zekko said:
Let's look at the Eastwood movie "A Fistful of Dollars". Near the end of the movie he frees a woman from one of the gangs, reunites her with her husband and son, and sends them out of town. He even gives her some money to tide them over.
He does a Nice thing here, doesn't he?
He does a Good Deed.
Is he being concilliatory to the woman?
By gosh, he's even being a Capt. Save a Ho!
Yet this doesn't make him wimpy or immasculine by any stretch, does it? Would women be repelled by him for this action? While it might draw him criticism from some of the DJs on this forum, I think not.
.................. You're using a movie as an example ? I must admit either the rest of the world is really messed up or the USA has a tonne of damaged men running around.
When your out with a woman or just interacting with them and they pull out the "aww your such a nice guy" that translates back to "Dude your boring me here do something so I can give my body to you or I'm gonna chuck you into the friends list".
When you ask a woman what her partner is like she will always always always say "He is a really nice/good man" regardless of if the man she is with is a strong leader or a total weakling. She will never ever put her man down infront of other men unless she wants to hook up with said man or is bit(hing about her man to her girlfriends and poofta guy friends.
I am 100% sure of one thing though the amount of "strong leader" type of men around in the western countries is pathetically low. I work as a supervisor at my local airport and the amount of whipped men coming through from international flights is amazing. Whats startling is that most of these whipped men are white causcasian's.
A fellow worker pulled out a funny race related joke just a few weeks ago, he said you know the difference between the white men and the coloured men is?
The white man will stand in our shop wanting to buy his favourite products but will seek for approval from his woman, who meanwhile goes and spends around $500-$1000 and scolds her husband/fiance/bf with "don't you have that at home already?", after a breif exchange of looks the man backs out and offers the whole "shall I pay for that dear" and she retorts back with "don't worry I have your card".
The coloured men however buy what they want and their women ask their men if its alright if they go and look through our store and buy a few things for themselves. At the end of the joke he blatently states that non-caucasian men have "balls" and that the women know who the boss is.
He goes further and says thats why so many white guys come through with an asian/indian or other dark skinned lady by his side its because our darker skinned women are better looking more feminine and less bit(hy.
And TBH we see this scenario play out at least a goot 50 times per day on nearly every flight.
Now back on topic about that movie ............. yes he is a good man but a stupid man, he could have just set her free and taken the money and started a good life for himself, instead he goes off into the sunset looking for another adventure but never planning for a future.