Not really a journal but close enough


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
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Okay bros, decided to make a thread that'll track my progress, thoughts, ideas, and daily discoveries with the ladies. It's not going to be so much a journal as it will be sort of a blog - the Italian in me likes to talk so there you go. Follow along, give input, and let me know what you think :D I'm going to try and update everyday regardless. Thanks guys.

Day 1:

There's a chick in my Biology class who I sit right next to, and damn she's fine. She's a year below me but I'm cool with it. She's fairly tall (shorter than me but I'm 6'1), blonde, bright blue eyes, slender, nice chest, and super personality - quiet but really sweet. Anyways, since the start of the last semester which was last monday, she's been flirting around with me, really cute, and I've been returning it but on even ground, nothing over the top of course. One day after class she's talking to me, tells me that she told her mom about me, said she described me as 'a tall, decently built really nice looking guy,' (which made me go 'yay') and she asked me what background I'm from, to which I answered Italian. That night, I get home and I see i have a message from her, I open it and it says 'Come sta andando. Like it? I thought I'd catch up on my Italian ;)
Since then I've stepped up my game and I've been messing around with speaking the language more, I'm teaching her italian and I'm drawing her in with it, she asked my best friend for my phone number, she's crazy about me but she's classy about it which is a big deal I think. So things are good there.

At this point you're probably wondering why I haven't asked her out yet. Well...she's got a boyfriend! I guess she started going out with him like two weeks ago, she's not even really into him, I know who he is and he's a ****. My buddy talked to her the other night, and she brought me up, and told him that 'he's a super close second to Ryan (her bf), he's really cool and I like him a lot.' Fair enough I think. It's not like I can't move in. He said that I have a very good chance with her, and she's probably going to break it off with this other dude pretty soon anyways.

Anyways, yesterday after class, which is last block, I ended up just walking with her, we were chatting away, messing around with some Italian, making her laugh, it was really good. This is where I might have screwed it up a little though: We were walking downstairs and she said 'Do you have a locker down here?' and I'm just like 'Uhh, no...haha just following you awkwardly. I should probably leave now.' (I actually just started walking with her somehow, I sort of forgot where I was going) Then she's just like 'haha alright, see you tomorrow Aaron!' By the sounds of it I don't think she cared but I hope I didn't look awkward, plus I said 'I should probably leave now' cuz I didn't want to come across weird, just following her. Not the best thing I could've done. Anyways. Tomorrow should be good. I just have that feeling :D

Also have a little work out routine for the mornings. Usually a 2k run, 60 push ups, planks, and sit ups every morning. Got the six pack back :) Gonna start going to the gym too.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
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So far I haven't lived up to my 'posting everyday' thing haha. Well after Friday the weekend sucked me in and I sort of forgot. Anyways. I had most of it typed up and ready to post so here it is, just a little late.

Day 2: Game wasn't as good today. Still managed to flirt around and keep her into me but something seemed like it was missing. Wasn't the same spark. Then it really hit me, she has a boyfriend, she's a year below me, nah maybe this isn't going to work.

Then I found some more hope.

Now I know it sounds childish, but all weekend we were messaging back and forth and she still really digs me, saying cute little things like 'you're amazing,' 'you're so cute,' 'you're scoring brownie points with me' and all this other stuff, at school she's always trying to touch me, bumping into me in the halls, walking with me...I'm pretty confused because she's told my friend(s) that she wants to go out with me, but she's not breaking it off with her boyfriend, and she doesn't even really like him! It's weird. But anyways, back to school today, I'm hoping I can step it up further, she's really digging this Italian I've been teaching her and so far it's working really good. I was going to ask her out on Valentine's day but I don't think that will happen since she's got the bf and all. Maybe just some making out and pray he doesn't hear about it. :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Just do something. You're not leading this and you should go for more girls.
And replace the sit ups and do less pushups with more resistance or more time under pressure.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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Yeah. DO something.

I can already see how this is going to go. You won't do anything, the relationship will grow stale, then you'll try to make a move way down the line and you'll get destroyed.

YOUR CHANCE IS NOW. Allow yourself to make mistakes! GO!


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Day 3 (yesterday): Went good. She's still into me. Always flirting, making eye contact, talking to me, being really giddy around me. Now I know I gotta make my move soon but at this point it's just comforting to know that even though she's in a relationship she's still interested. This is the time to strike.

Okay, today, I'm moving in the best I can. I'm looking good, feeling good, and I'm going to try and not make any mistakes because the dude she's going out with is nuts and he likes to talk with his fists, and I don't. So I'm hoping it goes smoothly and if it doesn't, I'm moving on. It sounds like she's going to break up with him soon, but I'm not just going to count on that, I'm only counting on myself here. I'm the only person that can make anything happen. More good news though: We're both going to the same island in Hawaii on Spring Break :D I'm pretty sure that means I'll be in the clear.

Just so you guys know I'm not only going after her. I've got three others in the crosshairs.

But, as luck would have it, two of them have boyfriends!! Why does it seem like all the good ones are taken?

Norwegian, the push ups I'm doing are 2 sets of 30, with 15 crunches in between as well as 30 curls of about 20 pounds. I think I'll be good ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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mr_guido said:
Norwegian, the push ups I'm doing are 2 sets of 30, with 15 crunches in between as well as 30 curls of about 20 pounds. I think I'll be good ;)
Mkay cool, whatever science you have that backs you up must be awesome and unknown to most fit people.

Im just stating that 30 push ups will do you nothing as you aren't even straining your muscles. You're at what, 30% of your max when you do that? You won't get stronger nor bigger. You could incraese time under pressure/ elevate your legs so that you fail within 12 reps, thus atleast increasing size.

I guess crunches is the #1 ab exercise and works for everyone. And 15 reps is going to get you a six pack any day. You wont even get tired. Keep thinking that it'll work. (Does it even make sense, the form of motion, that is? It's completely disfunctional). Swap it out with some other ab exercise.

The curls will obviously make your arms huge, especially since you go marathon mode with 30 reps. MY BII CEPS ARE BURNING BRAH, IM SO SWOLE! Yeah, no. Do some chinups.

And every morning? Madness. Rest man.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
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LOL chill man, it's all good, there's probably a better way to do it but hell it works pretty fine for me. I'm not doing push ups for increasing arm size but more or less just a work out that will condition my arms a little more, and I am in fact doing the elevated push ups.

Same thing with the crunches, not so much doing them for the increase of muscle but just to retain the six pack that I have already chiseled out :D

Curls are working awesome dude. Yeah, the guido in me goes big or goes home, 30 reps is killer but awesome results bro. Just so you know, what you do for a routine and what works for you may be different than what I do and what works for me. Nonetheless thanks for your concern and input, I do appreciate it :) I am going to try some different ab excercises too.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
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Johannesburg, South Africa
Yea none of what you're saying means anything. You say you have a six pack that you chiseled out? Yet looking at your routine you have no size to you at all. A 6 pack on a skinny guy is like big boobs on a fat chick. Listen to NDJ, because currently, all you're doing is fairly useless. 30 reps? I honestly laughed at that. That's not going big, that's not using logic. If I curled a can of soup 300 times, yes my arm would get tired but **** all would happen.

Jeff D

New Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Well for starters, this is a journal and not a workout discussion, but if we are having one of those, I'd gladly recommend P90x. Only about an hour of your day, for 6 days a week. Requires healthy or at least decently healthy eating, and perseverance.
On topic, you should probably talk to the girl about this, OR you can sit around waiting for her to break up with her boyfriend. And heads up, if that guy is willing to fight you after dating her for about a month or whatever, he's a b!tch. Anyways, I've been in your situation but I just ended up not giving a fvck seeing as we were both in a relationship. If you do decide to talk to her, or someone else about her and how stable she is in situations like this, kudos. :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Jeff D said:
Well for starters, this is a journal and not a workout discussion, but if we are having one of those, I'd gladly recommend P90x. Only about an hour of your day, for 6 days a week. Requires healthy or at least decently healthy eating, and perseverance.
On topic, you should probably talk to the girl about this, OR you can sit around waiting for her to break up with her boyfriend. And heads up, if that guy is willing to fight you after dating her for about a month or whatever, he's a b!tch. Anyways, I've been in your situation but I just ended up not giving a fvck seeing as we were both in a relationship. If you do decide to talk to her, or someone else about her and how stable she is in situations like this, kudos. :up:
I sadly don't know much about P90x, but I've heard positive and negative results from it.
Healthy eating? Please use a word you can define atleast.
To be honest, if someone that knew me went for my GF, I'd go up to them and scare the crap out of them. I wouldn't mind fighting them (depending on the situation).


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
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****! Just made a massive entry and the website glitched out and didn't post it. This has happened like 10 different ****ing times!!! What the **** is going on?! :cuss:

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
hahaha, I'm also part Italian.

Cept I'm not full gay. Norways snarky advice was right on the mark. I bet you anthing both his and mine abs would pi$s in you abs a2s.

Your work out literally does nothing. I'd recommend gymnastics body. Or going to curves. Your workout can't get any pussier. May as well be near some *****.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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mr_guido said:
****! Just made a massive entry and the website glitched out and didn't post it. This has happened like 10 different ****ing times!!! What the **** is going on?! :cuss:
Hahaha, shame dude! I always copy long posts before I post them.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Jack Wealthy said:
hahaha, I'm also part Italian. Cept I'm not full gay.
The ****, dude. I'm not gay. Straight as a ****in arrow. You don't even know who I am and you call me gay? You think I'm just some wimp-ass skinny kid just screwing around on here? I'm 6'0, 165 lbs. Not too shabby. That's a decent build - not ripped, but muscled and toned. So nice try at calling me a ***** or gay.

My abs are not weak at all. I do about 10 reps of 30 crunches with 20 lbers. Works good. Chiseled six pack I've got. And I've stepped it up for the arms. Lifting heavier stuff now, about 5 reps each of full arm curls of 30 - 35 lbs, with tricep curls in there as well. Like I said I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to workin' out, just a few little things I do to keep toned, not looking to get ripped here. Anyways.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
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Johannesburg, South Africa
If you're at that weight, with chiseled abs yet you're only able to curl 35lbs for 5 reps (honestly, that's appalling at your "size"); something doesn't add up . And you're not ripped yet you have chiseled abs? Also doesn't make any sense.
Jack called you a fag because you acted like an absolute know-it-all, NDJ knows his stuff and quite obviously you don't. If you did you'd realize that crunches are an appalling exercise, that 30 reps of anything is a joke, that you don't need tons of time to workout etc. To be perfectly honest, none of the information you're giving adds up. You say you're at that height and weight and have "chiseled" abs but can only curl 35lbs for 5 reps, please it's not hard to see through the bull****.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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mr_guido said:
Like I said I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to workin' out, just a few little things I do to keep toned, not looking to get ripped here. Anyways.
Jaedon is bigger and stronger than you. You should try to read through the insults and find the advice he's giving you, then take it.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
I didn't know people were actually this ****ing stupid.

I already said it, I AM NOT RIPPED.

I'm 165 lbs and 6'0 tall. If you were able to read, then clearly you could easily see that by no means does that scream "I'm a bodybuilder."


If I was, I'd be living at the gym and following a proper work out routine.


Say whatever the **** you want, but it's good exercise. DanZy, you said it yourself, You don't need tons of time to work out.

And 35 lbs for curls? Appalling for my size? Recall my phrase "I AM NOT RIPPED.' Never did I say I was the strongest guy in the world. Believe me, any simple exercise will get you results. Example, my abs. Chiseled, from curls, crunches, all that. Not unbelievably sculpted, but 'fit.' My body build is considered 'fit.' Not skinny by any means, far from overly muscular, but I've got enough muscle mass to have a decent build and be called 'fit.'

Now can you morons get this through your ****ing thick craniums and shut the hell up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Bro if you're not ripped, how do you have chiseled abs? You have to be cut as **** to have chiseled abs. Crunches and curls won't do that...


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Dude, are you calling us stupid?

We're not telling you to become a bodybuilder, although your view of this is probably distorted. Becoming stronger and bigger is easy; you don't suddenly gain 15kgs and steroid arms. We're just advising you to work out more efficiently, which will actually help, whether you want to get bigger, or still think your current frame is superior to whatever you can achieve.