Normal pick up phenomenon


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Last night i went clubbing with three friends of mine.

My mindset: I gonna get some tonight! I wanna get laid and bang some chicks.

Mindset of one of my friend: Just have fun with my buddies.

When we were in the club, I was walking around the club trying to spot

my target and then approach right away after the eye contact.

Even though I got make out and digits from those chicks, i didn't get laid

last night because of logistics problem.

For my friend, he just stood there at the table and dance and had fun

with other friends of mine. He just didn't care whether he got laid or not.

But, eventually, two chicks on the table beside my table, i approach them

but they didn't seem to be interested in me.

Instead, one of them even licked my friend's neck.

WTF!! Why is it so easy for him to get girl but is so hard for me?

I am sure I am quite good looking with good and open body language

and so is my friend.

Can s.body tell me why this happens?

Usually, when i think i gonna get some tonight, i fail.

But, when i think i just gonna have fun with my buddies, i mostly got some.

PS I can rarely go clubbing, so everytimes i go there, i wanna bang some chicks silly!

That is always my mindset. But, rather, my friend can go clubbing anytime he want so

just didn't care anything. Furthermore, I just start go clubbing and lose my v-card when i was 19
(I am 20)

while my friend started clubbing and lose his v-card like when he was 16.(Now he is 22)

So, i think experience does matter in this case.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Women smell desperation like bees smell fear:p. The more you try the worse you do. The less you try the better you'll do.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
The_411 said:
Women smell desperation like bees smell fear:p. The more you try the worse you do. The less you try the better you'll do.
I get your point man. But, if you don't approach, how come you can get laid?

And, from your point of view, do I sound desperate?

What do you mean by "desperate"?

In my opinion, it means when is trying to do sth too hard.

What would you do when you go clubbing and wanna get laid?

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I can definitely say ive never been out with that "i need to get laid" mindset, its so detrimental. Like its already been said it reeks of desperation but most of all its no fun. Girls love fun, if you're just going out to have fun, you look fun and act fun. You bring in the fun, girls come to the fun, they are attracted to the fun, they have sex with the fun. Stop trying so god damn hard to get girls, instead of working hard, work smart. Go and have fun with some girls and at a high point, when they're laughing and having a good time. Vanish!


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Mr Wright said:
I can definitely say ive never been out with that "i need to get laid" mindset, its so detrimental. Like its already been said it reeks of desperation but most of all its no fun. Girls love fun, if you're just going out to have fun, you look fun and act fun. You bring in the fun, girls come to the fun, they are attracted to the fun, they have sex with the fun. Stop trying so god damn hard to get girls, instead of working hard, work smart. Go and have fun with some girls and at a high point, when they're laughing and having a good time. Vanish!
I understand that you want me to vanish so that girls will be wondering

where I am. Yes, I used to do that and it worked.

However, another time, i vanished to go to the restroom and had a smoke

outside, there are possibilities of some guys might come in and hit on her, or

I may not be able to find her bcuz the place is too crowded or even worse

the attraction could dissipate.

Anyway, I think next time my mindset is going to be like

"yeah! Im out here to have fun with my friend and maybe get to know

some nice people. If i got girls then that would be bonus! But, if not

then having fun with my friends is good enough"

What do u think abt this?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Espi said:
I used to think that I had to come up with quirky pickup lines and use negs, C & F, etc. Those are good tools, but what's worked best for me is to just slow down, relax, and have a good time with life.

It doesn't mean you can't approach--you should. But a smile and a relaxed, confident demeanor goes a long way toward attracting women.

These days, my conversations are really plain..."Hi. How are you?" That's my opener now. Nothing forced.
Yeah, same to me, I just make eye contact, smile, approach,

and say whatever come up in my mind during that moment.

Usually, it is just simple say hi like yours.

Well, but other comments say that I shouldn't approach and just have

fun. I still don't understand how can i get laid without approach chicks. -*-