NHY's Boot Camp: Week 2 Response Thread


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
i had 3 convos on wednesday.

first one was at the gym. this guy did some sets and when he finished, i opened him with "hey man, what sport do you play". convo lasted a good 5-8 minutes. it was from his sport, to bulking up, to his motorcycle accident etc etc.

next one was at school. i was filling up forms and kinda clueless as to where i should submit it so i asked the girl in front of me. 2minutes

this other girl started asking where she can buy this school shirt and i told her "go ask that guy over there" she comes back and i ask her if she knows where she's supposed to go. small talk. about 3 mins.



Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
alright i'm at 6/10. The first was this cute little asian chick with glasses sitting 1 table over from me at the library. we'd talk for a few minutes, go back to studying for a while, and this went on for at least an hour. she seemed...not exactly cold, but really reserved, so i didn't bother trying to go for the number. the second one was at the gym when i asked some guy to spot me for the bench press. me were just talking about the usual **** guys talk about in the gym...working out, chicks, sports, etc. the last one was an HB7 outside of the library i saw when i was having a smoke break. anyways, it turns out that she's the older sister of one of my friends, so that was pretty cool.

bad news though. i'm gonna have to drop out of this BC. i have 3 exams and an essay due in the next 2 weeks, so i definitely won't be able to give this BC the time and effort it deserves. anyways, i'm gonna have another go at it after exam period is over, so good luck to all of you guys in this BC.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Finished the 10, all done with week 2.

Probably had at least 15 solid conversations last night at the bar. I was trying to just vibe socially with everyone to help improve my social skills in general, and it worked pretty well. I didn't have an agenda to open any groups or get any #'s, just wanted to have fun and socialize, and it was a blast.

Most of the time I've been going to the bars lately I've been trying to get numbers, and even though I've been succeeding most of the time it's really not as fun as just hanging out and mingling with everyone.

Post up if you are still in for week 3 so I can compile a list of who is left.

Have a good weekend everyone still in the BC, I'll post the week 3 response thread on Tuesday.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at

Aite I finished week 2 today

One dude who isin my english class. saw him outside and talked a bit and then kept bumping into him around campus. The convo stayed on school but whatever

I was in the gym with my laptop playin for music (small gym) and this dude comes in with his music blasting. I really dont feel like arguing over who had music first (and he's a big guy), so i turn mines off and ask him does he have any other artist cuz the ppl he are playing now is garbage (jokingly) we get in a lil discussion about the music scene. Talk about gym regimes a bit and then i bounce cuz i had finished my workout

Im gonna count that one that i wasnt sure i was gonna count earlier in the week...that makes 10 :D

i just noticed that other than one dude who is in my class, none of the people know my name and i dont know theirs. I read here about not asking a girl for a name and i guess i was doing it to the strangers, male and female, lol.

Gotta get ready for the next week, i think its the hardest

Congrats JC9 & Dustin
JC9 U gotta give me some tips on the bar convos... I went there with the intent to start week 3 earlier tonite for an hour or so and it went terrible... I was sooo out of state. I didnt even try, but the worst part is i wasnt even close to trying. It was like the farthest thing from my mind

Gin&Tonic ya almost there, Gab01 and stubborn lights too...keep us updated so u can join week 3 soon fellas


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
For me, I went to the bar this time just to vibe with people.

No purpose beyond that. I have never been good at vibing in general, so i figured doing that would help my overall social development.

If I was at the bar waiting for my drink I'd just say 'hey, what's up' to everyone around me, joke about the service or whatnot. Most people would start talking with me as we both waited on drinks. Then if someone I was talking to said something cool I'd try and bring another person near me into the convo.

For example, talking with a guy who says "Yeah, I used to be a roadie for a band in the 80's", I'd turn to the next nearest person and say 'Dude, this guy was a roadie for x band, isn't that cool' and then they would join the conversation and we would all just talk random bull**** for a few minutes while our drinks were made. I was actively trying to engage and bring everyone into conversations.

Here is a link to a good article on vibing that helped me out: http://www.bristollair.com/outergame/skills/socialvibing/


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
i finished my remaining convos on friday. 2 were from people at my college. 2 from the gym and the other from a shop.

there was this one convo that totally stood out. it was with a girl from school. she was very receptive and i can see that she was REALLY into me (body language, smile etc). i wanted to but i didn't get her number. bah

week 2's done whew! on to week three fellas!