Too late, I went to the club again and she was working, heres the breakdown!: I gave her my coat and said hi, I get a hi back, and take my number, I left it at that. So I go over later and I figure I had to ask her straight up as to why she hung up on me. Anyways, she says that her phone died and she couldnt call me back because my number was in her phone that she couldnt get into because the battery was dead. So I said "well why didnt u call me the next day?!" so she said "Well why didnt you call me the next day after our date?!" So then I said "look I hate playing games, I didnt have time to call u that day because I was busy, and I showed you that I would still call because I called the next day and you hung up, I hate games, I am telling you that I would like to get to know u better" so she says that she is busy throughout the week, so I get her to break down what she is doing, anyways thursday looked not so busy for her and I said "well lets do something thursday before you have to work" and she says "ok, call me around 6ish tommorow".
So I am talking to this guy that knows her and is friends with her and he says that she does that all the time to him.
I really have nothing to lose so I am going to call her tommorow at 6. Any suggestions, anger, problems with what I am doing/going about this?! I wanna hear everything...