Not the one


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
Can you think of a reason that a guy would want to be with you all of the time, has very deep conversations with you, thinks that you're beautiful, brings condoms around to your place (in secret), yet he dumped you 3 months ago (after dating for 2 months) because he didn't think you were 'the one'? Is this one seriously confused guy or am I missing something?


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Jasmine said:
Can you think of a reason that a guy would want to be with you all of the time, has very deep conversations with you, thinks that you're beautiful, brings condoms around to your place (in secret), yet he dumped you 3 months ago (after dating for 2 months) because he didn't think you were 'the one'?
Other than him wanting to hop in bed with you,no. The condoms he brought over to your place should be a clue.

Now I have a question for you:Can you think of a reason why a woman would PUT UP WITH a guy that would want to be with her all the time,has very deep conversations with her,thinks that she's beautiful,brings condoms around to her place (in secret),yet he dumped her 3 months ago (after dating her 2 months) because he didn't think she was 'the one'?

Jasmine said:
Is this one seriously confused guy or am I missing something?
This guy isn't confused. He knows what he wants. Why do you think he brought condoms over to your place? To make balloon animals? Also,he knows that most women won't have sex with a guy unless there is some sort of emotional connection with her,hence the "deep conversations".

Wake up and smell the coffee honey.:rolleyes:


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
I just think that it is a lot of trouble to go to just to have sex, and if genuinely thinks you're beautiful why not commit? He wants to be around you all the time anyway! Alright, thanks Igetit, point taken. So what I do to move it to the next level?


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Jasmine said:
I just think that it is a lot of trouble to go to just to have sex, and if genuinely thinks you're beautiful why not commit? He wants to be around you all the time anyway!
Are you a teenager or something? I can see a woman 17-23ish falling for this game,but if you dated guys long enough,then you should kind of get a sense of how we are. You think the things he's done so far are "a lot of trouble" to go to just for sex? Lady,there's a thread on this board RIGHT NOW about a guy who's contemplating flying from here (United States) over to the Netherlands just for sex. He's having a hard time dating,so he's decided to fly across the ocean sleep with some prostitutes. He's willing to risk disease and possible jail time....all for sex.

So this thing you're ex is doing is basically nothing if it means hopping in bed with you.

He may think you're beautiful,but he DOESN'T want to be around you all the time. He's just around you now because he hasn't has slept with you yet.

If you don't believe me,then come back here on the forum after you've slept with him,then tell me how often he hangs around you.

Edit:There is no "next level". You have to decide what you want,and if he wants the same thing,then good. If all you want is a guy to hop in bed with from time to time,and all he wants is a girl to sleep with from time to time,then you two are a perfect match.

However,if you want a relationship/something long term,but he just wants someone to sleep with every now and then,then REGUARDLESS OF YOUR FEELINGS you'll need to move on and find someone else who wants the same thing as you. I don't care how you "FEEL" towards the guy,I don't care if you do have "feelings" for him,this is what need to be done. Otherwise,you two will just sleep together a few times,then when someone comes along who HE DOES WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH,he'll drop you,then go for the other person. Then you'll feel used and taken advantage of.....BUT,it'll be YOUR FAULT for continuing to hang around him in the first place.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
We have slept together! He wants to be at my house all the time! More than I want him here if I am completely honest. He is a total AFC yet won't commit! Bizarre if you ask me. Hence why I'm here.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Jasmine said:
We have slept together! He wants to be at my house all the time! More than I want him here if I am completely honest. He is a total AFC yet won't commit! Bizarre if you ask me. Hence why I'm here.
Let me ask you a question:Have you ever heard of the phrase,"Why by the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Why would this guy want to commit to you? What for? What would he get by commiting to you that he isn't ALREADY getting now? Can you think of anything? Can you tell me one thing extra that he'd get by commiting to you that he isn't getting right now?
What,sex? He's already getting that. The only thing he'd get by getting into a relationship with you is being tied down. Right now,he can sleep with you whenever he feels like it,and at the same time see other women,and NOT BE CHEATING. How can he cheat on you if he isn't in a relationship with you?

Answer that.

The way things are right now,he can sleep with you,go out find another girl,sleep with her if he wants,and at the same time not have to worry about being disloyal to anyone because he's not dating anyone,he's single.

It's a sweet deal if you ask me. He can have his cake and eat it too,and at the same time,not be doing anything wrong.

You get what you settle for,so stop complaining about a situation that you have the power to change.

You settled for it,so deal with it.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
I'm not sleeping with him now, only when we were together?? And I won't again unless we are in a relationship.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
sorry that i'm so amused by the fact that you say he's a total afc yet your trying to get us to help you win him back... Guess he ain't afc after all! The fact that he doesn't want to commit makes him "hard to get", which you unconciously seem to love. You still like him don't you... ? Eather you're in denial or you realise you do. And now you're looking for some kind of explanation on male behavior, like we are on female behavior...

:rolleyes: Both genders don't understand anything about the other gender :crazy:

It's so entertaining that woman are such confusing beings, I guess that's why I love you so much :cool: and that's also why you love me

As for yourself, you'll have to figure out what you want from this guy, just know once dumped is forever dumped... You might get back togheter but there's no way it will last.

Ps: don't call him confused, he isen't, you are!

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Igetit! said:
Are you a teenager or something? I can see a woman 17-23ish falling for this game,but if you dated guys long enough,then you should kind of get a sense of how we are. You think the things he's done so far are "a lot of trouble" to go to just for sex? Lady,there's a thread on this board RIGHT NOW about a guy who's contemplating flying from here (United States) over to the Netherlands just for sex. He's having a hard time dating,so he's decided to fly across the ocean sleep with some prostitutes. He's willing to risk disease and possible jail time....all for sex.
actually you can't get into jail over here for banging a ho.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
He clearly doesn't wan't the same things as you, just move on! Listen to Igetit!

If he's so AFC, and you don't honestly like him being around that much, wtf you want him back so much? This forum is full of guys, some with mystical minds and deep conversations, others are borderline rapists, take your pic. lol.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
I think he just wants to be fvck buddies.

And why do you want a total AFC to commit to you, anyway?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Jasmine said:
We have slept together! He wants to be at my house all the time! More than I want him here if I am completely honest. He is a total AFC yet won't commit! Bizarre if you ask me. Hence why I'm here.
The simple fact that he's had sex with you means that he isn't an AFC. AFC's don't get laid. He also didn't want to commit and dumped you.

Yet here you are 3 months later thinking about him. No offense Jasmine but I think you are the AFC.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Him not wanting to commit if another indication of him not being AFC. There's nothing AFC about this guy except for maybe his clinginess, but he might as well just do the same with 2 other girls.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
The simple fact that he's had sex with you means that he isn't an AFC. AFC's don't get laid. He also didn't want to commit and dumped you.

Yet here you are 3 months later thinking about him. No offense Jasmine but I think you are the AFC.
AFCs DO get laid, depending on what kind they are. There are tons of AFCs who are in relationships where the woman has all control, makes the man beg/pay for sex, and such.
There are also AFCs who are decent at getting laid but have sh!t self esteem and hide it all by acting tough and PUA-ish.
There are also AFCs who get laid by friends and ugly girls.

I sure hope you've got your mind around something as simple as an AFC after all this time on the forum. To say AFCs don't get laid, and if a man gets laid he's automatically NOT an AFC, is borderline incorrect. :S


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
When I think of AFC the first thing that comes to mind is somebody who can't get laid.

True not every AFC has a problem getting laid, but everybody that has a problem getting laid is an AFC. Though I was wrong by saying that everybody who can get laid is not an AFC. Unfortunately I fall under the category of the sexless AFC. Honestly I don't believe that I can still be called an AFC once I start getting laid.

Moving on, since the guy was getting sex, didn't seem too clingy and dumped her it suggests that he wasn't an AFC.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
He was into you at first. But once people start getting comfortable with each other and things get boring, he lost interest. The sex was probably the same, the convos prob got boring, so he was over it. Once couples start getting into the normal, routine way of things, he'll start looking elsewhere. You should have never stopped what you were doing before. You were probably a challenge, unpredictable and somewhat of a tease when you first met him. Once that stopped, it was over.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2002
Reaction score

It wasn't going to work anyway. Once he got passed the sex and conversations he realized he wasn't into it anymore. Better for everyone this stopped in the end.

Move on. If he comes back around sweet talking and such, let him know you aren't falling for it and if he really wants you that bad he should have stuck with you.

He'll either fess up or bolt.