From Anti-Dump's Machine
Pulled from Anti-Dump's Machine
Women should be interested in YOU. Not what you are doing. When a woman changes the date it is a RED FLAG.
Think about it. She is 'negotiating' a simple date. What other demands is she going to insist on in the future?
I was once engaged to a girl that turned down TEN second date ideas. I swear to God!
She was one of the most INFLEXABLE girls I ever had a relationship with. We were going to be married and she REFUSED to spend sundays anywhere but at her mother's house. No exceptions. And she hated Boston. I LOVE Boston. My second date idea should have been Boston! Then I would have gotten rid of her then and not later.
You tell her "I was looking forward to playing pool with you. I'll give you another buzz sometime".
You pick the dates YOU want at first. She needs to like your style.
Call a week later with a DIFFERENT date idea. Not the one she said. Remember you are testing for HIGH INTEREST. If she doesn't accept the second one, throw her number away. I would say for the second turndown: "Wow. We seem to be different as night and day. Listen, maybe I'll see you around town. Goodbye."
The first date should be accepted . And the second and third as well. After that, you can compromise.
Another way is the counter-offer.
Ron: Let's go sky diving. I'll pick you up at 1:00PM on saturday.
Miss Inflexable: Oh god, I could never jump out of a plane. How about a simple dinner.
Ron: Sorry, but I just lost ten pounds. How about jet-skiing? (THE COUNTER-OFFER) My uncle will let me use his jet-ski . I'll be over at 3:00PM.
Miss Inflexable: I'm afraid of falling off the darn thing.
Ron: Maybe down the road we can get together. I gotta go. (click)
The whole point is that if she accepts your first three dates
she is going to be a flexable partner down the road.
Women that feel EVERY date has to be mutual are bad news in my book.
I called one girl years ago for a movie date. She said "I have to be in the MOOD for a movie".
Today Anti-Dump would say "Listen. I'll call you back when you are in the mood"! Like NEVER!
Stand your ground. It shows you are not desperate and that you are a MAN. You have BACKBONE.
It weeds out the ones that just want to use you for a good time. Or are going with you because they are bored.
You must be the FOCUS, not the girl. She needs to like who you are, not you to mold yourself to her pleasures. You guys are not ‘creating’ interest, you are just deceiving yourself. Why do people deceive themselves? Because it flatters the ego.
For a strategy to work, one of the sexes CAN'T be using a strategy.
Read this again.
One side has to be defenseless for the 'strategy side' to WIN.
Read this also again.
A man who is a Nice Guy will call a woman repeatedly because in the "Rules" she won't return a man's calls.
I other words the guy has to 'beg' for a date. Real men don't beg.
Begging is impossible with my strategy because of the two call limit. You are not defenseless.
If the male and the female are both using a strategy, like in chess, you have a STALE MATE.
Both of you LOSE the game.
The answer is simple: Date only women who have no 'plan'. Here's the great part. Women dislike strategies. As soon as they meet a guy they have HIGH interest in, they are the first to break the rules!
This is why you should never make an exception. The woman will be the first to compromise (a little).
Women who won’t let the men lead (at first) are scared of being women. You need to avoid them.
Almost every guy on the planet shows EXCESSIVE attention to a women. This goes on day after day, year after year. Women are bored with it. They've heard the compliments a million times. You believe a myth. You believe a woman doesn't get enough attention. You believe she's starved for attention. This is not so. Every day some guy is asking her to "get together some time". Every day some guy is asking for the number. Every day some guy is telling her how beautiful she is.
When you show a women INITIAL interest like said above, SHE BEGINS TO LOSE interest. Your theory would work if nobody was approaching these women day after day. THEN, her interest would suddenly INCREASE. But, instead, it DECREASES when you tell her how fine she looks and talks. She's BORED by unearned attention.
So, in effect, there can be no 'Cycle'. Attention kills the deal. It might work on an unattractive lady. I'll give you that . But on attractive to beautiful. I say it BACKFIRES.