No Time Alone (weekend report)


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Right, basically met this gal and her friends this weekend, after talking to them for a while online, had to meet her friends (i know wrong thing blah blah but her friends are mine etc)! Anyway stayed at her house but her dad said i had to stay in spare room, stayed up till 2am talking and watching films, had a picnic and a laugh round london the day before, all was cool, lots of laughing, some kino (fighting over chocolate etc, opening hugs, 1 or 2 playfull hitting, kicking, my foot on top of hers during a movie, she didnt move it for ages, was cool)

now online she said things like "well i aint stopping ya if you want to come into my bed during the night" (coudnt do this as i was in the spare room and her friends slept in her bed with her) and also "ill show you my lucky knickers if you show me your lucky boxers" (i had a glimpse of them and said "i can see them " and she turned and smiled at me cheekily)

she payed for lots of my stuff (bought me lunch at the picnic, a train ticket and also all the gals chipped in for my chinese in the evening) i couldnt pay as i didnt have alot of money, altho i would of been able to, but they knew i didnt have alot!

The main problem was the lack of alone time, online we had definatly shown intrest and we said before basicaly that our mutual friends couldnt find out about us if anything was to happen and also they couldnt find out about the convos we have (which are dirty hehe) (long story why they couldnt find out but they cant just yet) So it was difficut to do anything sexual (she told me she loves a guy who takes charge)

The only times we were alone were

1) Sat in tv room just as she was putting film in, while others where in kitchen and i said the whole "i can see them" thing! Then just after that and she had pulled her jeans up the others walked in

2) That evening just before we went to bed, she told me to go see her drawings she had drawn on her sisters wall, we had to walk into her sisters room and be quiet as she was sleeping, her drawings were cool i said that (after saying online they were probably rubbish) just as we walked in her sister snored a lil so we both laughed out loud quite loudly which was funny

3) At this thing we went to the next day i was carrying a box round the back of this building and i told her to come with me coz i didnt know where i was going, she did, followed me, and showed me where to put the box and on our way back she stopped to get a drink (was only a 2 min together) and she dropped her coat, she asked me to pick it up, i did and we walked on together, and i placed the hood of her coat on her head as we went and met the others, also as we were walking i said "knickers xxxx" in a tone saying " i can see them pull your jeans up" she did but realised her knickers wernt showing and said "oi you just said that for the sake of it" i laughed!

and finally 4) Alone in the car, left alone for 2 mins at the most and we discussed the film we had seen the night before, i said the gal in it wasnt that fit but i still give her one! hehe! she laughed and said "yeh but who wouldnt you?" and i paused and said "you" with a smile and she just gave me a shock with a smile on her face and i said "only kidding, ha, id give ya one" and she said "oh thats just as bad!" so i said "wel what should i say then? maybe maybe not? ooo how mysterious of me!" she laughed and said "yep" so i said "something for you to find out" she laughed and said "oh good, ill look forward to that then" and we both laughed at a private joke about bearing things i mind(you wont understand) and she said "i was just about to say that" then she mentioned her hair being tied up and i said nah it looks fine as it is, then the others got back in the car!

end of the weekend we shared a hug and i stole a lil toy of hers (i put it in my bag for a laugh and she forgot about it) and on my way back home i text her saying "ha and the toy is mine" she replied "oh my poor toy, uve gotta come down next week now and give it back you meanie!" so i said "im not coming back just to give this back, its too cool! ha x" and she told me to take good care of it! and i cant believe i forgot about that!

basically on this info above how do you think it went? also main question the whole no time alone thing, should i tell her that i would of made a move if we had more time alone, should i say something like well how about we spend some time alone and ill let ya know if i would of made a move or not? how should i play this situation?

plus coz she payed for my stuff im gonna pay her back by taking her out sometime when i next meet her and hopefully it will be just me and her this time!

cheers for any help/advice!


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Also ill add that while we were out doing this thing on the 2nd day, lots of ppl were involved and the gals were checking out these guys in army outfits and this other guy, and they were hi fiving when they saw them and kept saying "id shag him" etc, dunno if this is a bad thing or just a normal thing, maybe you could tell me!



Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
"should i tell her that i would of made a move if we had more time alone, should i say something like well how about we spend some time alone and ill let ya know if i would of made a move or not?" no you should not tell her. it has to be done, not said. next time you see her, which should be just you and her, you can make your move when the time is right. don't force it. and about the "i'd shag him" with the girls comments... i wouldnt worry, girls are like that. just like us when we talk to our buddies and see hot girls walking around. only girls like to say it infront of us too. just to get a reaction.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
i was chatting to her and she didnt seem herself much, maybe it was just coz she was tired


i mentioned to her i wanted to pay her back for the stuff she payed for and she kept saying "no dont worry, seriously, dw about the money!" and "my mum paid for the chinese so dont worry"

also i said "i didnt take advantage of the whole ball in my court thing either" (she said the ball was in my court if we were to hook up this weekend) and she said "no and in no way big headed at all, im suprised that you didnt" so i said well i never really had a chance to, and she said suppose so, but most guys would take advantage of it, and i said well i aint gonna hook up with a gal while her best friends are there and she said "no probably best not too"

then i said well ill take you out sometime just me and you alone, and i can pay ya back then, and she said "no seriously dont worry about the money" so i said "well i wont pay ya back with money then" and she said "well all is good with me then"

what ya think?