No contacting a No Contact Ex - Switch Power


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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The thing with old oneitis and girls you screwed up with back in the day is that if they come back and you are demonstrating a new alpha vibe they WILL **** test the fvck out of you.

I've dealt with this recently and I converted an old oneitis of mine but it wasn't as easy as a new girl would be.

I had to navigate a friend zone attempt and a flake to get there.

"I'm not interested in being friends"

After I ignored the flake, she's all sorry can we go out on Wednesday instead

Me "sure we can hang on Wednesday night, your bringing the movie though "

She did bring the movie and I had great sex and she's been back for more.

A lot of guys would have either failed the **** tests or got all butthurt and whiney over it. At the end of the day she wanted to see if I was bulls hitting my new attitude and would go back to the old AFC ways. My attitude is like fine you wanna **** test me, let's dance.

Sure it takes effort but when you get handed the chance to slay one of your old demons so to speak the rewards are more than worth it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
If it has been years since you spoke... Shouldn't you already have a hot gf? And if you do why the hell would you be still replying to her . Obviously she knows you haven't now ... For her mission accomplished.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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mikey2012 said:
If it has been years since you spoke... Shouldn't you already have a hot gf? And if you do why the hell would you be still replying to her . Obviously she knows you haven't now ... For her mission accomplished.
No thats not quite the story. Yes she knows I have an HB8, she has done for years. She has also had her regular guy(s). As I mentioned earlier I replied and started to communicate again for the FB situation. I have no issue doing that, but realise now that my mistake was in way too much comms, way too little action. I have learnt from that. Her 'mission accomplished' would have been validation that I was prepared to re-engage at all. But as many have said here, a FB situation, if seized quickly, is not a beta move. It's worked for me in the past. I just played this situation wrong.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2015
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Infern0 said:
The thing with old oneitis and girls you screwed up with back in the day is that if they come back and you are demonstrating a new alpha vibe they WILL **** test the fvck out of you.

I've dealt with this recently and I converted an old oneitis of mine but it wasn't as easy as a new girl would be.

I had to navigate a friend zone attempt and a flake to get there.

"I'm not interested in being friends"

After I ignored the flake, she's all sorry can we go out on Wednesday instead

Me "sure we can hang on Wednesday night, your bringing the movie though "

She did bring the movie and I had great sex and she's been back for more.

A lot of guys would have either failed the **** tests or got all butthurt and whiney over it. At the end of the day she wanted to see if I was bulls hitting my new attitude and would go back to the old AFC ways. My attitude is like fine you wanna **** test me, let's dance.

Sure it takes effort but when you get handed the chance to slay one of your old demons so to speak the rewards are more than worth it.
Bro.. Did u get this from "Coach Corey Wayne"? I have been seeing some of his videos. The points are exactly the same as you.

If you are the dumpee, just move on and she reaches out, ask her out.
If rejected? "Great to hear from you, let me know when your schedule is more free up. I got to go" and cut the converastion short.

No bull****, no wishy washy stuffs. Just meet up. Have fun, hook up till you are inside of her.

I am going to adopt this mentality to my own scenario. Please look at my thread if possible.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
HeadLightsOn said:
No thats not quite the story. Yes she knows I have an HB8, she has done for years. She has also had her regular guy(s). As I mentioned earlier I replied and started to communicate again for the FB situation. I have no issue doing that, but realise now that my mistake was in way too much comms, way too little action. I have learnt from that. Her 'mission accomplished' would have been validation that I was prepared to re-engage at all. But as many have said here, a FB situation, if seized quickly, is not a beta move. It's worked for me in the past. I just played this situation wrong.
Dude Give it up. Forget her


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
andy1234 said:
Bro.. Did u get this from "Coach Corey Wayne"? I have been seeing some of his videos. The points are exactly the same as you.

If you are the dumpee, just move on and she reaches out, ask her out.
If rejected? "Great to hear from you, let me know when your schedule is more free up. I got to go" and cut the converastion short.

No bull****, no wishy washy stuffs. Just meet up. Have fun, hook up till you are inside of her.

I am going to adopt this mentality to my own scenario. Please look at my thread if possible.
Yes I've adapted a lot of my strategy from Corey Waynes stuff. I think he has 100% the right attitude and approach.

The key with his approach is just being centered and genuine so you don't have to play mind games and you can't "lose" when you get an easy come easy go mindset.

So many people on this site would have got butthurt in the above scenario and took things personally and blocked her etc.

A bit of patience and chilled vibe and it all played out perfectly and she is talking about being my girlfriend now


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Infern0 said:
Yes I've adapted a lot of my strategy from Corey Waynes stuff. I think he has 100% the right attitude and approach.

The key with his approach is just being centered and genuine so you don't have to play mind games and you can't "lose" when you get an easy come easy go mindset.

So many people on this site would have got butthurt in the above scenario and took things personally and blocked her etc.

A bit of patience and chilled vibe and it all played out perfectly and she is talking about being my girlfriend now
I can echo this. Inferno is right.

I've been starting to date an ex among my other birds (shock horror right?).

When I got butthurt and confronted her it just pushed her away. When I backed off and didn't care if she flaked then she suddenly rearranged the dates etc.

Example is this weekend, we were meant to see each other on Sunday. She had a legitimate reason to flake (confirmed). I could have got all annoyed and just NC'd her.

Instead I said:
"Ah that's **** luck, well hope you sort things. Have a good week x"

She came back:
"Sorry, can we meet this week for dinner one evening, I'm free pretty much every evening"

An example of it working. It is SO hard when you like a girl to not get Butthurt or be annoyed. Being angry and spiteful may feel good but it's not the way. Stop caring and instead be polite but send an underlying message that you are indifferent.

In England we have a phrase: "Kill them with kindess". It essentially means that you show your enemies nothing in terms of negative emotions and that kills them as they want a rise out of you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Thought Id post an update of sorts, especially as there were some great posts and advice on my OP.

I confirmed the following:

- She has recently been very sick. HEAD sick.
- She has had to have 'intervention' of sorts and medication.
- She is a mess. Very much so.
- I escaped by the skin of my teeth. I COULD have been hoovered back into the starting gate again. Kr1st that wouldve been a slow death.

Her ability to play men (people) is quite amazing in a way. I have had a good look at myself, my partial beta ways and have worked hard on correcting those. I believe Ive made progress.

In the last two weeks I have also had sexual contact with a HB7, slightly older but very experienced and a HB8, very young and very very keen. Both those contacts have picked me right up.

I feel better. I can look back and see what happened to me after all those years and how I shouldve gone for the fvck straight away with this boomerang, or simply remained NC.

And I can confirm, that my biggest 'fear' is oneitis. Oh I dont like THAt at all...

Thanks again for all the input, whether it was constructive or just plain - well - mean. It worked.