Zarky said:
WTF, if she's paying why wouldn't you go? Chat up some other women while you're there. If anyone asks, just tell everyone that you and the chick are, "Just friends."
The only reason chicks hold out on sex is because they think they can. Read that five times.
Her mom has her a subscription so she gets the tickets free automatically.
I thought she was paying at first but she already has them. I'm not going to initiate contact with her anymore, cause she most of the time contacts me.
You know I found out she's on lavalife because one of the pictures she sent me I recognized. She's not that computer smart so her profile shows her most recent logon was.
I find she's logging on 3 days consecutively.
So in the car I test her...
I asked her, hey you try any of those online dating sites?
He said well "not really why".
I say, "Oh because your picture you sentme I recognized"
Her: "Oh really"?
I say, "Yes I saw you on lavalife"
She askes if I use it I said "yeah I'm on htere"
I then ask her how logn she checks online
She says "not very often"
I said, "well I saw your profile twice/thrice and found that you went online 3 times consecutively. That doesn't sound like not very often".
She said well I dunno what the big deal is, after my ex and i broke up I just made an account. I didn't meet anyone or anything.
I said well, you didn't give me straight answers when I asked you those questions... which is kinda weird. She knows it was a test and she failed...
I asked her, well whats your goal to be online, are you looking for an ego boost? She said no...
Since she is beating around the bush when answering those questions it makes me believe she's hiding a few things... tsk, tsk, tsk...
Well off to a night club, tell you guys how it goes.
Maybe I should flop on her for next Thursday and give some lame excuse so she knows I am quickly losing interest and she has to do something or else... I feel bold to do something like that now. Any suggestions on how I should do it? Day on, day before and how to say it?
Thanks ^^