All forms of external religion will be dead very soon.
When confronted with hard research all and i mean all fall by the way side.
None and I mean none have stood the test of proving them to be factual, all have so many holes in them to believe in there message imo is the true path to insanity.
Religion was a clever devise created to keep the masses from doing stupid things as well as keep them inline.
Simple truth of any religion.
no religion is worth anything if no one fears for there immortal soul.
Religion has managed to plague society simply because men/women are so egotistical they cant comprehend life after death or they feel they deserve something better for all the things they did on there journey through life.
Infact this is simply scare tactics, for some cult type ideal to make you conform to an agenda for the sake of a Santa clause theory.
If you where an immortal being there would be no such thing has religion only social constructs of right and wrong, read social constructs of right and wrong since 'right and wrong' are strictly subject to social conditioning at the time.
One can only lead to a few eventualities when religion is explored, if you research your religion you will inevitably loose faith of that religion and realize it was never about worshipping and exterior force since the power of any god was and is always with inside you as it always will be.
The concept of a deity that made you, then to simply restrict his design with a set of 'rules' goes against common logic, if there is a TRUE external God he would not make you to conform to some agenda as the omnipotent being would simply make you as the whole rather then the broken part that needs a track to perform on.
There is no TEST of religious faith the ONLY TEST one has to endure on this planet is to learn to be YOURSELF, in the influx of all the other people trying so very very hard to force THERE OPINIONS on you.
Deep spiritual people will always stray away from mass religious ideals since it is simply catering to an agenda outside the realms of 'self', your time here is limited why spend it has another conformist sheep when you can spend it in the pursuits of the things you love.
people always reach out to see if there doing the TEST of life correctly, the TRUTH is there is no test and there never was one, you have total free will, as it should be, you can do anything you want, so in even if there was an omnipotent being he would not interfere in your affairs has in all things this is what you 'choose' in your life, asking for a farther figure to step in is contratidictory to the things you wanted to do, hence when you subjicate yourself to a slaves existence, no one is coming to state that’s wrong, since in all respects that was your choice.
Hence sadly mass religion is to supplicate yourself to a higher master, to me there is no higher master then yourself, to think otherwise is condemnation for your purpose for being here, a true external God, would not need your worship since he is omnipotent, hence religion when looked at through a tight magnifying glass is the acceptance of control from superiors. To accept and external god as your saviour is to accept your nothing but a puppet to do his whim or you will be punished for it, this is a perfect template for the social structure you have been brought up in, to respect AUTHORITY is the key underlining concept of ALL RELIGIONS, there is nothing spiritual about selling ones soul.
I find most religions backwards, there teachings seem normal, until one presents the theory of the ‘looking glass’ hence what they state is most probably the truth but in reverse.
I am not talking about social moral implications; I am referring to references for spiritual growth.
Anyway in time most religions will be dead and the new age of true spirituality may then come, or people will simply embrace the theory of evolution and use that as there template for stating we where simply an accident.
But has science progresses and religions get destroyed even the most adamant atheist is starting to think ‘twice’.
The bible is a good starting point to learn spirituality, but it is NOT THE WAY, it is simply a stepping stone to understand the true origins of its many stories that pre-date far before there stated points of reference.
Most of this stuff as stated in another thread usually predate to Sumerians culture, one can look there as there true starting point for a faith they probably can accept in this day and age, since to me taking the bible literally imo is the acceptance of ignorance and insanity and sheep mentality.
if your catholic and insulted by this message, the thing i have have for you is Ditto! I too am insulted how people will swollow what there told without doing there own research into the subject and EACH AND EVERY catholic that has come who has managed to FREE HIS MIND to the POSSIBILITY of RESEARCHING THE TRUTH OF HIS RELIGION has always come to the SAME CONCLUSION, if you want to know what that is and your a catholic, i suggest you break some of your conformist ways and 'learn' it is in essence the 'apple' in the garden of eden.
I have no problem stating this since i feel a inner desire to put a message across for people who are willing to search for the truth, rather then be simply shackled to the so called rightous modules of true faith.
Every man has an internal desire to understand where he came from, it is the message of the 'life time', hence why religions are so populer.
The concept of conforming to an higher authority can be traced back to summerian culture where apparantly the true creaters of mankind (made in his image, incidently the koran gives a nice example of what can be termed has gentic manipulation), points to the worship of an higher race, that when even reading the bible do not seem to be omnipitant but simply 'manipulative' to there higher purpose agenda, even the bible passages can be seen to be pointing control from sources that equal a superior race rather then a laughable god that sits in the clouds.
Also most of the theory behind the bible is based on astrological charts made out in the shape of the zodiac with the star sirius and sun worship has its main agenda, many of the bible stories are simply bast*rd-isd version of older relgions, mainly summerion ideals, even Jesus the saviour comes in many versions pre-dating the bible.
The bible is simply a collection of older stories made up to center around the worship of the sun and the zodiac, with a glossing of conforming to the agenda of authority control.
Now the purpose, why was religion invented?
Our DNA is said to contain JUNK DNA, which in essence could mean the locking away of DNA that could open up the potential of a longer life, some theorist even claim that they are amazed how such a perfect structure has man can grow old and die, it is theorized the original creator or creators where infact immortal and had no concept of religion has they did not need it, but they knew the fear of death and used that concept to induce the true slave control mentality, these same theorists claim our death and re-birth is our junk DNA trying to revive its true potential.
Or we could simply be nothing more then a lucky mistake, where by people in ages past had too much time on there hands, hence why i like to keep an open mind since there are many holes in each ideal, so far i have read.
All i do know the bible and most religions is the worship of the zodiac with magick type rituals around the worship of a god (lowercase g), why does the bible state dont use magic but the preachers of the faith have no problems in using:
An alter
Incantations and prayers
Swords, trinkets and other so called magic emblems.
You dont see it has magic worship but one only has to look at pagen cult (incidently the bible baster*ist that also) to see the many things that are in essence according to older religions magic rituals, which seem to point to sun worship or the worship of the astrologic star alignments.
Satanist cults use the same concepts but in reverse, not that i am a satanist, i dont believe either way, a satanist to me is simply another insane person who refutes the bibles teachings only to conform with most of its rehtoric.
True Satanists i hear are simply humanitarians, that simply mock the christian sheep mentality with there play on the christians use of Magick worship, hence it was first started with the catholic faith since that came first.