No response? How can I look at this positively?


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
tsmith2334 said:
I'm not putting any time into it!
You're not getting ass from her you're not going to be in a relationship with her so my point is why the **** do you care?


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
MCristo said:
You're not getting ass from her you're not going to be in a relationship with her so my point is why the **** do you care?
Sorry dude, you seem bitter and depressing. I feel bad for you.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
tsmith2334 said:
Sorry dude, you seem bitter and depressing. I feel bad for you.
Actually I'm neither bitter nor depressed. Excuse me for giving you advice.

You are talking to a girl you never see. What are expecting of this? Phone sex?

It's just reality dude.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
No one is say you should next her because she didn't return the call, you should next her because she isn't interested. If she was interested, then she would've done it by now. Women are run by their horemones, so they'd gladly push more important things asside to call someone that they are interested in.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
Date lots of women. Get lots of women around you. When you forget about her, then she'll call you. Then forget about her again. Then that's it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
tsmith2334 said:
I have a small crush on a girl from my hometown who goes to another school. I see her very rarely, (we went on a little dinner date last summer) and I talk to her once a month, usually just a quick text or IM. She iniated last time. We're casual friends (I'm NOT in the friends zone)

What's the difference?

So anyway, I figured I'd give her a call last week. I was aiming for a "hey what's up" kind of deal, five to ten minutes of friendly conversation with some C & F and flirting if I could pull it off. I WASN'T going to overdo it and talk her ear off (I.e. friendzone terroritory), I just merely wanted to touch base. I almost never make these kind of calls for what it's worth.

What is the point of the call in the first place? She sounds like your sister at this point. Unless you are want to meet her for a date or sleep with her, you are acting like her gf.

Anyway, she picks up, and says she is in the middle of walking to class and asks if she can call me back. I told her sure. She usually sounds pretty excited to hear from me, but she didn't then. Anyway, here we are a week later... no call back or response of any kind... and I'm kinda bummed.

Maybe she just flunked a test when she talked to you. Maybe her mom passed away. Maybe she forget because she had 3 exams the next day. Maybe her best friend told her where to go. Maybe she got fired from her part time job.

I hate to say it, but it's kind of typical of her not to call back, from what I've seen she's not even good at returning calls from her closest girlfriends. At this point I plan to iniate contact again (something other than calling) next month some time and just act unphased by the little snubbing I got. You know the deal, spin plates, not take it to heart, limit my supply, give it time, all that DJ stuff.

Next month? Whoa dude, slow it down. Not everything has to move as fast as one 10 min call per month.
Well there is nothing wrong with your ego. Get snubbed from a girl who doesn't go to your school and who you IM 2 lines every month or text 2 lines every month. How dare she snub you? This is you we are talking about!!

Get a grip and move on bro.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
I didn't read the whole thread, but I read at least the first half, and I have to agree with the OP'er on this one a little. You don't have to next every girl in the world at the drop of a hat. Sure you shouldn't waste your time if you know the girl has low or no interest. However so many people on here say you should next every girl for tiny little red flags.

I mean sure we all agree that since she didn't return his phone call that its definiately not a good sign. However sometimes people really do forget to return calls, even if there is interest. I have forgot to return calls to girls I had a high level of interest in myself. So I don't think all hope is lost. She could have actually really had a busy day and it slipped her mind.

That being said, I would also say the OP needs to make sure to not get oneitis. Your are on the verge of it it seems. You should only next a girl when one of 2 things happens.

1. She shows clear and obvious signs of flaking or of no interest 2 or more occasions.
2. She seems to have low to moderate interest and is taking up your time or keeping you from talking to other potential girls.

So at this point, this girl has done neither. She flaked once by not calling back, so in my opinion the OP should give it more chance, and if she flakes in any way then cut ties with her. But since he is right that he doenst really have any time or money invested in her, he can probably try once more, as long as he doesn't get oneitis at all cause that would mean he is hurting is chances getting other girls if he gets that.