I prefer Mystery,Rsd Tyleror Julien, Jeffy, even RooshV who is still swinging in the Trenches.
This guys wants to make money, they don't give a fvck about their clients, and they are not gonna fix their clients problems to get the intimacy with woman they want, because the have to make as much money as possible, their clients gotta go back to their seminars ot make ore money. How the fvck do you think they got their knowledge and skills about the PUA? HEARTISTE blog is free, the DJ's bible if free, the book of Pook is free and kill pete hog the same according to me this guys got the material from the internet, learned it, and copied Mystery to make a buck. The PUA industry is made to get you addicted to it so that you'll go back and buy more their products . All the guys you mentioned got a girlfriend or got married and mystery nearly committed suicide when her dream girlfriend was breaking up with him.
One of the most alpha guys i know was spinning 6 or 7 plates at the same time and he didn't need the guys that you mentioned above, and the 14 of February 6 women show up in front of his father tires shop taking flowers to him, all six the broads began fighting each over my friend.
Another guy got 6 girls spinning in 6 different towns, he stopped to work at 5-6 pm, traveled in each town to fvck each girl and got back home 5-6 am of the next day. I don't know how he did but he did. These friends of mine don't know the PUA industry, they aren't Brad Pitt and tall neither.
PUA industry it's a wast of time and money.
I mean come on guys it's nothing that red pilled unplugged guys can't do, instead, if you're are red pilled and unplugged I think you can do it better. I don't remember if was julien or tyler, but on youtube they began talking about the matrix and being plugging in, obviously they're reading the rationale male by listening what they were saying, and selling something you can get for free
The question at hand is reminiscent of what people said in the 70’s: Who will be the next Beatles?
The answer of course is that there can never be a next Beatles. All the ingredients existed at that moment in time, but all have dissipated and morphed.
Pook was a man of his time. He was a pioneer, and most men intuit this and respect him for it, even if they can’t articulate that. The world has changed drastically since Pook’s time. There can never be another 90s or 2000s. There can never again exist the social climate of his particular day. He had no Pook to look back to as we do. He was essentially blazing a new trail into new territory. Oddly, he drew upon the classics to make his points. That, I believe, was because he instinctively knew how to draw upon universal principles, but he presented them for the then current times.
The reality is that Pook passed the torch on to us. It’s easy to consider his stuff as a little dated or limited, but he really did do a lot to open up men’s consciousness and made us aware of our innate tendency to pedestalize women.
That depedestalization, I believe, is where we should be concentrating our efforts these days.
We shouldn’t be looking for another Pook, for that perceived “messiah” will never come. Instead we should be thankful that he was around when he was, and value his writing as insightful and applicable for today.
Well said we should develop new material for the manosphere. Nowadays only Heartiste, Rollo Tommasi ,a bunch of others guys and some users of this forum are creating good contents, most importantly without making money out of it. The stuff of Rollo Tommasi is always free, he doesn't even get donation, eh get donation for retired dogs that can't compete anymore, and the money of the audiobooks goes to Sam Botta to pay his medical bills, but most importantly the stuff of his blog it's the same of the book. Heartiste doesn't have ad's on his site.