Senior Don Juan
So what's up with that, do you think?? Lately, getting an actual # , that act in itself, hasn't actually proven to be THAT big of a challenge (alright, certainly there have been alot of shoot-downs too - who doesn't have those??) , but the actual challenge for me seems to be making my mind up to DO anything with the #'s after I've gotten them. For instance, in the past couple weeks, I've gotten about five. In various circumstances, which I won't go into here, because it's not really relevant to my post, to my question. But the thing is I've ended up using not one of them. It's like the whole point is (already) just becoming the gradual accrual of more and more phone numbers, which are never actually used. I thought, if that ever happened to me, that it would happen much later, like a year or two down the road or so. But I find myself having no motivation to use the #'s that I close. So that's my problem. Anybody else ever experienced that? What do you think the cause of it is?? I was thinking maybe it's something like subconscious fear of committment or something like that. I mean I know I DO have certain "intimacy issues" , and I think I might be essentially (what females would call) "emotionally unavailable" for certain reasons right now. But still , what good does it do to mack at all if you never follow through and even call the girl, much less take her on a date?? The whole first date thing, it feels like such a pain in the a$$ right now. You know, the "getting to know you" thing, the this and that, back and forth, etc etc. Who needs it?? So I don't know. Is it worth continuing to "sarge", or ?? Is it better to deal with the emotional "issues", or whatever you want to call it, first ?? ~D