Hey Guys,
Not sure if any of you guys have this. I'm a big sweater (sweat alot), work out a decent amount and i'm pretty active/athletic. I try to drink as much water as i can to stay hydrated but my notrils are always super dry.
This is uncomfortable only slightly but also annoying as it makes my snot dry and more capable of hanging out of my nose as opposed to staying in it.
Anyone else have this problem? I've tried running water through my nostrils a few times but it doesn't last long.
Not sure if any of you guys have this. I'm a big sweater (sweat alot), work out a decent amount and i'm pretty active/athletic. I try to drink as much water as i can to stay hydrated but my notrils are always super dry.
This is uncomfortable only slightly but also annoying as it makes my snot dry and more capable of hanging out of my nose as opposed to staying in it.
Anyone else have this problem? I've tried running water through my nostrils a few times but it doesn't last long.