them into something more , and that how extremists are created..... we have the muslim , the nazi`s , the christian extremists,.... Religion has been twisted and used for so many wrong reasons that the youth no longer are willing to believe in it , they see that in the past people used religion to control other people ,to satisfy theyr own greed... the greatest time of misuge of chritianity was probably in the middle ages - dark ages , 1000 - 1400 , priests used the fear of god to get what they desired , as did the noble -men and the people of royalty.... they raped killed and waged several wars in the name of god and because of that, the name of god has become somewhat brokendown for todays youth......
Then we have the bible , the koraan, and all the other religious texts that people blindly follow.... what people seem to forget is that these texts were created by man , not a spiritual angel spirit or ghost , not by god , but by man ....
lets talk about heaven and hell in the bible :
Now how can a human know how heaven is , did god ever sit down with the guy who created the bible and told him what he should put in there , did jesus ever do that , i dont recall anyone ever saying that , so its a single or perhaphs many persons oppinnion on how they think heaven might be , its like these people who created the bible and the people who rewrite the bibles makes it sound like that theyr religion is in a way a , lets say a GYM as an example.... they are saying in a way ,
hey guys join our gym instead of the other ones or if u arent a member of any gym then join our gym , we will give you so many miracles and in the end we will give you everything u desire , a place where all your dreams come true , ( then they bring in the hell part to get more members) , hey you guys know that if you are a member of any other gym then our or if u arent a member of our gym , your all going to die and rot in a place where u will be tortured and stabbed and boiled for the rest of ETERNITY!?!?
well its basicly a sales agents ad.....
Then we have the hole adam and eve story , wich is in a way a story that we referred to so that we can further undermine the females keep them on a leash... Like adam and eve were the first to humans right ? , so how would anyone else but beside them know what really happened , if it really happened wich i believe didnt really happen.... would adam hold a grudge against eve fro a so loong time that he keeps telling the story to his children and grandchildren and so on... and still after thousands of yers ,probably, we still remember exactly how the story goes and write it down in the bible.... Well let me tell you what the story truly is about , it is another reason that women were supressed by men in the early ages, they wanted more reasons to keep the female on a leesh , they were only considered to be a man pleasure box and theyr slaves , underlings better said....
Its the same with the muslims and the koraan , they want to keep theyr women under control , cuz other wise they wouldnt be able to get any..... probably why so many people follow they religion..... wanna hear something absurd , they keep the females under a big ass burka BECAUSE, so that the MEN wount be tempted , theyr afraid of theyr own control on theyr desires , instead of fixing themself they rather change everything else.....
kinda got sidetracked there but to finish it up :
I myself dont believe in any religion, i am open to the possibility of a GOD, but i believe he isent as magnificent as the religious texts makes him out to be, and i am open to the possibility that GOD might just be a creature that helped us evolve in the early days, a creature with unbelievable (either technology or capabilities).....
but what I do belive in, is a path that a fullfilled happy human takes, and im doing my best to reach that path and walk that path....