Hey guys, first thank you all for your involvement on this site. It truly is a gem.
I've been reading non stop for days and have a ways to go...
My history:
Former DJ(ish) turned AFC that somehow survived a 14 year marriage with an HPD / Narcissist. Left cheated on with my confidence in tatters and little memory of what used to made me happy.
That said, I'm getting back into dating (Internet mostly), and am having some success, some failures but in general a lot of fun.
Fast forward a bit...
I've started dating this one woman who I'd like to continue seeing, but I'm afraid I'm still a little gun shy and don't trust women much.
I am fighting AFCism a little, sometimes it's easy, sometimes a challenge.
The lady who my questions apply to i a psycho-therapist and I'm not sure if the typical rules of engagement apply to her.
We've had three dates, all in bars, the third, she brought me home and the sex was great.
This last Friday was movie only (at home), not much affection. I kind of smelled her pushing back a bit.
She did suggest we watch another movie this week where I would meet her son but nothing was firmed up.
I'm not sure if she's getting red flags, or she's worried I'm a player.
I'm not sure if I should phone and figure out the day or let her call if she wants.
Hard to read this one, shes very intelligent and appears pretty balanced.
As for me, I'm still trying to put a full life together on my own, but sadly it's more revolved around female friends (or huntresses) at this time.
A couple other tells so far....
- Her first toast was "To low maintenance"
- Her profile says looking for a relationship
- I make her a bit nervous, I think I look younger than her and she's somewhat conscious of it.
I'd like to not blow this one with AFCism, games or neglect.
Any of you pros have any advice?
Questions will be answered promptly if you want more info.
ps: I already know I'm over analyzing this, but ... this shat is pretty new to me.
Thanks in advance,
I've been reading non stop for days and have a ways to go...
My history:
Former DJ(ish) turned AFC that somehow survived a 14 year marriage with an HPD / Narcissist. Left cheated on with my confidence in tatters and little memory of what used to made me happy.
That said, I'm getting back into dating (Internet mostly), and am having some success, some failures but in general a lot of fun.
Fast forward a bit...
I've started dating this one woman who I'd like to continue seeing, but I'm afraid I'm still a little gun shy and don't trust women much.
I am fighting AFCism a little, sometimes it's easy, sometimes a challenge.
The lady who my questions apply to i a psycho-therapist and I'm not sure if the typical rules of engagement apply to her.
We've had three dates, all in bars, the third, she brought me home and the sex was great.
This last Friday was movie only (at home), not much affection. I kind of smelled her pushing back a bit.
She did suggest we watch another movie this week where I would meet her son but nothing was firmed up.
I'm not sure if she's getting red flags, or she's worried I'm a player.
I'm not sure if I should phone and figure out the day or let her call if she wants.
Hard to read this one, shes very intelligent and appears pretty balanced.
As for me, I'm still trying to put a full life together on my own, but sadly it's more revolved around female friends (or huntresses) at this time.
A couple other tells so far....
- Her first toast was "To low maintenance"
- Her profile says looking for a relationship
- I make her a bit nervous, I think I look younger than her and she's somewhat conscious of it.
I'd like to not blow this one with AFCism, games or neglect.
Any of you pros have any advice?
Questions will be answered promptly if you want more info.
ps: I already know I'm over analyzing this, but ... this shat is pretty new to me.
Thanks in advance,