No, we can't just be friends!


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
I have a great female friend. She's gorgeous. 5'8", beautiful long redish brown hair, blue eyes, amazing ass & legs, HB8.5 status. I had a mild crush on her at one point, but after I got to know her, she's just too much of a guy. We talk about sex all the time and she gives me some pretty amazing insight. I practice C+F and Kino on her all the time. She knows what's going on. She's quite the player herself. She keeps me on my game. All of my other friends are total AFCs so she's the only person I have to talk to about my game. I've hung out with her plenty and never felt like I was falling for her in any way. It's awesome. I don't know what I did right here to keep her as just my friend, maybe because that's all I really wanted from her? She's also clear about her intentions. She doesn't try to get attention by flirting so you're never "tempted" into thinking she's throwing out false IOIs.

Now there's another story... this girl who LJBF'd me. I agree'd to be friends with her because she's a blast and she hangs out in my friend group. She's cute, HB7 I'd say. It took me some time to get over her, but I'm over. It wasn't really torture, but I feel "stronger" now. I didn't really have a choice in this matter. She rooms with my best friend's girlfriend, so seeing her from time to time is unavoidable, and I'd like the experience to be mostly enjoyable.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
mpimpin said:
It's an alright post, But you can Have female friends. THere are benefits to having them. Use them as wingwomen, just be friends with them they'll introduce you to their hot Friends. You meet more women and get a good recommendation etc.
networkin networkin netwokin = pus*y,pu*y,pus*y


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
I just came across this thread and I think there is a lot of truth to it.

I had been an acquaintance with a girl for about 2 years and never was even the least bit attracted to her in any way during that time (she is a 5 at best). Well after knowing her all this time and never feeling a thing for her, I ended up in a situation where I needed somewhere to stay for a month and her place ended up being the only option. This was right after college and pretty much all my friends had moved away. So during that month, I spent pretty much all my free time with her and we became really close really quick. I eventually started to see her in a completely different way and fell hard for her.

Before I would look at her and think she was not attractive at all. After getting close to her, I began to think she was the most beautiful girl in the world (yea, I was a major afc back then). My feelings remained even after I moved out because we continued to hang out a lot. I went through a lot of pain and suffering over a girl that I never in a million years would have imagined I would ever be attracted to.

Sorry for the long story, but it was just to illustrate how true the original post is. It is basically impossible to be just friends with a girl if you spend a lot of time together and share everything with each other. Either the guy or the girl (it's usually the guy) is going to want more and end up getting hurt.


New Member
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
I agree holdheartly with the last post. It definfinitly is not worth it too be freinds with a girl. Last night I actually had one of these conversations with my so called girlfriend, which I told her that I did not want to talk to her anymore because of B.S. and lack of communication. She couldn't belive that I was going to do this and ruin our freindship. Basically, it sucks but you have to do these things then move on.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
TC142 said:
I agree holdheartly with the last post. It definfinitly is not worth it too be freinds with a girl. Last night I actually had one of these conversations with my so called girlfriend, which I told her that I did not want to talk to her anymore because of B.S. and lack of communication. She couldn't belive that I was going to do this and ruin our freindship. Basically, it sucks but you have to do these things then move on.
No way I disagree.. I think there shoulld be a balance...yes if u really like her than u cannot be friends with her period...but unless ur pathetic u will not have 'feelings' for every attractive pointed out there are many benefits for having friends with woman and the more attractive the example not stated already is how its so much easier to walk into clubs if ur with attractive girls......but its very ture that many guys destroy themselves by being friends wit girls......maybe the OP could also mention that the friends title is not bad..friends wit benefits..friends for now...colleage friends....sister like friends....and then there is the LJBF which is essentially the bad one


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
I lived through this from the ages of 14 to 16, I'm so glad I went through it then cause i see so many guys doing this in relationships now, probably most relationships..

And it is very true, girls, even after a long time, will never gain sexual attraction with a friend, especially if that friend will be a pushover/do anything for her/kino.. due to the fact that he has done all these things she has lost all respect.. its a cycle.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
i like this angstrom but i think you still could be friends with women, but not a woman who you've made clear that you like and she turned you down, there is a difference in how you will be treated i think. but the points in about how every guy she dates is her telling you that he's better than you is true, and if you stay as an emotional tampon to these women they will use and discard you at will