NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursday (02-02-03): Answers to Your Questions, Non-Juan Style!

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursday (02-02-2006): Answers to Your Questions, Non-Juan Style!

The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Relationship Questions, Non-Juan Style!

Greetings, Non-Juan fans!

Since I opened up my website, I have had people writing me with dating questions of all kinds! So, as a service to my loyal readers, I have started a new column called "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!!" Every Thursday, I will open up my Non-Juan mailbag and answer email questions I have received during the week!

And HEY!! If you have any questions you'd like answered, email me at NONJUAN@HOTMAIL.COM!

And now, onto this week's letters...

Mr. Non-Juan:

I'm a chick, and I want to keep this guy from coming onto me. He says he's interested in this other girl but he always calls me and talks to me on the phone, and asks me to go places w/ him. Help! I don't wanna date anyone...


Thanks for the letter, L.B.D.:

Gee, I'd like to help you out, but there's a problem: you're a GIRL! I only give advice to guys! Sorry, better luck elsewhere...

LoL!! Just kidding! Actually, you're the first girl to ask me for dating advice. So let me get this straight: you're asking me how you can stop this Non-Juan from coming onto you... hmmm...

I don't like to give too many Non-Juan secrets away, but here's a big one: Non-Juans are masters at the "not getting the hint" technique. This means that despite how many hints you try to give him indicating your disinterest, he's able to put his mind in a constant state of denial that says "no matter how many times she rejects me, I'm going to eventually break down her defenses and get her to say 'yes' to going out with me!"

When words aren't getting you where you want with this guy - namely, as far away from him as possible - sometimes you have to just gross out a guy.

When a guy likes a girl, he tends to forget that they crap, fart, and have bodily functions that are downright disgusting. My advice: talk openly about these subjects to him. But don't do it in a way that's lady like - for example, saying to him "it's that time of the month" isn't going to mentally gross him out. You want to be explicitly descriptive - "i've got so much red tide going on down there, I could drown a small village" will give him a much grosser idea of what you're talking about. Instead of saying "I have to go to the bathroom for 5 minutes," say "man, I've got a turtle's head about to crawl out of my cornhole! I'd better go drop him off by the pool!"

If you say enough of these around the guy, he'll go from thinking you're "not afraid to be real" around him, to thinking "that's a little TOO real!" You'll be breaking the fantasy vision of you he had in his head, and may end up placing his fantasies on another girl!

Wow, I never thought I'd give a girl advice on how to lose a guy... maybe I should write another book...

Thus concludes this edition of "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, feel free to write me with your questions at

Also, check out the first THREE Chapters of my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" by going here:

Check out other my website, too:!

That's all for now - see ya next week!!

-Mr. Non-Juan
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