No contact can "Actually" bring her back!


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
Hello members,

Thought to share my own thoughts about so called "No contact" rule. I'm still in the proccess of this no contact thing so i have not experienced the results yet but as we all know, most people say's it's a technique to get over your ex, and some say's they're going NC (No contact) to get their ex back.

It can be used for both of these perposes. Yes you can get over your ex, get over all your feeling's using No contact, and in some cases you can also get your ex back.

Here's why: In most cases, if your ex cheated on you, or was never sincere, or if she found someone else -- then how can we guarantee that no contact will bring her back? Of course there are chances but very less, being honest.

But if it was a true relationship, you both were hell sincere to each other's and spend too much time (1 year minimum) and then she lose interest. Then there are High chances for you to get her back using "no contact".

A women will only lose interest if you change your "ownself" with her. She fell in love with you because of what you "was" and she got tired of you because of what you "are" - rite? Yep!

So mostly girl's lose interest in men (almost in 90% of cases) because you become overly-nice, too much available, extra caring and make her truly believe that no matter what, you are always going to be with her. Not by saying all these, by your actions she can come into this conclusion.

How can she miss you or read your romantic texts again and again when you're available 24/7 to talk to her and give her your "NEW" messages? Common sense! How can she realize true worth of your "I love you" messages when you say this all the time? How can she even be afraid of losing you when you've made her so sure that you'll never leave.

Mostly in such cases, girl's get rude, disrespectful and harsh, because a women do what she feel's, and we boy's rely on logic's! She feel's the need of being harsh towards us and she do it - it's not her fault, it's our fault that we made ourself too permanant! How will she invest, try to make us happy, or even try to make your relationship better when she will know you're all hers!

So as it's in human nature, we never realize value of thing's that are with us, but we freak's out when we lose them! And that's the time when someone's value is realized. For example: When someone die, everyone cries for him/her, everyone misses him/her, but no-one care when he/she's alive - mostly. That's the case with no contact, YOU DIE IN THE EYES OF YOUR GIRL FRIEND. - Rite? Yep!

So that's how no contact may help you, but it's life - we should always be prepare for everything. It may get your ex back but it may also not - afterall it's life.

I'm just posting this because I'm in the same condition, and i hope my this post will help to give you all the courage and confidence you need right now - those who're going through same. :)

Btw--- If you've been successfully able to get back with your ex after applying this no contact rule, please post your stories! If she have been disrespectful towards you and then no contact helped you! :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Martinez, California
Haha, sure you can get her back if you don't have the ole oneitis. But ask yourself this question first. Would you be writing this post if you didn't have it? lol

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
The Gambler does not dwell on the spirit in which the post was written... This is good, basic info for anyone who will be in this situation. And yes, the heart WILL ache during that time.

The Gambler


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
question to anybody : if you end up doing NC and then end up getting her back doesnt that have a reversal effect because youll end up getting hurt again? shouldnt the point of NC to be to get over the girl and forget her completely and move on ..... just a though.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
No contact should be used after every break up. In all cases it should be used to get over the girl, however if you aren't that serious, then you can use it to bang her again(or for the first time if the relationship goes sour early on.).


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
Renegade357 said:
If you do NC the right way you won't want her back after it's over.
hell yea thats the truth

so fvcking liberating and new sense of JOY and excitement to plow other women

i begged for my ex back and it was another 2 ****tty miserable years wasted

NC = jay z voice " i guess i get my swagga back ! ! "



Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Renegade357 said:
If you do NC the right way you won't want her back after it's over.
right on!

I used NC, got my ex back for a couple months of steamy banging....then she flaked out again. To be honest, it wasn't that hard to loose her again, and the sex was fun, but it hampered my gaming for those two months.

Not sure if I would do it again, I escaped pretty unscathed, but others may not be so lucky. Be very careful gaming back an ex. Really, why would you want to anyhow?

If a girl dumped you, she paid you the ultimate form of disrespect. Why would you ever date a woman after that??

People said this to me, I didn't get it. But I do now. How right they were.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Why, oh why, would you ever want to go back to your (cheating/horrible) ex??

You had been with a h0e who's been treating you like a doormat. NC is not meant to get her to treat you like a doormat again! The point of NC is to actually give yourself the respect that you need. You are focusing on the wrong person. The focus should be YOU, not her!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
sharkbeat said:
Why, oh why, would you ever want to go back to your (cheating/horrible) ex??

You had been with a h0e who's been treating you like a doormat. NC is not meant to get her to treat you like a doormat again! The point of NC is to actually give yourself the respect that you need. You are focusing on the wrong person. The focus should be YOU, not her!
QFT, wrap your head around this brothers. I can't think of a situation where it would be good to get back with an ex.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
MtnMan said:
QFT, wrap your head around this brothers. I can't think of a situation where it would be good to get back with an ex.

Well, my ex left me after having an abortion, claiming it was too painful for her to see me now. Not sure if that's just a cover story, but I may be one guy whose situation is "different".


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
AFAIC, if I initiate NC, I'm damn done. And I've deleted her from every communication platform.

In dating, you are either going forward or backward. Going NC (erase and replace) is a way of moving forward. If I go NC, there is a reason. I am not going back to a girl that I got rid of, even if she nexted me first. I do not go back to my ex girlfriends. I ditched them for a reason. It's even worse that some still want to be just friends. I never accept that. Once I'm done with a girl, I'm done and I want nothing to do with her.

Men, we have the ability to kick a woman to the curb. God dammit, start using it!


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
NC should be used if you plan on going on the path of least resistance.

If she contacts me, I assume:

a) Currently have no options and is using you as a fallback
b) a hoovering narcissist
c) wants what she can't have


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
NC has additional merits. Having gone through a VERY long duration of agony over loosing my "true love" I know. I kept trying to get her back but all I was doing was signalling I would not go away and she could continue to take me for granted and ignore me. Long story but push forward in time, eventually I realized I was getting NOTHING from this arrangement and she was still getting the best of me so at first I started to play her game - did not call did not offer to meet her etc. It felt weird to me, I finally realized that if she had the same attraction to me that she'd eventually call. Well over time I kept lowering my engagement and now only casually talk to her. Sure she is much more attentive now and initiates contact more but I finally realized it was over and she is not into me the same way I was - that's right I was. Through all of this I finally learned I did not need her like I thought I did and yes that is liberating.

NC is hard **** but it's like the sharp knife versus a dull spoon when compared to dragging it out.

Feel like I was such a wimp for having let myself get to that point but hey life does what it does and I had to learn.