no sh1t, when you get in shape it all changes drammatically

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
We talked about it many times but I didnt realize it could have been so extreme.

Big arms, sharp body and a powerful aura can really turn things badly.

I have now girls saying hi to me first, sometimes girls I never even spoke to before, those that I know behave totally different.

Its not that much the flirting things which impressed me, it seems I became a man worth of consideration only now that I have a masculine shape.

When I was skinny I surely didnt expect women to fall near me but it was the fact of being considered a lesser man which bothered.

The funny thing is that I've been driven to improve my body mostly because of my narcism first and from my need to be able to handle annoying situation with other men.

Anyway about the girls, never happened of being approached for casual talking or have them being so friendly when I was just average, the difference is really noticeable.

Anyway dont get me wrong Im no big guy or look like one of those ripped fitness models, I just managed to have a good v-taper and muscular arms and shoulders yet it changed my overall look.

I wonder what will happen when I'll manage to look close to those fitness models.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
Ruler said:
Well I'm you before you started working out. Skinny. Really skinny. 6'0" 131lbs.
That sounds like me my graduating year in high school nearly. I was 5'9 and 140lbs. I'm 31 now and 6'3 190 LBS. Didn't pick up a weight till I was 26, but found I had pretty good natural genetic potential. You gotta eat though bro. If you ever have a question as far as diet goes to gain weight and muscle mass, as a former skinny guy I can help you out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ruler said:
Well I'm you before you started working out. Skinny. Really skinny. 6'0" 131lbs. Not good at all (though all of my weight is muscle). I have a calculated ~3% or so body fat. It sucks.
I eat and eat and eat. Usually eat something light for breakfast, a yogurt and banana or something, then lunch, big snack at 3, dinner, second dinner at 9, third dinner at 11:30 or so. All with lots of the essential nutrients. Just won't get bigger.
I really think if I got to 150 of just muscle (which is a lot for what I'm dealing with here) then no matter how many little chinks i have in my game i can make up for with looks. But again, that'll only get you so far.
It's great youve managed to get built. But let me ask you this: is it the confidence you gained from the muscle that girls like, or the muscle itself? I promise you the way you carry yourself has changed and that might be all that was needed for you to dramatically increase your attractiveness.
If you're not putting on weight, you're not eating enough - it's that simple


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
i too am a slender guy who worked out a lot, and though i look in shape im still not a big guy, and even still i noticed a big difference. what i really wonder now is how do women respond around guys who are truly big, like guys who have bodies like professional football players or professional wrestlers like the rock or hulk hogan in his prime, i mean they must just make panties wet everywhere they go.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
I'm 5'11 @ 155lbs.. I am broke... all I have are 20 pound weights at home.

What is the cheapest way to put on mass?

i have been working out for 2 weeks and I feel amazing!

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
MillionBillionaire said:
I'm 5'11 @ 155lbs.. I am broke... all I have are 20 pound weights at home.

What is the cheapest way to put on mass?

i have been working out for 2 weeks and I feel amazing!
You can actually do a lot with those 20 pounders if you do the right excercises. A lot of pushups will help out too. Eat a lot, but eat clean.


Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
MillionBillionaire said:
I'm 5'11 @ 155lbs.. I am broke... all I have are 20 pound weights at home.

What is the cheapest way to put on mass?

i have been working out for 2 weeks and I feel amazing!
Get a gym membership.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Let some time pass and you will see nothing has changed. Changes are to be made on the inside more importantly.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
MillionBillionaire said:
I'm 5'11 @ 155lbs.. I am broke... all I have are 20 pound weights at home.

What is the cheapest way to put on mass?

i have been working out for 2 weeks and I feel amazing!
supersetting dumbell squats and lunges is your best bet until you can get a gym membership

try cycling through a few different exercises, do one set of pushups, one set up squats, one set of situps/leg lifts, one set of dumbell shoulder press and repeat over and over until your exhausted etc..


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
I have been doing what I can with my 20lbs dumbells and a mirror.. also taking protein powder with whole milk every day..

I'm far too broke to afford a gym membership.. hooefully get to 165-170 by summer.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Ive been weight training for a good few years now and when i first started gaining size and definition i was attracting chicks for fun i was brimming with confidence and getting laid every week i had virtually no game at this point either but that’s how much difference a good shape can make

Unfortunately As I’ve started to get older and more and more guys are hitting the steroids I’ve been left behind , right now i seem to be stuck as i can’t seem to gain anymore weight without vastly increasing my diet which i have neither the time or money to do

These days unless i have my top off random women no longer seem to notice me which is starting to knock my confidence

Steroids aren’t something ive ever wanted to turn too.....but I’ve hit a brick wall with my game now and i need something to give me the confidence to smash through it

Any users on here


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
Bingo-Player said:
Ive been weight training for a good few years now and when i first started gaining size and definition i was attracting chicks for fun i was brimming with confidence and getting laid every week i had virtually no game at this point either but that’s how much difference a good shape can make

Unfortunately As I’ve started to get older and more and more guys are hitting the steroids I’ve been left behind , right now i seem to be stuck as i can’t seem to gain anymore weight without vastly increasing my diet which i have neither the time or money to do

These days unless i have my top off random women no longer seem to notice me which is starting to knock my confidence

Steroids aren’t something ive ever wanted to turn too.....but I’ve hit a brick wall with my game now and i need something to give me the confidence to smash through it

Any users on here
Work on your inner game. For 3 years strait I have done nothing but inner game and I am finally starting to work out... I think having a good combination of learning inner game and working out = massive confidence...

Inner games stuff I'm into now...

No More Mr. Nice Guy
How to be a 3% Man by Corey Wayne
Anthony Robbins
Tons of RSD

And this forum.. is aiiite.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
MillionBillionaire said:
I have been doing what I can with my 20lbs dumbells and a mirror.. also taking protein powder with whole milk every day..

I'm far too broke to afford a gym membership.. hooefully get to 165-170 by summer.
Time for some real talk. I can't see how you're going to put on that much weight by the summer if you can't afford a gym membership. In terms of my expenditure on gym related stuff, to put on a pound a week, I have to eat a ton of food and that's my biggest expenditure relatively. Secondly, I don't know how you can afford protein powder, I know in the States like over here they have gyms that are open all hours with no contract. Save some money, sign up and go for a month at it hard. Chances are you will see zero gains but you'll feel a lot stronger.

Going to the gym and having a masculine physique is a total game changer, I've noticed it, everyone just seems to be that little bit nicer and more open for talking.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Ruler said:
Well I'm you before you started working out. Skinny. Really skinny. 6'0" 131lbs. Not good at all (though all of my weight is muscle). I have a calculated ~3% or so body fat. It sucks.
I eat and eat and eat. Usually eat something light for breakfast, a yogurt and banana or something, then lunch, big snack at 3, dinner, second dinner at 9, third dinner at 11:30 or so. All with lots of the essential nutrients. Just won't get bigger.
I really think if I got to 150 of just muscle (which is a lot for what I'm dealing with here) then no matter how many little chinks i have in my game i can make up for with looks. But again, that'll only get you so far.
It's great youve managed to get built. But let me ask you this: is it the confidence you gained from the muscle that girls like, or the muscle itself? I promise you the way you carry yourself has changed and that might be all that was needed for you to dramatically increase your attractiveness.
I guess its a mix of the two, the changes which are a fact and not a perception improves the feedbacks you get from the mirro and from other people which in turn push you to behave more confidently which again push you to invest more in the gym and so on.

When you learn how to ride a horse, people treats you as a knight which makes you feel more confident in riding and you do it even better, when you ride properly people treats you as a king...its a cycle but it all started with you on top of a horse.

Mr Wright said:
Time for some real talk. I can't see how you're going to put on that much weight by the summer if you can't afford a gym membership. In terms of my expenditure on gym related stuff, to put on a pound a week, I have to eat a ton of food and that's my biggest expenditure relatively. Secondly, I don't know how you can afford protein powder, I know in the States like over here they have gyms that are open all hours with no contract. Save some money, sign up and go for a month at it hard. Chances are you will see zero gains but you'll feel a lot stronger.

Going to the gym and having a masculine physique is a total game changer, I've noticed it, everyone just seems to be that little bit nicer and more open for talking.
Nothing to add, its true and its in the real world not in our head.

Social_Leper said:

The changes you make externally, shape and define how you feel about yourself. Confidence comes from real tangible achievements. Success begets success. Then it becomes a positive feedback loop until the confidence is truly internalised.
Well said, many times here we read about "be more confident" as if confidence could be created out of nowhere.

In this case the v-taper, the big arms and the hot body automatically create confidence based on something real, something that exists to which is added a positive feedback from others.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Corey Wayne is on the money. If you don't have a gym membership try doing Calisthenics and Yoga at home. I don't want to gain wait I want to be cut and lean, not huge like The Rock or anything


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
MillionBillionaire said:
I'm 5'11 @ 155lbs.. I am broke... all I have are 20 pound weights at home.

What is the cheapest way to put on mass?

i have been working out for 2 weeks and I feel amazing!
Can you spring $50 for a kettlebell set? Kettlebell workouts are for real dude, I'd go with this option if you can't get a gym membership right now.

Get one like this where you can start with a small amount of weight and add more on to it later when you get stronger: http://www.****

Edit: lol, the link won't work because it says d!cks in it, it is from D!cks sporting goods store. Swap out the asterisks with the 4 letter word.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
I have to say this is true, until you get to a certain point. If you stay on the smallish side, you're fine. Once you get into the 200+ region of weight (height dependent of course), you'll find it has the opposite effect. Only certain girls will talk to you/say Hi first. The ones that aren't intimidated.

I've been 170lbs at 5 foot 8, and that was where I had my best success.

Sitting at 210 lbs currently, with even less body fat than when I was at 170lbs, ehhh can't say the same for the women success rate.

I would also like to add, if you become to dependent on your body type/shape/feel, it can be a negative. One day you may not look so great, feel bloated, etc and your confidence will go down, since you are basing your confidence on your looks/body shape.

What i've noticed:

my buddy is 5 foot 9, 130 lbs or so , very skinny dude, this guy picks up massive amounts of women. I have to say the "being in shape" argument ends with him. You dont NEED to be big/lean/etc to get women. If your confidence comes from something as shallow as looks, you will never gain real confidence in yourself and never truly like who you are.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
JohnChops said:
I have to say this is true, until you get to a certain point. If you stay on the smallish side, you're fine. Once you get into the 200+ region of weight (height dependent of course), you'll find it has the opposite effect. Only certain girls will talk to you/say Hi first. The ones that aren't intimidated.

I've been 170lbs at 5 foot 8, and that was where I had my best success.

Sitting at 210 lbs currently, with even less body fat than when I was at 170lbs, ehhh can't say the same for the women success rate.

I would also like to add, if you become to dependent on your body type/shape/feel, it can be a negative. One day you may not look so great, feel bloated, etc and your confidence will go down, since you are basing your confidence on your looks/body shape.

What i've noticed:

my buddy is 5 foot 9, 130 lbs or so , very skinny dude, this guy picks up massive amounts of women. I have to say the "being in shape" argument ends with him. You dont NEED to be big/lean/etc to get women. If your confidence comes from something as shallow as looks, you will never gain real confidence in yourself and never truly like who you are.
So where exactly our confidence should come from if not from something which creates value?

Hot body, sharp clothes, fast car, fat bank account are external things so the confidence is fake.

So we should be confident in our degrees? the travels we made? how exacly it makes me more valuable than those around me?

You know why George Clooney is confident? because he knows that his look, his fame and a basic ability to act grants him fortune,fame,money and pvssy...not because he is some kind of ego free budda.

All this talking about confidence coming out of nowhere as clean energy doesnt really makes sense, confidence comes from the fact that you're confident in having something useful that others dont.

The same moment you see you are exactly like everybody else you have no reason to be confident.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
@leper and @whodares now that you put it that way, that makes sense. I was just speculating. Shouldn't we strive for internal confidence though? And you're saying that comes from external items?