"Not My Type" dilemma.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
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heres the story :

SO i live with this girl for about 6 weeks now , she has a boyfriend of 6 months but he left to go traveling around the world for half a year leaving her behind from february. hes coming back in july but leaving again after a month.

She tells me sometimes that shes lonely and always worried that he will find another girl . she is chinese and the guy is white and 29 years old. i think shes interested because its her first white boyfriend. so i tell her to find someone better then that midlife crisis having loser. but she just says she will wait for him until he comes back then see what happens.that she doesnt want to change boyfriends.

Myself i am of indian decent average goodlooking. born and raised in sweden.
she even tells me sometimes that im goodlooking nice and sweet smart and funny.
and she always tells me that she wants me to find a good girlfriend or that she will find me one etc etc.

Well lately i kinda started to like her , because she has a great personality , but shes stuck on this 30 year old dumbass. We flirt a little bit not much but i dont think she thinks of it as flirting , i tickle her she gives me backrub sometimes . we spend most of the day together since we live together. I am very nice to her , yeah i know i could be stuck in the "friend zone" , but i am just a nice guy to everyone , and dont wanna be a jackass.

well one day i walked by her laptop , she was writing an email to her boyfriend, i wouldnt snoop but i saw my name there and wondered what she wrote.

well she wrote "dezidarko is so nice , maby he likes me. but hes not my type . But he is such a nice guy . I hope he will find a good girlfriend."

now this coudl mean
1.that i am stuck in the "friendzone"
2. she doesnt want to make her boyfriend jelous and just writes that.

but yeah i dont think i have oneitis , its just her boyfriend isent around shes always lonely , and we have so much in common. smae kind of personalities , same likes and dislikes. so why the eff am i not her type ? she doesnt like smart goodlooking funny people. guess its just bothers me a little.

I tease her i call her grandma since shes 2 years older then me , i tickle her push her around sometimes . use her as a cusion etc etc.
but yeah i havent really directly flirted with her yet.

my question is should i be worried about her writing im not her type to her boyfriend , or is this a positive sign ?

sorry for the long write any input is greatly appriciated.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Did you make a move on her?

If not do so.

If she rejects it you next her and that means you and she are no longer having get togethers.

If she wants you she has to give you what you want from her which is sex and a relationship.

No sex= no relationship.

She is using you right now for friendship because you have only acted like a friend towards her, you have been friendzoned because you either put yourself there by acting like her friend and not making moves on her by trying to kiss her or other more subtle methods of kino.

You've got to go after what you want in life bro.

You may simply not be her type because of looks but usually with a chick if you look decent enough ie are not hideous or overweight and are at the very least average her saying you are not her type simply means you are not confident and aggressive around her and instead tip toe and be afraid of your sexuality around her falsely thinking that friendship is the way to a woman's heart.

It isn't.

Make your move.

Edit: Just read that you are living with her. Anyway if you are stuck in that situation where you can't next her you at least have to stop being her emotional tamp0n and listening to all of her boyfriend troubles. Its not respectful of yourself to do that as it shows you have zero boundaries and will let her vomit out all her negativity and problems on you because you think this will lead to winning her heart and intimacy and again I say it won't.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Dezidarko said:
but yeah i dont think i have oneitis , its just her boyfriend isent around shes always lonely , and we have so much in common. smae kind of personalities , same likes and dislikes.
There are a few thousand lonely girls out there who don't have BFs and have just as much in common with you as this chick. And no, that's not an ad for a new online dating service. You're beating yourself over why a chick who already has a BF and is living with you doesn't like you... That might not be one-itis but it's just as bad.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Yes, you are friendzoned, and it will be hell digging out of that hole.

You know why she's stuck on that "30 year old dumbass"? Because he doesn't care as much as she does. He's off doing what guys should do, and she's waiting for him. He's a true DJ in my book. You should be learning something from him as apposed to putting him down. Believe me, if you put him down in front of her, she will only defend him, and you will lose even more ground. You'll forever be in the friend zone.

Why don't you forget this chick and get to know her bf and learn how he does it. That's my suggestion.



Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
yeah i already told her last week that she shouldnt talk about her boyfriend with me. And whenever she does do it , i just ignore her or switch topics or pay no attention.

well i never put him down directly in front of her . liek i know he likes to smoke weed and hes almost thirty so i say something like , people over 25 who still smoke weed everyday are burnouts who dont want responsibility and just looking for the next quick fix of fun.

the thing is i dont really know if i like her that much , or if i just like her because shes unavailable.

but my original question was , what does she mean by hes not my type . i Know im good looking , girls stare at me all the time , i get dates and numbers fine . its just i never meet someone like the girl im living with now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"dezidarko is so nice , maby he likes me. but hes not my type . But he is such a nice guy."

I put the answer to your question in bold for you.

Nice guy= guy not making moves on the girl and being afraid of his sexuality around her by not acting in such a way that a girl gets the message that you'd love to fvck her and not be friends with her.

George Clooney puts off such a vibe around women that he would sooner fvck them than be friends with them.

Mimick that way of being.

Read around on this forum and find out how to do that.

Then you can get this girl quite possibly.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Dood first of all the girl you are around is a dumbass. This guys is going around the world Fsucking other girls and shes here sitting around and waiting for him. Even bigger dumbass is you, the person that is keeping her company while her boyfriend is out there having the time of his life prolly having
3somes with some girls. One thing i have learned is you cant be nice with girls, if you do you will be the boring guy. She already knows she can get you anytime she wants and you are hanging out with her so much that she is not even worried about some other girl taking you. I bet if you had a date and told her you cant hang out with her that she would start thinking of you as more than a friend.