nice guys finish last


Senior Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
it true what they say nice guys finish last, well i happen to be one. no gf and no date ever at 24 yrs old male. being shy and quite doesn;t help much either. you can talk to a gal and be freindly with her but guess what a good % of them if they are around ur age or older i bet already has a bf. why waste time chatting with a gal if ya now she already has a bf. i want a single gal thjat is looking too.
part of my reason for a lack of girls- is shyness- i heardly talk to women esp the ones i am attracted to. till now or 1 yr ago i have started doing it.
i have only asked one girl out in my whole life. well i don't have any money so why would i ask a gal out-dating and havin a gf is an expenses. i have no car either. live wiht my folks. i am not sure where i gonna find that right gal for me. i really wished girls out there these days would be more assertive-asking a guy out, flirting with him,.... rather than the guy do it. would make it a lot easier for me. i was thinkin about the bar thing ,but i have no friends to go with and anyways i am kinda of too shy to go up to a stranger- a hot gal be it anyways and start flirt and chattin with her.
yea its true nice guys finish last and i am one of em-it sucks


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Nice guys don't finish last, shy guys that are unwilling to make advances finish last. I'm a really nice guy and I don't have any trouble with women, just need to be confident and talk to them. There's not much more to it, just flows from there.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
So you have no money to go on dates, no place to take them back to, no way of picking them up, and it's the girls' fault? Wow, you're really in denial. What does being a nice guy have to do with anything? Your problem is that you have nothing going for you in any aspect of life that would make you attractive. If you're 24 with no car and living at home women are the least of your worries. And you'll never go anywhere as long as you blame women for issues that are your fault. Get a better job, get your own place, go to the gym, take up yoga, take some classes, do SOMETHING.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
you sound kind of AFCish to me my fine friend from the north. Your major problem is you don't have any part of your life together less a way to get a girl which is very much secondary in my mind. If you don't have any money, a car, and no place of your own and you're my age. I know you can be on hard times (I'm kinda on hard times myself) but that's no excuse for not doing something proactive with your life.

You need to A. Get a job and B. Get your own place. After you have those down you can focus on C. getting a girlfriend. If you don't have the essentials how are you going to run with the big dogs?

I'm a pretty nice guy (sometimes) and I don't finish last very often, because I'm into my own thing. Girls tend to like a guy who's secure, and in your own security you'll find self confidence. If you can nail down getting your own life together then getting a girl will be a much smaller issue for you.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
you can talk to a gal and be freindly with her but guess what a good % of them if they are around ur age or older i bet already has a bf. why waste time chatting with a gal if ya now she already has a bf. i want a single gal thjat is looking too

Why talk to a female that has a boyfriend? haha, *evilgrin* I am the type that doesn't really care. Talking is talking. You need friends. But, just because a female has a boyfriend doesn't mean anything. If we went down my list of females right now, you would be surprised how many have boyfriends or significant others.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
well how a guy 24 that never ever had a gf or been on a date before lol not onceeeee. man i'm not sure if it just me but i bet u i am the last person ont he planet of earth that has not been on date or ever had a gf before, or even kissed one. at my age it like woowoow now can u understand

i mean even if i told a gal or futre gf that she woulnd't believe me-and i don't blame her -as how many guys are like me. i ain;t ugly either as some of u might have seen my pic. yea 24 it that baddddd


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by joe45
well how a guy 24 that never ever had a gf or been on a date before lol not onceeeee. man i'm not sure if it just me but i bet u i am the last person ont he planet of earth that has not been on date or ever had a gf before, or even kissed one. at my age it like woowoow now can u understand
I've heard of tons of guys in this situation, lookin for pity, just like you. The only person who can change your life is you, no amount of advice you can get off of this forum will help you more then your own motivation to change your life.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Hit the nearest nightclub, man. You say you don't have any money, but you can get some, its not much.

I've got a bit of shyness, but at the club you can redefine yourself. Those people don't know who you are, what your story is, or that you are shy. Just be as outgoing and friendly as you can, and you will meet some girls.

No friends? That sucks. Usually a good wingman can help you out, and you can help him scope out the place. Even when you're just "putting out the vibe" with him, there will be girls who ask you to dance. Have a good time and you will be that much closer to getting with someone.

One thing is for sure, if you don't try, don't expect any success. Get your mindset right and expect the best and chances are you will get it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by PRMoon
I've heard of tons of guys in this situation, lookin for pity, just like you. The only person who can change your life is you, no amount of advice you can get off of this forum will help you more then your own motivation to change your life.
well put.

You're poisoning your own mind. You think YOURE the only guy who's 24, jobless, broke, living with parents, no gf??

there are other guys like you out there, so you're not even worthy of pity my friend.

If there is anything you should blame, blame yourself for not making anything happen.

Self doubt is man's worst enemy.